*~~~~~e 'Vfev~< ~..JAL4,, J>,l PAGE 36, WIFPBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3,.1989 PARKY'S Il2nd Hand & Estate Broker WE PAY CASH *Gold - Diamonds I II Gold Coins - Furniture I I.Jewellery - Etc. ISWAP Il TRADE I Il TALK BUY' I Il SELL "The OnIy Est ate Broker in I Whftby and Oshawa f 5l 28 Sricoe St. S, Oshawa II NEW LOCATION 111B Dundas St. W., Whitby f SPhone 430-8387 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectlonais, less than haîf price. Large sellection. McKeon Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. SOLID PINE rectangular table with 4 chairs, $250.00; solid pak Sklar dining-room suite, like new $2,500.00. Phone 666-1091. GET VOUR NSA water fiter at a wholesale price. Countertop mo- d3ls $180.00; under-sink models $220.00. Cail Tony after 6:00 p.m. Phiono 579-5254. CREAM/BEIGE Bauhaus sofa, 6 months old - pald $1200, selling $500.00. Electrolux shampooer for carpets - excellent condition - $275.00. Phono 428-6825 after 4:00 p.m. CARPET - Wholesale direct. 300 roîls in stock, $9.99 a square yard and $10.99 a square yard. Ada m's Clearance Warehouse, 79 Taunton Road West. Phono 434-8708. WROUG I-T iron and glass dining- rcoom table and six chairs - $250.00; baby carrnage- $75.00 two 15 galion aquariums- $15-00 sach. Phono 668-7891. LIVINGROOM drapes 2 sets; custom-made (lined) green 13'5* x 8'9'; 13' x 74* - $70.00 each or best offer. Phono 263-8915. DOUBLE mattress and box sprig, bed frame, woo.den hoadboard, $100.00 or best off er. Phono 430-1f794. FOUR-PIECE chesterfield suite - brown/gold (comfy) - very good condition. $600.00 Cgi 683-1729 after 4.00 p.m. SET 0F DISHES - about 20 pioces - $8.00; make-up mirror - $4.00. Phone 723-9269. MATTRESSES and box spings at hal price. Keen Fumiture, 524 SkT)oee SI. S, Oshawa. Plons 725-518t. PEPPLER solidi oak dining-roomn suite - china cabinet, table and 6 chairs, 2 leaves - $1800.00. Ex- cellent condition. Phono 665-3940. SINGLE BED, mattress, Colonial headboard, dusty rose bedspread, 4 sets of shoots. Like new - used in spare roomn - $200.00. Cal 668-9086 after 6:00 p.m. CANDY - Wholosale direct. Jelly beans, jube jubes, hard candy, etc., 2 lb. bag - $1.49. Bulk quantities available. Adams Clearance Warehouse, 79 Taunton Road West. Phono 434-8708. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Eight tractor-trailer loads of used desks, chairs, f iling cabinets, storago files, book shelves, roomn dividers priced to seîl. K.A. Hammond and Co. Limnited, M4oorefield, Ontario (519)638-3063. B ELECTRIFIED UPRIGHT Player piano for sale. Player pianos and pianos, pump organs. Recondi- tioning spocialists, tuning, re- finishing, keys recovered, pianos for sale. PIANO & KEYBOARD SERVICES, 885-6440, PORT HOPE. See the YeIIow Pagos. ELECTRIC ORGAN - excellent condition - many features. Stool and easy-pîay instructions in- cluded, $2,000.00 or best offer. Can be soon by appointment. Phono 668-9968. GUITAR - 6 strings, like new, folk type - $40.00; violin case - $8.00. Phono 723-9269. TIRED 0F the hustle and bustîe? Business and building for sale in the heart of hunting and fishing area - open only four days per week - great for semi-retiroment. Largo volume gun sales and pawn broker. Send inquiries to Guns, Box 820, Massey, Ont. POP iPO. B SALE $17,000. One set of seven toning tables in excellent con- diion. Originally $38,000 (902) 538-7588. Mrs. Cralk, PR #1, Bentley Road. South Berwick, Nova Scot ia. BOP1IEO. B $2 BILUON Dollar After-Market, Truck industy. Our roll-oui cargo drawer is now the rnost durable and practicai pro.duct since the canopy. Our first ad received an overwheliming response across Canada- No obligaflon other than to oeil 1-800-683-4173 Pack- agelWno. B SHRUBS AND TREES - BIui spruce - $10.00; white birch $15.00; Russian olive - $10.00; Nanking Cherry - $5.00; Mock orange - $5.00; Bridai wreath - $5.00. Phono evenings - 655- 8088. GREENHOUSE &Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the samne source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604)682-6636. B NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old-fashioned applos,- pear, apricot, nut treos, shrubs, ever- greens, seedîings. Guaranteed deîivery. Reaanable prices. Cata- logue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Malbank, Ontario. KOK 2L0. No phone. B CEDAR TREES - Cali 655-4550 evenings. A GARDENER'S extra limited supply. Blue spruce - $10.00 and up; cedars, spruce - $4.00; maple, ash - $7.00; strawberry, aspa- ragus - 20 cents; raspborry - 50 cents; iris, rubarb, horseradish, mint - $1.00. ail information - 655- 4525. SOFA BALLAST Pro Ark & Sylvania Lamps, Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. Green- house & Hydroponic Store, 63 Clarke Sidedroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519)452-3919. B LAWN CARE Franchise avmlable! Up to 100% f inancing, f ull training, c,,n start part-time while working f rom home. Lip Io$1O,000 a year (416)876-4545. B (~ WANTED TO Bloy/fiNT WANTED CLEAN LATE MODEL USED CARS & TRUCKS FOR CONSIGNMENT SELLING LET UIS DO THE WORK FOR MORE INFO CALL; 576-1800 BASEBAIL CARDS- Collector will purchase your unwanted cards, any yean/quantity. Send description and price desired, or ship and I wilI pay your postage. Terry Hinton, 4 Lowder Place, Whitby, Ontario. LIN 8C1. PIN COLLECTORS! Are you interested in trading, buying, cornmuriicting? Write: Pin Pals, P.O. Box 9, Whorwjock, B.C. VOM iSO. B -lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -Up to 90% financingr -consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced EKN) Cali: Glenda Thorpe 668-6805 Gommity* FnanW Som Cor 965 Dundas St., W, Ste. 205, Whitby PRIVATE MORTAGES - The place to go when your bank says, %no". Anubis lnvestments (above Cherney's> 723-4621. Serving Whitby since 1973. BARN SWALLOW POTTERY GREENWOOD SPRING OPEN HOUSE Sat.May6 - 1a.m.to42Op. Sun. May' 7 - 1la.m. te 420 p.m. Functional and decorative hand- made pottery by Deanna Jones. Top of the hilI in Greenwood (Westnoy Rd. & Highway 7 area). Phono 427-0598. HISTORIC KINGSTON'S Sun- day Antique Market. Sunday, May 7th through Sunday, October lst. Dealer space $30 per week. In- quiries ovonings, (613)386-3635 or (613)549-3826. Our Sth yearl ARE YOU having trouble getting auto insuranco because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Pbone 666-2090. ADS Toseil the small item ,that you thought weren' t worth advertising. I *Items must soîl less than $50 for1 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 * Maximum 15 words- * Prepald * Cash or VISA only 668-6111 BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance - 20 x 24 ft. - $2,500; 24.x 24 ft. - $2,800; 28 x 36 ft. - $4,000; 32 x 36 ft. - $4,500; '36 x 48 ft. - $6,600; 40 x 60 fi. - $8,300. Cali 985-7930. BEST BUILDING BUYS - Com- pare - Complote Commercial quality straightwalls 40x64x15 - $8,840. (Not quonset type). Si- milar savings on variaus - imited steel. Serlous buyers only. PARA- GON 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours). BUILDINGS FOR SALE by manufacturer: Pioneer quonset 19x9x26 $1,999; 40x14x60 $5,899; with endwall and endwatî with sliding doors. Econospan staightwali 24x8x20 $2,999; 40x14x60 $8,999. Wood-steel with endwalls. Limited stock. Cali 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B STEEL BUILDINGS. Beat the price increase; we have a imited amount of steel left ovor at the old price. Let us make you the building of your choice and save thou- sands. Calil Future Steel 1-800- 668-8653. B A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416>626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B BUILDINGS - Factory lnventory 28x40 - $3,986; 40x60 - $5,450; 46x90 - $8,900; 60xl2O - $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 foot to 240 foot. Cal now 1-800-668-4338 or (416)792-2704. B COMMERCIAL PROPERTY wth living quarters. Ideal location for antique or eGrandma's Things* Store. Busy highway location, 1 acre lot. Barn with loft. $129,500. Cali Bill Payne Real Estate (705)286-3124. B GIBBENS, Judy, Vîice and Shaylyn, formerly of Myrtie, are happy te announce 'the safe arrival 0f NMorgan Emily on April 23rd in Peterborough. The proud grandparerits are Vince and Eileen Gibons of Brooklin and Grace Gilchrist Stayer. WILDE, Marlyn and Randy, thank God for the sage and long-awailed arrivai of their son, David Michael James, born Tuesday, Apnil 25, 1989 ae8:24 a-m, weighing in at 8 bs., 7 oz. A little brother for Kelly, LUsa Marie, Kristen, Matthew and Ra-chel. Proud- granidparents are Mrs. and Mrs. Geradd Schell of Oshawa and Mr. and Mms. Russ Wilde 'of Whitby. a mý--