w k±ffIBY PMEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1989, PAGE 3 Aax man chargdl after harit-and-run in Seugog Operains Thatthelowtenîder of- ExcaingLtd. 'for -the *at the Ani mal C ontrol CUntre. * Appovd That a no parking restriction be placed on the west side of Byron St. S. f rom Pitt St. W. to Trent St. W. A sohedule of char9e0forhe Installation and.extension of,'". cuivefls for-driveways.were presented ranglIng f rom $300 fora a1.5m extension to $945 -fora new 6m cuivort..-. Approvèd- *That.the local improvement pOIcy be. accepted byWtb, with homeowners who pay for work on their stmeets ta be charged 11.5 per cent .itefest on payment amortized over a 10- or 15-.ear period.. Refeied.to staff tor a fu!ýrt1ieureport. ùfter we St ward couneillorJoe Bugelli asked why homneowners had. to pay -heintérest. Staiff wil look'at the imipaçt on the Town if no interesti S charged That a no parking restriction -be piaced on the north and south sides of Klrby Ores. f romi Vanessa Place to Wtn'stlon Ores. at ail times. Referred to staff so they can send out a questionnaire to ail residents in the area *asking if they want the no parking restriction. Planning and Devyelopment That committeie recommend' to cc'uncil that a 31-lot estate *expressed-cà ncenbU ---jrklng access ;forthe. commercial portion off of Pine -sr. Referred to Plaýnning Dept. for report- Durham Regional Policehave charged 4n Ajax man in connec- tion with -an April 16 bicycle-car collision in.Scugog township that seriously- injured a 6-year-old girl iHarry MacCallum Archibald, 23, is charged with failing to remain at t he soene of an acci- dent. dangerous driving causing Second priz lamdin Lottario Chon-Man Kim of Whitby won $35,278 in the April 15 Lottario draw. He won one of four second prizes. For Woods 'mortgage SEVERAL Canadian wildlife artists donated 17 art works for the- Thickson's Woods Heritage Founda- tion raffle April 26 at the Whitby library as a fundraising venture to pay off the remainder of the mortgage owing on Thickso's Woods. Free Prou. photo> By Sgt. Sandy Ryrie Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppers and Durhamn Regional Police are asing for the public's help in solving an arson which occurred in WVhitby during the early morning of Feb. 4. Police suspect that someone entered a bouse under construction at 2 Martinet St. and set it on fire. The Whitby fire department was called and eventually extinguished the flames. The total damnage was estimated at about $50,000. The home is located in the Maznik Homes subdivision. SCrime Stoppers is asking for anyone with any information o n this fire to cail. Have you any idea who set the fire? Has anyone spoken 'to you about it? Did you see anyone acting suspiciously in the area? If se, you can call Crime Stoppers without having to give your naine. You will be given a code *nuxnbér'to protect your identity and if the case is solved and an arrest is made you will be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. Crime Stoppers will also take information on any criminal offence. -The saine reward applies. The Crime Stoppers phone - number-is- 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). A citizen board administers the Crime Stoppers program of *which there are now more than 800 in North Ainerica. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to Toronto and Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, LRH 7K8. *Îý LOd9C MuSkoka VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND; May 19-22 $179._00 - t $219.100per aduit (includes 6 meas) * ?Ejoy the special friendly atomnosphere and fine quality meals of Patterson-Kaye. Canoes, Hot Tub and tennis complimentai-y. Excellent golf and horseback ridmng nearby. Boat and Motor rentais available on site. A woem uyecomefrom the Milierfcunily awciits you! Cafl (705) 645-4169 or write R.R #I1. Bracebridge. Ontaio, POB 1ICO. bodîly injury, cirivinIg under sus- pension and he faces other High- way Traffic Act charges. On Sunday, April 16, Christie Trotter was bicycling on the l2th concession of S cugog when she was struck by a vehicle that didn't remain at the soene. She was taken to Sick Chul- dren's Hospital in Toronto where D To av( Hel acc atit (Daily $2 (4 houi Befor Thatchg penetrati and wate they are a breecii inseots 'w Listenito CHOO E RADIO 1390 AM she remains in serious condition. Police later imponded a 1980 Pontiac Sunbird that is now under examîiation by the Centre of Forensic Sciences. Charges were then laid. The accused was to appear at a bail hearing at Oshawa provin- cial court yesterday (Tuesday). M M tTs~ Iii~ FREIRE I5 Yr. Warrantyl or E FcRonEEAi parts &labourl Air fistalledby-ay1589.j Céaé for a imited time only wvith the purchase of a Central Air'Conditioning system by -aas HEATnNG & AIR C ONDmONING Put it on' Your Gas 8111 "Low Monthly Payments" jeý' 'oý AIR CONTROL AIRO' 17 111111G AND AIR CONDITIONING LTD. CONTROL j, 600 EUCLID ST UNiT 910 ý'VHIIE3Y 430-3633 oR 686-3511 Servnq [)Ljrr)am liegioti -erciw K Cusion) 1 loniÜ5 Fýes!aeniiiii Com Hours Weekdi-iys 8 30 am - 6 30 r)ni Sat 10 am - 1 Pm ,Wh y et hatch eliminate back ache an DÎd suffocating your Iawi re's the tool ta complish the job the price W4.OO y renta) 3m80 ir rentai) re Power Raking growth prevents the tion of oxygen, fertilizers ýr down into the soul where Dneeded. This encourages rmg ground for fungus and which destoys your Iawn. Ater Power Raki Spring and fait are the best tiry to power rack your Iawn. Remember to power rack bef4 applying fertilizer, this wiII encourage a much heaithier ai more beautiful Iawn than ever. DURHAM EQUIPMENT RENTALS 020 Dundas St. East. Whitby( 568-0880 428-0880 d n. ing mes 're and lental -. t 4~ Coleman.ý You'vie se-enthli ght -Now feel the comfort. VA CLIe miWol