PAGE 6,;1t W FRÉE RÉSS, «WEDNýE SDAYMAY 3,1989 ýshed every Wednesday 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 668-6112 668-6369 Doug Anderson Publisher VOUCE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The on/y Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. w mm Maurice Pifher Editor Peter Irvine Advertising Manager Alexandra Simon Production Manager- JIm Wralght , Circulation Manager. 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 It seems that a suffocating, uncomfortable belt-tightening has been forced upon Whitby taxpayers with tax increases at the federal, regional, municipal, school board levels, those tax increases ranging from a mild 2.7 (Town) to 19 per cent (Durham Region). Drastic culs in programs and the raising of taxes have been prescribed by doctor Michael Wilson to cure the ill of seemingly infinite national debt. Cuts at the federal level have meant less federal funding for the provinces, and increased costs for programs and projects at the lower levels of government, Suffocating whioh translates into more medicine that the taxpayer will have to swallow. Add to that Region and school taxes which, if the current figures hold true, will see municipal taxes overaîl rise substantially. The Province has contri- buted substantially to the plight of budg et-rnakers. for the school boards. So, too, for the ReéqIon,- which nevcrtheless may go ahead andI hire inore than 200 staff, including about 100 police force personnel, at a time when more; spending restraint should have been exercised to whittle down what- could be an outrageous increase in the Regioný portion of taxes. With the imminent provincial budget, the' scapegoat taxpayer had better start to look for a money tree before he chokes on an overdose 0ft "medicine." Opposed to commercial plan for Dundas, Euclid. To tne emLi&.; Copy of letter to the mayor and members of council, Town- of Whitby. No, No, No. We are defrnitely against rezoning 406 Dundas St.. W.and O05Eudlid St. Health reasons: We have to many exhaust fumes now from the existing parking lot. Traffic hazard: Euclid St. is the best route to Whitby General Hospital, the 401 highway and we do not want any more traffic te impede the ambulance service; we have bad a great increase in traffic since the GO train station opened; the crossroads of Dundas, Henry and Eucid St. make a very busy intersection and it already bas numerous accidients; trying te, get out of our driveway>s can be extremely difficuit during the business hours of the day, also crossing the street is next te impossible. There are about 12 or more bidren as weui as a number of senior citizens living on this block. Cars already turn the corners without paying attention te the people crossing with the lights. What will happen with more cars using Eucid St. te enter the parking lot? We do not want 105 Euclid St. being used as a parking lot or a throughway for 406 Dundas St. A six-foot wood fence on this property would make getting out of the driveway a hazard. It would also block the sun. A four-stery building is a definite 'No.' A building this tali would block the sunshine from' our yard. There will also be extra garbage from this building, not only legitimate garbage but that of the cars in the parking lot deciding te dlean out their cars or just throw paper, etc. on the ground. Our fruit and vegetable garden is very important te us. We feel this building will block the sun In defence of the mayor To the editor. In response to Mayor Bob's commente with regard te lowering tbe hiring standards on police forces to accommodate minorities, I stand up and salute you, sir. It is about time that a politician said what he really feit. These groups who wish te create problems are only an insuit te ail members of police forces, both men and women, black and white, for it is these members who trained and studied bard te become officers te serve, protect and stand for the rights of ail citizens in our community. These radical groups now suggest that these officers move out of the way for people less qualified. I arn appalled. I teo, agree with Miayor Bob. We must promote being a Canadian first and be proud of it. Mayor Attersley, you are truly a credit to the leadership of our community and a bonus for the moral for ail police officers of al etbnic backgrounds everywbere. I thank you. D. Glazier Thank you, Kinettes To the editoir. I would like te, take this opportunity to express may thanks te a group of ladies who belong te the Kinette Club of Whitby. TheY came te my home and cleaned windows and glass doors. They did a very good job, and I amn grateful. Thank you ladies. Sincerely, IL Roberts Whitby and the fumes from the cars would also damage the plants. On the property of 406 Dundas St. there is an elm tree. This tree bas been treated and trimmed at our expense so that tree would stay alive. It couid be 100 years old. We would like te see it remain standing since our grandchildren don't think birds or squirrels should loss their homes. We built our home here to stay for our lifetime and for our famiiy. We have the right to iv peaceful life. An observation of mine, I seK empty stores and empty officei when I go walking and shopping. Why build more buildings just te have them remain eMpty? What about the people who live in the presently standing building? Where are they te go? The rights of citizens who have been here for many years are not te, le ignored by big business. Mrs. Goodman bas her rights too. She should not be confined by big buildings. My husband is in poor health and also there is another faxnily on the street witb poor health and we do definitely not need any more stress. My husband Clarence Alvin Sturgess was born in Whitby and raised in Whitby and will be 83 years of age in June. The only time he was away from Whitby was when he served as craftsman in the Royal Electrica] and Mecbanical Engineers, overseas during World War IL. I came te Whitby when the population was about 2,000. This is our tewn and we want te live bere in peace. Sinoerely, Beulah Sturges (Mrs. Clarence Alvin) March of Dimes total at ati-time high To the edfitor Eacb year in January the Ontario Marcb of Dimes puts out the caîl te the media te belp promote the «'Ability Fund Campaign.' This year more than ever the media bas assisted our organization in ensuring thatf the target is reached. I'd like te take the opportunity te thank you for printing our logo, running our press releases and reproducing our advertisements. Thanke te the efforts 9f Ontario, our goal was obtained and we bit an ail time bigh of $515,721.89. We'd like to tbank the communities across Ontario who have helped us te realize our goal. The enciosed press release is a thank you to the province for helping us with the 1989 canipaign. With the assistance of the media, we not only reach our financial goals, but we also let people in Ontario know what we atre helping adults with physical disabilities te lead more independent lives through the provision of services. HeIp us get our message te Ontario. Thank you for taking part in the 1989 Ability Fund Campaign. Sincerely, Marie Wiese Public Relations Cooedinator Ontario March of Dim es 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. 1 ULN 5S1 2 LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subject of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 or drop through our mailsiot at 131 Brock St. N. m