" d. L . ?"y &Wflý vnl' n'Q IJMT!QlVMA 1 RI m 'ienie': Sometling special By Debbie Luchuk As a treat just before the summer season, the Whitby Courthouse Theatre presents "Picnic", the first production of their 1988-89 season. "Picnic,» a story of young love and romance, was originally written for the Broadway stage in the early sixties. At that time the play featured two up and coming youn g actors named Paul Newman an dJoanne Woodward who later became one of Hol- lywood's most famnous- married couples. Nick Nolte aiso played in a revival of the show in New York. Soon «Picnic" was made into a memorable film with actors William Holden and IÇim Novak. Director John Foote's 37th play was "basically written at a time when most -playwrights were writing farces, in the post- war period. I t peels back the skin of a small town and shows what Entries are it really 15." Foote and producer Chris Francom have assemble& a talented, dedicated cast for the Courthouse production. Ail have been working diligently to create a sensitive and realistic por- trayai of young love. "Early rehearsals have indica- ted we have something really special," Foote said. Cast members include Sherri Todd who plays Mrs. Potts, Steve Foote as H ai Carter (a role once lared by Nick Nolte), Frances e ar as Millie Owens (a role playd byJoanne Woodward), ChLriaNeles-Bakker members Owens and Joan Roantree plays Roseary.Other. cast ebr include Jason Birch as- Alan Sey- mor (the role originally played by Paul Newman), San dra Brown as Irma, Ingrd Selers as Christine and Bill Peel as Howard. * Showdates for Picnic are May 4, 5, 6, 11, 12> 13 at 8 pm. in the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S.. Tickets are -available at the door on performance night or by calling Middleton's at 668- 2492 (113 Dundas St. W.). Ticket prices are $7 for Thurs- day and $9 for Priday and Satur- day..On opening nighjt there is a s-pecial ticket price Of 2 for 1. This offer is onl for the*opening nighit show on May 4. f or further i nformation, cali 433-0490. ELLEN IMRUE, Brookiin composer, has created a music score for 'Wooster Without Wednesday,' the latest production by the Durham Shoestring Players. The play, written by Whitby actor Ken Bond, starts Friday. Fe rm ht The Passion Play 1990 Oberammergau, Alpine Europe & Daniube Cruise Group Departure July 13 to29, 1990 Book Now To Avoid Dsappointinent Join Rev. Marshall & Grace Jess of Oshawa Escorted by Horizon Holidaysl Russeil Travel Cail 668-5000 For Details 126 Brook St. S., Whitby LINDA D'ELEGANTI Steak end Se.food House »e 577 King Street East il ~Oshawa 576499M k El Stavros Elegant Lounge for your total pleasure, M1on-Fr. Il a.im-1 a.m.. Sat. 4:30-1 a.m.. Sun. 11-11 p.rn. 1-1:*30 Champagne Elegant Brunchi Entertainment by fer Brian Tripp31 for listening and dancing. ' Special guests Friday & Saturday, Bryan Felan and Alison Forestail - The Fantasy U wanted for Miss.]Brooklin fair pageant Entries are required for the 'Miss Brooklin' fair pgeant, an annual event of the Brooklin Spring Fair to be held in June. Gil must be age 17 to 23, unmarried, a resident of Canada for two years and a resident of Durham Region for at least six months. Cash and several prizes are awarded to 'Miss Brooklin' and runners-up. Contestants wear outfits provided by the Brooklin Village Shop. Lat ear, Samina Khan was named 'ss Brooklin.' Entry forms and brief resumes can be sent to Carol VanHem- men, Box 304, Whitby, LiN 5S4. Entries close May 10. For more information caîl 263- 2007 or 666-2121. z, The circus is coming CARDEN Circus cornes to Whitby on Monday, May 8 with shows at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Park arena. Tickets at the door. STUDIO WHITBY MALL 10 TANNING SESSIONS $45. Parper Mo n Hr Special Day!!!fi Give her e IlGRf Cenifcatel mres - Waxing, Eyelash & Eyebrow Tinting * Ppoîntmeflt today 434-5864 :QualitLvHairstyling 0 at R aonable Priees 10lo be applied to any of e Enjoy The Attention e You Deserve 0 our services. :25 Thickson Rd. N. 9 .Facials - pedcures - maici :(Across from Belainys) : .Or Cati for an Apl 1 er ent t tai PÀ 'l rL--N-.