_________________________ -, ~ --~-~-* PAGE 14, WH1TY FREE PRESS,-WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1989 Market Taltte assessed FROM PAGE 1 «That's not significant enough to through ail tlhis," said 1;Buffett, who added that a saving of $5 to $6 a month would buy a Big Mac, fries and a coke every month. But Bugelli said it was a deli- l4erate action by some councillors to indicate that only niew homes- would, benefit by markcet value assessment. "Somo new homos w'on't bene- fit while some older iproperties will get a rebate,» he said. He also noted that vunder the Municipal Act the Tow'n bas two options available for hoxneowners tt might ho hurt by the upda- ted assessment. Ho said council couldl rebats or reduce the taxes or phase any new assessment in over a four- year period. "Taxation hurts, it is a fact of life. Is it fair to ixnply one set of standards in parts of the munici- pality. It is grossly urifair," said Bugelli. But Buffett, who led the fight against the study, said. the exist- ing s ystem where pockets of Whitby are assessed froM_1940 values to 1960 values is fair. "By keeping it the way it is, it is fair. The older homes and older areas don't-have the ser- vices (and sonie are paying lower taxes), that is fair," said Buffett. Regionai councillor Marcel Brunelle, who voted against mar- ket value, had similar concernis. «I would support maxket value assessment if there was less of an impact on seniors," said Brunelle. "The detriniental efTects are more severe (than the positive impacts). It is in the best interest to w alk awaqtfrom market value' assessment,' h e said, adding hoe preferred a home ho reassess.ed when it is sold. "Some increases will be hor- rendous. The barrel only bas so niuch in it,» said Drumm who noted Durhamu Region just hiad a 19-per - -)nt increase. "We may have a Boston Tea Party in our lake," ho addfèdý while Edwards said it would 'De inappropriate, to burden the tax- payers of Whitby" after the Region increase. "To- introduce this now, the timing is inappropriate. Lot the government of 9ntario enact legislation if this is s0 good," hoe said. Attersley, who favored the study, said mnarket value assess- ment might help Whitby tax- payers at the Region level. He explained that now, since only Whitby and Oshawa have not enacted market value in the rioRegion officiais calculate Whtys assessment with the naktvalue assessment of al other municipalities. "If we don t take the first stop we will have inadequacies in taxes forever and a day,» said Attersley. "If I was rnaking a wise politi- cal decision, I should ho runninig away as fast as I can " said north ward councillor Ross batten, who favored the study. Hie called the present system unfair and noted market value is the fairest system available to the mnunicipality.-* East ward councillor Fox %greed, calling market value a r far system." Birthday ceremony DURING My 1 ceremomies to mark found during excavation work car- the 75th birhday of the opening of ried out as part of renovations to the the former Whitby'library building building, to Whitby Historical at Byron and Dundas, owner Murray Society president Rod Angevaare. Mfiskin (left ) presented an artifact, Pree Prom photo Gold auwrd for Oshuwa Festival Sengeiy FROM PAGE 8 May 15, 2:30 i.m., at the arts resouroe centre in Oshawa. Auditions for next season will ho held on June 9 and 16 at Knox Presbyterian Çhurch. Anyone interested in obtaining tickets for the concert or booking an app ointient for an auditfin should caîl Easton-Flynn at 668- 3990. SPECIÂL LADY Great Gfte- an cectdining experience" Open Sunday May 14 Open 4 to il Pm, Reserve Early! Ail Mothers eligible to enter our QUEEN FOR A DAY ]E:oe ity e ]I .-ax"%n. Reserve early. dl A HAIR FASHION LEADER 120 Brock St. N. Downtown Whitby For reservations please cati: 666-3005 ni OLDEN GAIE RESTAURANT >4 [CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DAILY Sat. & Sun. Brunch $5.99 (more than 50 items to choose from for dinner) Dine in and Take-out service. 107 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY For Delivery Cail 668-2222 Present this Coupon id-Receive Dmnner For Onlr$7.9 (Mon. - Wed.. Expires M"v 17/à i) SHOP LOCALLYp>LLIY à ý a \ýlývam