WHITY MFi P]RESS, Sununer, MAY 10, 1989, PAGE A7 Barbeceue grilliin g popular -low-in. fatý In the past few years, barbecue grilling bas becomne one of the inost popular summer cooking niethods. In addition to being quick and cool, it's also low in fat. When grilled, food needs littie or no* o. And when the food cooks, the fat dhips away. As an option, you may choose to brush a saial amount of seasoned olive oil onto the food before grilling. GBEJLNG REDUCES FAT INTAKE Fat contains almost twice the calories as an equivalent aniount of protein or carbohydrates. Health-conscious people try to limit their daily intake of fat to a range of 20-30 per cent, and grilling is an ideal cooking niethod to achieve this goal. For fat-reduced cooking it's best to remove any visible fat from chops or steaks., and the skin from chicken. Flsh is also a good choice for grillling. Many varieties are naturally low in fat and even the fish lhagher in fat are thought to be healthful for eating. Fish steaks or thick cutlets should lie grilled for five minutes per inch of thickness, per side. If you are grilling thin, low fat fish fillets, try cooking on one side only - for approimately 4 to 5 minutes. This elimidnates the need ta, use a fish grill in order to flip the delicate fillets. If you are in the miarket for a new barbecue, buy it with care as your future meals are at "steak"'! Although many people thînk charcôal makes better flavor than natural gas and/or propane, it is actually the fat and juices dripping onta charcoal, lava rock or fiavorizer bars, that vaporize and give food its characteristic barbecued *taste. Gas grilling makes cooking easier and faster and provides greater heat control. Look for a covered barbecue that gives you the option of roasting, smoking and grilhing. Even quick-cooking cuts of meat and fish cook faster and stay juicier when cooked with the lid down and vents open. BARBECUE BUYINGS TIPS If you have an extra propane tank you'1l neyer have ta worrY about running out of fuel in the middle of an important partyl Just be sure the tank is easy to instail. Some gas barbecues include a scale that measures the amount of gas in the tank by the Getting the most from BBQs Now that summer cookouts are just around the corner, the Canadian Gas Association (CGA) offers the following suggestions ta get the most out ofthe barbecue season. The CGA estimates it costs less than $10 ta operate a typical natural gas or propane barbecue for the summer. This is based on 20 hours of use, and is less than haîf of the estimated comparable *cost de charcoal type grills. With a natural gas or propane barbecue you get fast, even heat *with no mess or fuss, and with proper maintenance durable gas barbecues will outlast most charcoal grills for many years of cookout fun. At the start of each season, dlean the barbecue with hot soapy water or oven cleaner. If the burner requires cleaning, remnove it and use a stiff brush ta dlean a cast iron burner or a cloth and soapy water-for a stanless steel burner. A thin wire can lie used ta open any clogged bumner ports. Make sure the burner is seated properly at the ga aves when you put it back. sDon't tamper with the air shutter at the base of the burner without referring ta your owner's manual for instructions or ta a qualified service person if necessary. FollOW manufacturers instructions when lighting your gas barbecue and after starting, allow it ta, preheat for approximately 10 minutes before starting ta, cook. You'1l get juicier and better-textured results from your barbecue if you cook most foods at the low" setting, while using the high temperature setting for pre-heating and quick searing only. Several hours in a marinade will help soften less tender meat or poultry ýibres by natural enzyme action. Oil-based sauces added just before cooking wvill seal in meat juices. Glazes should be applied ordy during the ]ast 10 minutes of cooking ta avoid burning. Gas barbecues have lava briquets which should be spaced in a single layer. Several times during the season, turn the briquets so that residues can burn off during cooldng. Avoid grease or dried-on food build-up by removing the cooking grids and washing with soap and hot water periodically. Tips for propane BBQ I~N TIPS FOR PROPANE BARB ECUING 1. Select a level location, cîcart [rom building overhiangs imid away [rom doorways, walkways and window wclls. 2. Check your tank collar f'or the date of manufacture. Tanks inuist bc inspccted and rc-certified cvcry ten years. 3. Fi your propane tank at an authorized propanec dealer, andi insist on a plug Io scal the valve. 4. Transport yourprolxaïîc tank ini the car trunk, with the 1Iid latchcd open and the tank secuired up- righit. 5. Remnove the propane tank [romi yo>tr trunk inmecdîatcly. 6. Check ftie condlition of ithe o- ring on your liose connector this spring. The o-ring helps forîn a scal against 1caks*. Replace il an- nually. 7. Test your hose connectei, for îcaks. An "Ounce of Prevcntion" hclps detect lcaks in temperatures as low as -30 C. 8. Always lift the barbecue lidl before lighting. 9. Treat cmpty propane tanks wit.h the same care as 1h11 ones. Avoid dropping, rougli handIling, and any contact with sparks or lamcs. 10. Always storc your pluggedl tank outdoors or in a well- vcntilated garden s11(l. RECYCLING IMPROVE THE CONSERVES NA TURA L ENVIRONMENT A ND RESOURCES,,HELPS CREA TES NEW JOBS. hanging weight of the tank.. A, push buttgn igniter is an importanit option that eliminates the need for an endless supply of matches. Another option is additional burners. A barbecue equipped with three burners gives you the, choice of direct cooking (for searing steaks, hamburgers, etc.), or indirect cooking (for roasting larger items such as ham, roast or turkey). Cooking grids should be steel, coated with porcelain ta. resist rust and. ensure easy dlean-up. Make sure the barbecue you Sico Latex Ceiling.~ Paint -4eeAL4 $20e99 for 4 litres~ Sico Super Latex Velvet Finishii $ 25.99for 4lte rWe do repairs cëhoose is rust-reSistant and hias a durable finish that will keep it Iooking new years after you boght it. Naturally, the more options y ou have, the more expensive the barbecue. Before you make your final seléction, consider the am-ount of food you barbecue and the frequency of use. Oelast tip. Once you've selected the barbecue that best suits your needs and price range, determnine if it cornes assemibled and/or if the seller will deliver it to your home. Bon apetit! Thompson Water Seat Prevents moisture damage on concrete, brick and pressure treated wood. 1 Gallon Reg. $ 19.99 Sale $17.99 to lawn mowers, screens 856 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario Tel. 666-1254 an ls. 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