Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1989, p. 34

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AUCTION SALE 9KA\,HN COUNTRY- AUCTIONS' ý--oveiy Wednesday at 6:30 pan. Iocatod on Brock R.,Pckerîng,3 miles narth of Hwy. #401 (eixit #399. Featuring ove7y Wed. an excellent seloction of antiques, fine furniture,. glass, -china, colloctables, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate ln one of Ontaria's- "True* Autions with na buy-backs or reserves. RConslgnment & estate selling our speciaty. Cali us today. Previews fram i100 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 SAT., MAY 20TH - 5:00 P.M. PETHICKS AUCTION BARN HAYDON 1 10 miles northst of Oshawa Extensive auction sale of antiq ues, poster beds, dressers, washstands, chests, vanities, tea wagon,dining suites and much more. Note: start- ing time for this sale is 5:00 p.m. to accommodate viewing time for Monday's Spectacular Antique Auction. wThe Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAV &GARRY POWELL 263-8710 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 19 - 6.00 P.M. The estate of the late MRS. PEARL McCLEARY of Boaverton, plus large quantity of glass & coîlectible items, the property of MR. ROBERT RIC HARO of Kapus- kasing. Walnut bookcase/secre- tariat combination, oak hoosier kitchen cupboard, walnut parlour tables, wicker chairs, wainut buffet, drop-leaf table & 2 leaves, oak chests-of-drawers, refinished washstand & matching dresser, new pine 6' harvest table, new 4-pc. wicker set, new white cast iron umbrella table & 2 chairs, oak icebox, Waterbury regulator, school clock, fiat-top farmn scales, new 8 h.p. Weedwaiker air-drive boat motor. Large quantrty of china, glass, co-oil lamps, por- celain, pottery, silverware, je- wellery, antique kitchen utensils, tins, frames & prints. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. # 19 Lttle Britaîn (705) 786-2183 FEMALE NON.SMOKER- Whitby - Brock Street and HighwaY #2, walk te GO bus, share facilities in oxchange for evenlng sittingi. Avalable im- imediately. = aiRck, 461-6223 (work), or 668-4847. ONE BEDROOM in shared house. New subdivision in Port Perry. Al facilities including laundry. Single, non-smokers only - $350.00 per month plus share of utilities. Phone 985-4322. HOUDAY IMONPA-Y MAY 22, 1989 - 2 t0 P.M. Antique Auction Sp ctacular for Coloctors. Mlîdred & Ken Cavsrly, Hampton PETHICKS AUCTI ON BARN HAYDON 10 miles northeaçt. of Oshawa. Spectacular bow-ided, ornately- carved Jacobean oak china cabi- net (the f inest. we've seen); 9-piece walnut dining suite, 15 pieces of highly-collectible Moor- crbft bowls, lais, pitchers, Iamp, tray, plates; 15 pickle cruets; Cranberry- hanging lamp, Cran- berry banquet îamp; Pearpoint lamps,, 'Gone with the Wind': lamps, Bullseye lamps, 2 sets of lustres, Bronze inlaid -French Cab- inet; ornate Victorian ladies and gontlemens chair; several curio and whatnot stands; several blue- f Iowered cracks and jugs - C.E., Canada West, Picton, Cornwall. Brides Basket, several Drosden and Bisque figurines; 3-sect. book- case; cedar chests, Victorian settee, Andrew Malcolm bedroomn suite, washbasin sets; Royal Doul- tons, Iibrary tables; several marble- top lamp tables, parlour tables, washstand; tea wagon, rockers, pine chest, pine table and so much more. Viewing during Sat. evening sale - 5:00 p.m. to 11:00, Monday 9:00 amn. to sale time. "The Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAY & GARRY POWELL 263-8710 AUCTION SALE MON., MAY 22ND - 11:00 A.M. ORONO TOWN HALL Special sale of househoid, f urn- iture, antiques, collectibles, Royal Albert dishes, crystal, lamps, figurines, tools, & many more art- icles. TERMS: CASH EARL GAUSLIN AUCTI ONEER 640-5398 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT - east of Orono, 4th or Sth con- cession lino, 7 km. east Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground, beautif ul. $732.00. 1-786-2562. Rosort TAPATOO (New) Parry Sound on beautiful Otter Lake. Experience a quality resort. Safe, sandy beach, windsurfing. water- skiing, childrens' program, meal plan available. (7Q5)78-2308, 1- 800-461-5410. B STEEL FABRICATORS Tenders are invited toUpgrade Window Washing Anchoring Equipment at the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSH- AWA and the Courthouse & Regist ry Office, 50 Eagle St. W., NEWMARKET, Ontario. TENDER # ORI-89-040 Sealed Tenders wilI b. received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7.,1989 Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Off ice, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Office at the above address, telephono (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not 1necessarily accepted. [OFNG CONTRACTORS( Tnesare invited to provide Roof Repairs (shingle asphait type) to Various Buildings at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, On.TENDER #ORI-89-042 Sealed Tenders will b. received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1989 Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Offi!ce, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please calI the Tenders Office at the above address, teloýphone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ,BLANKET, E To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throug hout the regional membership 0f the jAssociations. Example: Central Ontario Ail Ontario AIl Canada WHITBY TOWNHOUSE - 3- b.droom, 5 appliances, incIuding air conditioning. Parking, hydro and water included. $975.00 per month, first and last, available mid-June or JuIy lat. References required. Phono 668-5336. 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $135 for 25 words $275 for 25 words $843 for 25 words For f urther information please caîl: 668«6111l BIRTH, CONTROIL and famlly planning; counsellingè. Fr.. andl confldentiai, avaIlable Moniday ta Friday,ý8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. CiInic every Thureday 3:00 pm. to *6:00 p.m. For furthor Information, cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELA- *TIONSHIPS. For holp caîl. the Denise House for women and childrr&n. ToII free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality as- sured. (Formerly Auberge). ARE YOU READY TO FEEL BETTER? We'II help you heip yourseff. Distress Centre. Phone 433-1121 or 433-1861. Anyone having information con- cerning MISS MARY GRAHAM or BASIL GRAHAM, formerly of the Town of Stouffviîîe, please contact 'lvargretRintoul, -Beard, Winter, Solicitors, Suite 900, 150 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario. MH2K4 (416)593-5555._ LEARN TO DANCE-TONIGHT. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO (singles and couples welcome). Phone 430-0014. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 20 - 10:00 arn., 7632 Cochrane St., Brookiin. Three families - Franklin f ireplaco, desks, other furniture and much more. Ramn or shine. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 20 - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 715 Sugar Mapla Crescent, Whitby. Dressers, toaster oven, books, ping-pong table and lots of house- hoid items. YARD SALE - Somerset Hill - 41 & 43 Lyndhurst Croscent - Saturday, May 20, 10 arn. to 2:00 p.m. Toys and household articles. Raim date: Sunday, May 2lst. BROOKLIN STREET SALE - Heber Down Croscent & Mitchell Ave., Cashway subdivision area. Something for everyonel Sat., May 20 -8:00 a.m. FULL-TIME WOODWORKERS, Myrtle location. Start May 22nd. Phone 655-8558. TOO MANY KITTENS? Want a puppy? Ch"c the classifieds for that speclal pet, or call 668-6111 to place your pets ln our paper. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DRP 2AL POLICE FORCE VEHICLV& Seaîed Tenders wiII be received at the office of tlyq Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up 'until 1000 hours, Wednesday, May 31st, 1989, for the suppîy and deîivery of Police Force Vehicles. Tender forms may b. picked up or requested through the off ice of Superintendent R.F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any Tender quotation flot necéssariiy accepted. Dave Edwards, Chief of Police lùf

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