START TODAVI Exciting Fa- shionsl Independencel Flexiblityl Extra money I A f ree sample line! Cali us colleot <416) 632-9090/ 827-2660 MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows. Est4 1975. B G ROW FOR IT! Raise Baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R. #1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0. (41)643-4251, (705)435-7463 AI- liston Area, (705)776-7084 North Bay Area. B OWN an apparel or bag & shoe boutique. lnvest from $25,000. Current designer, brand names below wholesale. Use our proven method and stock is guaranteed to seil or Weill exohange it. Cal Mr. Henry at (904)346-0143. Fashion Ltd. - P.O. Box 51273 - Jackson- ville Beach, Florida 32240. B LINDAL Cedex Sunrooms dealers do welll Be one in your town. Training provided, no franchise fees, prime areas stili availahie. For information cail: Win Allen, Manu- facturers Rep., (705) 722-7577 today 1 B 5-BEDROOM farmhouse in Brooklin. Abstainers, non-smokers. Asking $950.00 per month plus utlities. First & last -'655-8600. 250- square feet office space available - West Lynde Plaza, Whitby. Caîl Peter, 666-2090. ADS" To selI the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. * Items must selI for less than,$50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total Iess than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Prepaid * Cashor VISA onty 668-6111 WE DELIVER! Flyers, etc. ail over Whitby! Cail the WHITBY FREE PRESS. 668-6111l. WIIITY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7,1989, PAGE 39 TyIkes rally to defeat Ajax WhtyPeacock Sports tyke The Whitby offence helped pit. ing came on in pitching relief for basbali teani came from behxnd cher 1JaryýJennings to an ,8-0 Whitbyte crd lvrn to defeat Ajax 13-10 in the recent lead in the first inning. But Ajax Wib hnsoe iern opening game ofthe regular sea- stormed back back to take the toean t he victory. so.lead 10-8 and pitcher Chris G or- f May 19. Oshawa took advantage ofwakan bse ___________________________________________stealing to defeat Whitby 14-7 Goring started for Whitby and * gave way te Jennings when Osh- ex Ab4- 'ou v -éawa had a 7-5 lead. environmeiit USED BIKES Huge selection of NEW and USED bikes. 1 7 Repalrsto most makes. Blanchi'- Raeigh - Velosport' Fuji Renegade - Norco 980 Brook Rd. S. Mon. - Fr. 9-9, Sat. 9 6 8951 The Whîtby Free Press would like to wishci Happy Birthday to ail our Carriers for the month of J une! David Eiras Jason Giles Paul Gilman Brian Johnson Lee Marrison An.y Muefler Niraj Patel Mathew Payne Andre Tacoino Gary Thonipson MarynJo van de Stouwe Vikings, notch- 2nd inm By Reno Soetens MP Ontairio riding With ail of the recent media hype and coînmunity concern over Metro area and Durham, dumpsite in Whitevale I feit that the folowing information on federal environniental initiative would be of interest. One of the main thrusts of this session's Speech frorn the Throne was the protection of the environinent. Tlie preservation of the environment, the active encouraigement of public interest and involvement, and the need for firm leadership and support to international environmental- efforts are objectives which this government belleves are imperative. After reviewing the upcoming year's budgetary estimates for environmental spending, I arn confident that we are acting in the highest capacity to meet these objectives. To give you a better idea of how we are attempting to meet our goals, I have highlighted some of our programn initiatives and spending dea]ing with the environment. In the past fiscal year, 1988-89, Environment Canada spent $796-million to fund its programrs. During the upcoming YeRW, 1989-90, this figure will jump, $75-million, bringing the total to $871-million. This rise in spending by the government represents not only increased funding te eisting programs, but also the development of new prograins. This year Environment Canada will spend an additional $1.7-million on the Federal Enviromnental Assessment and Review Office, bringing its total funding te nearly $6-milion. FEARO ensures that every federal undertaking and every undertaking on federal lands will be subjected to a thorough environinental impact study. As of April 1989, the government will provide a $50-million fund te, support local-level environmental clean-ups. This five-year prograin titled the ' Partners Fund, wiil provide up te one-haîf the funding for community based projects that clean up or help prevent environmental problems. I believe that ' hands on' projects such as these go a long way te promote public awareness. On Feb. 20, Environment Minister Lucien Bouchard announced that the government's national objective completely eliminate controlled chlorofluoracarbons (OFOs), within the next five years. The ministry issued draft regulations te curb OFO use by 85 per cent, with the remaining 15 per cent te be eliminated as soon as methods and products to safely replace these cheinicals have been found. Environinent Canada launched an offensive in -Apri1 te, further reduce air pollution in Canada. This joint venture will put inte place the most stringent regiilations that technology will allow te control emissions from internai combustion engines that burn fossil fuels. The Parka Prograin division of Environmient Canada will receive an additional $30-niillion this year, bringing the total funding te, over $362-million. The Parka Program protects those places which are significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage for the benefit, understanding and ei&yment of Canadians. Oshawa Vikings ran over Toronte Buccaneers 24-6 May 28 for their second win in as niany games in the rugby regular sea- son. Dave Kimmerly, Craig eWing and Mark Gibeault scored trys. while Glenn Elliott kicked two penalties and three converts. Vikings second teani defeated Buccaneers second teami 4-0 as Dan Edwards scored a try. Vikings third. teain shutout Sarascen's third teain 19-0 as Rick Biaise, Steve Chad and Bob Clarke scored trys. Gareth Eptti- grew kicked one penalty'and added two converts. Chnamler holds stress seniinar The Whitby Chamber of Com- merce will hold a seminar on control of stress, Ttiesday, June.ý 20, 8 to 10 a.m., at ýthe Garden Gate Restaurant, Cullen Gar- dens. Dr. John Hunchal<, a staff. member of the departrnent of psychiati-y at Oshawa General Hospital, will conduct the semi- nar. LEN_ 'TTER Thanks to sponsors To the editor: Members of the Whitby Ice Fyre and Whitby Ice Angels would like to thank their spon- sors for contributions that helped the teams reprosnt Whitby at the Canadian national precision competition in Edmonton, Alta. Ice Angels finished fifth overal in the novice category and Ice Fyre finished first in senior. Kathy Hansford Whitby Comin gevents FUNDRAISER M&M Meat Shop at the Ken- dalwood plaza in WV tb will sel hamburgers on Saturday, June 17,' to raise funda for the Cana- dian Foundation for fleitis and Colitis. Hamburgers will be sold for 50 cents. The saine event will be held at the M&M store on Harwood Ave., Ajax. FULL GOSPEL The Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Durham chapter, will hold their monthly dinner meeting on Mon- da , June 12, at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, starting at 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be John Brewer, cartered accountant and vice president of a food service com- pany, who will tel bis life story and his search for "something more.»"Ickets are $14. Caîl 723-