* -.---- '" *.. - . ~ ~ ~~ 7 1 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,,JUNE. 14,1989, PAGE 19' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oshawa restaurant features unique lighting system, A new restaurant recently opened with arand ceremony in- Oshawa, much of the fanfaredue fi fhIe restaurant's pisetrical sys- t'~m. T Flying Squirrel, at 633 King St. E., will save $3,000 annually on.its hydro lighting. bill through use of new energy efficient lamps. Ontario Hydïo helped to purchase the Iights., Mie restuararit uses compact seven-watt fluorescent Ilights that last 10 times longer than normal 60- or 100-watt bulbs. Ontario Hydro, under its energy efficient lighting pro- gram, provided $1,000 to res- maurant owner Robin Read to instali the lightinq system. The Flying Squirrel is the first restaurant in Durham Region to receive financial assistance fron Ontario Hydro since, Hydro began offering incentives in January this year.' The system cost Read $5 000 to instaIl (indluding H-yciro's $1,000) and is exepected to pay for itself within- 16 months. DANE MACCARTHY (left), Ontario Hydro vice president of energy mana geiment, and Robin Read, owner of the newest Oshawa restaurant, The Flying Squirrel, get a close look at the réestaurant's state-of-the-art lights wbich are expeted to save Read approimately$3,000 annualiy on hMs ligIhtng bill. Fro. Pre photo STOP SMOKING LOSE WEIGHT ci with IW!J19P h.D[. -THERAPIST 41 OR MONEY BACK GUARANTEED Ater severai yearsof research B. Ziv Ph. D. has develae ne 0f the nMos successfui methods of therpyta stop moin or ta lIe" weight. Histhrp has heiped thoùsands of people ta stop sk eypohlve y or ta lois seight very comfortabiy wthout dists. Ho lB retumlng ta your town tao ofer yau his UNBEATABLE SjUCCESS 0F THERAPY. Wfth hlm f yau continue smoking atter the trealment or if you WllI b. unabie ta laie weight, you can oit h et ou money back or recelve more therapy FREE AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. This Isalmie timne offer. FREE FULL EXPLANATION 0F EACH THERAPV WILL BE GIVEN BEFORE TH-E TREATMENT WITH ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION. AND BEFORE PAVINO FOR THE THERAPY. The ettectiveness of the therapy has been shown that to mms people only ane visit Is required for satIsfactary resuits. The ciinics are canducted by B. Zlv Ph. D. Therapiet and taunder of the »Zlv Institute" ln Montreai, Alberta and Ontario and The Ziv Reiaxolagy CentreTM ln Canada. Ho has been servlrg the publie ta overcame emotional difficulties for the lait 28 years, and has private practîce ln Thornhiii, tel: (416) 7382443. Because af his reputaian and expertise ho has been lntervleed by televison, radio and newspapers. Many of his clients are raterred to hlm b y satlsfiad people who have experienced his protessional methad, knowledge and approach which brought satistactory and stcessfui resuits. Welght Loss staris ai 5:30 p.m. & ends ai 8:30 p.m. Only - $125.00 Stop Smoking staris ai 8:30 p.mi. & ends at mldnlght. Only - $150.00 Please brlng wlth you sleeping bag & a pillow We accept cash, certifiad chaque. Visa, Masercard. Thursday June 15th, 1989 Cullen Gardons- Whltby Brlng thîs ad ta roelve mnmddtlonnl $1000 cdscaurit Pay ment with am explcmation FROM PAGE 18 tax, hight tai, excise tax, car taxi, garbage tax, water tax, sewer tai, telephone tax, sales tax, transportation tax and hidden I arn required te, get a business license, car lie nse, operator's license, truck license, snowmobile license, trailer icense, bicycle license, huntin£ icense, flshing license; not ta mention a mar-riage licens. and a dog license. My business is so governed that it is no easy matter to find out wh wns it. I am. inspected, expected, suspected, disrespected, rejected, dejected, examined, re-examined, informed, required, summonded, fined, commanded and compelled, until I provide an inexhaustible supply of money, for every known need, desire or hope of the human race. Simply because I refuse to donate to something or other I arn boycotted, talked about, lied about, held up, held down, and robbed until I amn almost ruined. 1 can tell you honestly that, except for a miracle that happenedI could not encloselthis chequefo payment. The wolf that comes to my door nowadays just had pups in my kçitchen. I sold the pups and here is the money. (Author is unknown and the above has been changed a little. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?) From Trivia, by Gerald 'fracey, Originally published in the Eganville (Ont.) L.eader. Computers will aid office design FROM PAGE 17 This is one of the fastest growing region s, with a lot of commercial development." MeNamara is a graduate of Durham College's1 program in interior design, and fias worked for other companies previously to gain experience. "I've sold business furniture worked in interior design, ancà architecture. I spent three -or four months at eac~h place."* Business has been good since the company's inception, and is expanding "at a consi4erable rate," mainly due te word of ntouth. Future plans for the coinpany are to add Computer Aided Design. McNaxnara said the com- puter will show customers the office layout in three-dimen- sional pictures, and will price the job. "It v'Sateiîdusaîuî of time. No more dratting board!" C.I. will also be providing simi- lar services to retail and hospita- lity businesses in the fail. "If you're planning to move, relocate or buy, caîl us and check it out. We can save you valuable tinte and money," McNamara concluded. Contract Interiors Design is located at 197 Bloor St. E., unit 2R, behind Iseco Shoes, and is open duringy business hours. 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