WHITBY FREE PRESSý, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1989, PAGE 31 the Whitby Free Press requires a. Part- time TYPIST to type and lay out classified ads appro 15 husprwork consisting of approx 8-10 hours Mondays and 4-6 hours on Fridays or the weekend. *Min, speed 60 words per 'Minute e Accuracy and good spelling a must This position could be worked in conjunction with another job if you can work evenings or weekends and begin work by about 4 in the afternoon. Cail 668-6111 for an interview Advertising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales or demanstratedl ability in a related field is required For a challenging and rewarding poslition m an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, cail the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointment, 668-6111 or send your resumé to theWhitby Free Press 131 Brock St. NJBox 206, Whiyby LUN 5S1 A CAREER IN TRUCKING. TRANSPORT. DRIVERS RE- QUIRED. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. fs ail yours. Gel yaur Class "A" license -atOntario's oldest and la rgest traininegncentre. Tax dedctiIer16essional training, jobasiste, no experience necessary. -MERV ORR TRANSPORT,, Pickering 1-800- 265-3559. GREAT OPPORTUNITY - f ree Computer Training. Women ex- periencing difticulty entering the work force, this, may be the prograrn for you. Future courses for wamen who are currently unemployed. If you -qualify, the following rnay be available: f ree tuition, books and supplies, .child care and training allowances. Registered with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Don't delay. Registration is limited. Phone now ta register. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. Summer position avaîlable for an ACTIVITIES SOCIAL Di- RECTOR for one of Haliburtan's Ieading reorts. Room and board available for a single persan. School teacher ideal - June 251h ta Labour Day. Ful-time em- playmenl alsa available for a froint desk persan. Caîl: 705-457-2000.B TURN- KEY Muskaka Business fai sale. Super patential. Sell in sum- mer, patrol in winter. $25,000.00 Favourable terms. Write: Box #8B, C/o Box 1600, Bracebridge, Ont- aria, POB iCO. B IMPORTING for fun and profit - travel, mariey, excitement, full- part-limne tram your home. Minimal invesîment. We show you haw. Send $4995 plus tax or request details. Coconut Cooper North, RR. #2, Muskoka Raad 4. Brace- bridge, Ontario. POB iCO. B RELIABLE babysitter required in :)ur home noon until 5:00 p.m., 3 days weekly, beginning in Sep- tember. Non-smoker. Would suit senior. Garden/Bradley area. Please phone 668-9759, weekdays ater 6:00 p.m. FIBREGLASS laminatars re- quired, top wages. County Truck& Trailer. 436-7292. HOUSEWIVES, Mothers & in- terested persons needed im- mediately ta seli tays and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Caîl (519 258-7905. B IF YOU ARE 45 or over and have been permanently laid off or are out of work due ta business f ailure in the last 6 months, you may qualify for free tuition, books and supplies. Registered with the Ministry of Colleges and Univ- ersities. Caîl now to Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. WANT MONEY', Want ta have fun? Ladies, aur Home Lingerie Company wants YOU! No de- liveries. Earn $25 ' $30+ per hour. Seen on Phil Donahue Show. FulV/part-time positions available. Caîl 1-800-265-8544 or 519-273- 5308. B PART-TIME TELEPHONE help needed imrnediately. No ex- perience necessary. Will train. Monday ta Friday, 5:00 p.mT. ta 9:00 p.m. and Satm'rday mornings. Students welcome but age is no FiRrrir- SSflfl rohur to start. plus bonuses. Cal! 661 4:00 p.m. BODYMAN painteri dealership in Port Peri Junior at 655-8826. 'School bus company is looking for career-conscious, enthu- siastic, individual to complement our challeniging environment. Will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills with general knowledge of the Durham Region and City of Scarborough. Consideration wilI be given to past experience in general dispatch and off ice, Please send resume with references in conf idence ta: 225 MacKenzie Ave. Ajax, Ontario LiS 2G1 We thank ail those persans who apply but advise acknaw- ledgement wil anly be forwarded ta those who are invited for an interview. the Whitby Free Press requires a couple of Responsible Energwetic Aduits ta deliver papers in a few areas where we are unable to-find cariirièrs up ta 8 cents per paper' Wednesday, Thursdays onlye Vehicle requirede cail 668-6112 Haliburtan Area: Licensed RESIDENTIAL PLUMBER or 5- year journeyman., FuIl-lime emn- playment. Must read blueprints, wages negotiable. Caîl: 705-457- 2560. B RESPONSIBLE persan ta deliver flyers twice monthly ta homes in Otter Creek, Whitby, starting JuIy lst. Phane 686-6180. DOWN UNDER: Experience beef farming in Australia, dairy farming in New Zealand, ar choose f rom a variety af categaries. If you are between 19-28 with farming ex- perience contact: .A.E.A., 206, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AI- berta, T2T 0E2. Phane: (403) 244-1814 for mare details on a "Fair Dinkum" Fantastic Challengel B VOUR FUTURE starts with ..Tri-Country Truck Driver Train- ing. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, day- lime, evening and weekend cours- es. Course tee incorne tax de- ductible. 1-800-265-0400, Cam- bridge. B IVACAYIO CANAL CRUISES on scenic ,8-7418 alter BONAIR R.V. s & Trailers. Utiîitiy, Hardtop, lent, Ffth-wheel, Travel ________ & Park models. Also awnings, add-a-room, air conditioners, traîl- er-hitches & accessories. New & required for Used. Large selectiori, 10w prices. ,ry. Cal Don Royal Traîler & R-V. Centre, Te- viotdale, Ont. (519)343-2122. B FEMALE SUMMER STUDENT com panon for develo pmen- tallyhnicapped teen. 3:00 p.m. ta 5:00 ,p.m, 5-day week. (Weekends, holidays off). Wage plus expenses. Possibility longer hours if dlesired. Bus at corner. Burns & Blair, Whtby. Cal 430-0367 afler 6:00 p.m. Reetoeslps Required for new industrial dealer- ship in the Pickering area. Duties include typing, telephone an- swering, accounts receivable and payable, on a computerized system. An opportunity ta advance with a growing company. Competitive wage and excellent benefit package. Westmetro Ford Equipment Sales Ltd. Please contact Mrs. McKay at Rexdale office 675-3660 ta arrange interview. :LOOKING FOR OPERATORS : Sof drway sealer spraying units.: * No experierice necessary. * :D.T.U. Assoiat es : - 1-852- 9033 e PARTS Chrysier Junior at1 PERSON required for dealership. Caîl Don 655-8826. PAINTER FOR HIRE. Re- ferences and experience. Phone Ron, at 668-827.8. LIGHT MOVING Jobs - dlean backyards, cellars, etc. Cal JOE for the best .. service anytime. Phone 723-2368. STU MCGEE 'S floor sanding, refinishing, rpairs and staining. Supplied, laidand finished. Phone colleot ater 6:00 p.m. - (705) 944- 5529. P. AND W. INTERIOR DESIGN CONSULTATIONS. Contact Wendy Wallace, Hon. B.A. 666- 1502, or 434-1733 at The Kauf man Furniture Gallery. EXPERIENCED CLEANING LADY! The job is done right. l'm hanest, reliable, efficient & work for myself. Free in- home es- timates. Reterences provided. Weekly or bi-weekly. Cali Sharon now at 430-7889. ARE YOU havîng trouble getting auto insurance because ot age, poor driving record, ar suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. Plaecheck your advertisement for errors.on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space accu pied by the error Up ta a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 20 words; 12e each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - ta blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 20words; 15seach addit ionaI word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 73cper agateline (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaîd, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics> Reg ular display rates apply - 78$ per agate Ue minimum size. I column Inch - $10.92 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday naon prior to Wednesday publ ication. 668-6111 I (Z