WHIMY FREE PRESS, wEDNEsDAY, JUNE 14, 1989, PAGE3 Seachisonfor--trusteecý Monday, June 12 Correspondence n a letter tram the Minister Responsible for Disabled Persons, council was informed that thora 18 flo goverfiment assistance aVailabie if the Town establishes a subsidized taxi service for the visualiy 7 impaired. Council wiliinaw have to decide whether it wiii subsidize the program f uliy. Received for information Letterfrom Robert McCleery applylng to rezone property at 804 Brock St. N. ta permit a vacuum cleaner, doar lntercom and pool supply outlet. Cauncil alsa received a letterfram a numbered company asking ta rezone 513 Brock St. N. ta permit a pool campany. Bot h Jetters were referred to planLninq and deve lopment comumttee. Recommendations from operations' eOMMittee That council approve the purchase of a 5000 LPM triple combination pumper- wlÇVth telescaplo boom at a cast of $400,000, and a similar pumper with no boom at a cast af $297,900, f rom Superior Emergency Eqpt. Ltd. of Aberta for the Whitby f ire department. Approved That tenders be called for the purchase of f ive 40-ft. transit coaches. The f ive buses are estimated ta cast a total of $925,000. The Town wli receive a subsidy af $693,750 ftram the Province. The buses are required ta handie the new transit routes expected ta go into aperatian in August. Approved. Recommendations from planning and house on the property. Demied. That application tees ta the committee af adjustment be increased ta $200 f rom $100 and that salaries for members 0f the committee be increased ta $50 a meeting f rom $25. The chairman's saiary would also increase ta $55 a meeting f rom $30. Approved. Class of '64 NURSING GRADUATES from the clase of 1964 at the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital got together last week for a reunion. Above are: Jane Hobbs, Marlene Owen, Margaret Bouillon,- Marie Heavy- sege, Betty Hili Anne Reimer, Bae.b Pond, Pat Fraser, Judy GowJane Spenser,LidaPotte, Barb McCracken and Marelene Grass. Fre. Prem ]photo - By Debbie Luchuk With the' resignation, at the end of June, of Lamna Murphy a a Pickerin g trustee and Durha Board of -Education chairman, the search is on throughout Dur- ham Region for a replacement trustee. According to the Education Act, anyone in. the, re'r)n, even outside Pickering, cari run for the'position, provided they are a pub lic school supporter, a Cana- dian citizen, and at 'least 18 years of age. At their board meeting Mon- day night, trustees voted in favor of advertising the vacancy ta obtain a list of potenitial candi- dates. Candidates wiIl apply ta the board, and will be given a chance ta speak ta the board, -and answer the board's questions, and trustees will vote at the Aug. 28 meeting. The other option the board hadl was to hold a by-election. Trus- tees decided that this option would cost a lot of money, and would, not be a successful means of electing a trustee. . 'h v Té date, 18 persans hv applied for the position, chair Lamna Murphy saîd. - C oleman oz u. CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING by Coleman A Ir Control & Coleman Two Dynamite Hits -Be cool this summer and many aummers ta corne _____ wth the purchase of a Colemnan centrai air syatem. Colemnan has h a forty Yeam expeience ln the heatrn and air conditionlng business. no fe te h em for oepnars tigtand Air ouvfel tued Corna ort eoeanto lgandyou r y Condhionlng can provide. PUT UT ON Y-OUR GAS BILLO .À& 7Low Monthly Paymentsl" c-- cm