HENRY STREET High recently won the Durham g. bail championship. Teami are (front. from -left) Kell, Angela Sorichetti, Shelle] Tracy Smith and Lisa Besi Lob-bail champs School frorn left) coach Y. Chornobay, Les- riris' lob- ley Doran, Becky Johnson, Kayley nembers Moore, Deanna May, Krista Tabur, y Foote, Sophie Daley, Korin Tabur and y Tran, coach J. Smith. Anderson CVI won .t. (ha. the consolation titie. Vinco Ohpreclo-Free Press photo Volunteers wanted for rec outing The Oshawa--and District Asso- ciation for Community Living needs volunteers te assist in recreational outings. Anyone who e njoys walks in t he park, base- bal, fishing, bike riding and other suminer activities can cali the office at 576-3011. Other opportunities include: 1) Volunteer te assist support services division. This position requries the volunteer te niake telephone calls. Typing would be an asset, but net mandatoiy. 2) Vlunteer needed te assist an individual in ber work placement at the Holiday Inn. Heurs: one heur per day, five days per week. 3) Volunteer te help a Young boy te deliver bis papers and provide assistance in collecting money. This Young boy aIse enjoys swimrning. 4) Bingo. If you enjoy playing, why net include a new friend in your plans! Tuesday evening and Wednesday or Thursday during the day are the turne that a volunteer is needed! 5) Is cooking your specialt,1l If so, could you lend a helping hand during trhe noon heur cookcing pregrain. Vlunteer(s) needed for Monda, Tuesday and Wednesdays from il amn. te 1:30 p.m. 6) Maie (over the age of 35) is needed te assist a young boy in makcing the transition inte our community. This would require two te three hours per week. 7) Maie volunteer who speaks fluent Italian is needed. If you possess fiendsbip qualities tbis is the job for you! 8) Fundraising secretary is rêquired for our 'ÇCookbook Fundraiser.' This person would be responsible for collecting recipes, then assist with selling the ceokbook. TMme required: four heurs per week from May te December. 9) Handyman needed. If you enJoy painting, wallpapering, yard work, etc., and would like te assist Our maintenance department, cail. 10) Volunteer te provide transportation three times a week (in merning) to, 17-year-old girl from Park/Adelaide area to Eastview Boys and Girls Club - during summer menths. For further information, cali Suzanne Burton, volunteer coordinator at 576-3011. WHJTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21,1989, PAGE 23 Bantams make early exit .After bowing out early in the recent Bolton Tournament, the Optimist bantam basebail teamn camne out swinging June 13 as they crushed Port Hp 13-3. Losses to Thorold 9-5 and Kincardine 8-7 allowed the bantams to go home early as they dropped out cf the Bolton tourney quickly. Steve Wyrozub with a triple and two home runs, along with the pitching cfTIlm Puddister, were soine clf the bright spots for Whitby. On June 13, Mike Hunter shut down Port Hope with six solid innings on the mound end Tim Imeson provided the offence with four bits including a triple and three runs-batted-in. Ian Aùdrew scored three runs, had two bhits and drove in a run as the' gaine ended in the eighth inning because of the league curfew. Hur! i ite u 0. O icesAvial for the Whitby General Hospital at The Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashbum JuIy 12, 1989 Registration 11:30 a.m. Shotgun &tart 1:00 p.m. $65MO includes 18-hole golf tournament and dinner Hole lu One Contest For Air Canada "Fly Anywhere?' Prize* rai IJK IIiEJ'S]LAY IIALL lpIfIP 2Z2~ BUNTING The bunt is a çjreat offensive weapon. You can use il to advance the baserunners or to çjet a hit. Always work on bunting as part of batting practice. 1 Witb 1hhe square around position both feet point toward the pitcher, even with the front of the plate. Keep your feet in the hatters box. - 2Your top hand sies takes a 'pencil' grip. You shonîri Jean forward. knees slightly bent ... 3 Change the bat angle witb your top hand andi guide the bat to the bail. At contact, pull your hanris back softly to your body to cushion the balls impact. NextWeek. I S i.ing ad 11 gin o For more information on Petro-Canada Play Bail. phone 1-800-268-2244. &CHEVROLET *OLOSMOBILE * ADILLAC Dundas & Thickson in Whtby - 668-3304 SFE US TODA Y WHILE STOCK LA4STS OFFER ENDS JUNE 301h m m m m A=k 1 AF 1 1 pey lk&Pudjrup 'A ÎrA -,AJML