WIIBXIflfEl p EDNSDII? JUNE 21,1i989, PAGE 25 Paniel reconunendis improvements to hospital, jail A public institutions in- spection panel, under the direction of Judge J.H. Jen- kins, visited various public institutions in the Durham judicial district in May to p repare a, report for the Misty of the Attorney General. The panel w as made up of Bessie Duggan of' Whitby, Arthur Armstrong of WhitbyTrayMcKay of O eh- awa, Linda addison of Osh.- awa, Donald Forbes Pearson of Ajax and Michale.Olin of Oshawa. The following are reports on some of the insti- tutions which were inspected by thepanel. WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL The panel feit that we were Blood donor chute June 23 A Red Cross blood donor clinic will be held Friday. June 23. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Whitby Psychi- atric Hospital, building 30 audi- toriumn. F or more information cali Larry MacDermaid at 668- 5881, ext. 5714. Correction An article about Durham Home Service in last week's edi- tion should have stated that the fée for a homeowner is $25, not $75,. and that homeowners will receive certain benefits in addi- tion to service. The. telephone, number for the service is 428- 8891, not 839-7016. The Free Press wishes to apo- logize for the errors and any inconvenience which may have resulted from the article. received well. The hospital itselt« was well maintained. It was bright and airy. Decor was very uplifting. Concemns: - Entrance breezeway flooring uneven. Tripping hazard; - For the hospital being a health facility the windows were very dirty; - Storage facilities not ade- qaei.e. x-rays out in patient wiig area; -General stores room only had one sprinkler in the large room. With the paper content we are ,-oncerned about lack of sprinkler 3ystem s. Recommendations: - The floor should be levelled r replaced; - Windows should be cleaned on a regular basis; - Secure storage for x-rays. Files are very personal and should not be left at reach of public; - Recommend review for sprinkler system in s.pply room. WIIITBY JM Overall the panel was very impressed with this tour. They were very helpfuil in answering our questions. Some of the observations and recomnendations are as follows: - Painting throughout facility was not well maintained iLe. holding, admitting and discharge areas; - Front panel of counter in admitting area - large hole in bottom; - Lack of proper signage took' away from overaîl appearance of facility; - Lack of office space for administrative staff, iLe. file boxes stacked on floor - Over cluttering of hallways also kitchen lacked space; - Doctor's office lacks facility. Examination bed covered with boxes. Inadequate for a 40.maxi- mum-patient- day; -Chaplain's sinli vas stained -appearance, not good. Recommendations: - More aggressive painting maintenance program, with con- sideration for ýmore relaxing, uplifting color schemes. Motiva- tional colors; - Suggest a more durable material for counter iLe. a kick plate; - Replace graffitit and paper signs with manufactured signs;- - Were currently consi dering adding a portable onto the front of building. Office equipment could be modernized iLe. modular furniture; - For safety concerns, we sug- gest that boxes be disposed of on a regular basis to, avoid clutter- ing; - Better equipment and remo- val of unnecessary boxes in doc- tor's office; -. Recommendations for it (sink) to be replaced. We feel that, overaîl, prisoners were being taken care of well. The voluntary unit of 100 people was commendable. Educational services for inmates exceptional. DENISEIIOUSE, OSHAWA The panel was very impressed Vohumteeris are needed Volunteers are needed at Fair- view Lodge to assist with the pet therapy program that includes a golden retriever puppy recently introduced at the badge. Volunteers must be willing to commit two hours each week to a pup-visiting program. Orien- tation and training on how to handle the therapy dog will be provided. For more information cal Heather at 668-585 1. with overail tour. Staff was more than willing to show us every- thing. The facility was very well maintained. The security system seemed very adequate anadeffi- cient. The facility was very dlean and the staff memnbers friendly. Parent volunteers PAUL MANUEL, vice-principal at west Lynde pnublice school, presents 'Parent Volunteer of the Yeaà r' awards to Maggie Crisp (left) and Marianne Beamish in a recent ceremony at the sehool. Vince Ohprecio-Free Press photo e... CALL A P?]RO]FESSIONfA L BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO HARWOOD AVE, S. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 BttaEsBusiNESS SAflinM a «ENINS B Weekly Industial Office Cleaning A lso: Genera Office Repairs. (Drywail, Paint, Trim, Fixtures, Etc.) Phone 668-7527 PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICES HOME IMPRO VEMENTS Roofs, Fences, Decks, Intedtocking Stone e5$ Walkways & Patios1~ Phone 430-1422 S....................... All aes - j -LTEUN- 1Dand S ô General Contracting à i * Landscaping a - Interlocking Sone * 6 lb Fences & Decks # 430-6364 IWINDOW CLEANIN G LTD. j Rlesidentiai Windows, Screens & Frames SEavestrough & Aluminum Siing Cleaning OSHL4WA-WHITBYAJAX 43-2 I FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 AL'S DRYWALL e Ornamental design ceilings e Plaster work- e Painting & decorating 668-8958 666-1657 Scotty M4B AI I21StI~%S *CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES eCONCRETE WOP.K *BRICK AND STONE WORK @ADDITIONS 9LEAKING BASEMENTS, ETC. CONSTRUCTION CG. LTD.m CALL US FOR Y01UR BUILDING INSPECTION BEFORE YOU BUY. Fr SETER 'BUILDLING DETECTIVE" '<4 USiNESS .427-065e <oe 2-8 ma), BUREAU SMALL APPLIANCES REPAIR SERVICE Compote small home and commercial appliarice repair. Authorized service for Black & Doker, Proctor-S11ilex, Melitta. Speciaiizing in vacuums & polishers, power tools, air con- ditioners, dehumidifiers and Iawn mowers. 220 Ash t. 430-8378 là ---- -- . ---- 1 1 1