Items from Whtby Council agenda(s)* Monday, June 19 Receommendation to operations committee That an all-way stop be lnstalied at the Intersection of McQuayv Blvd. and Bonacord Ave. Denied That Kent St. and Centre St. be slg ned for two-way traffic whlle Mary St. E.* Is under construction. Both are now slgned one-way. Approved That resurfacing of rural roads at a cost of $228,997 be approved. Roads being resurfaced are; Rossland Rd. from Lakeridge to Goodfel- iow, Conlin Rd. from Thickson Rd. N. to the Oshawa boundary, sections of Ashbum Rd., Heron Rd. fromn Myrtie to Townllne, Duffs Rd., a 200m. section south of Brawley, Garrard Rd.- from Conlin to Winchester and Columbus Rd. f rom Baldwin to Cederbrook Trait. Approved That a multi-way stop at the Intersection of Glen Hill Dr. and-Leslie St. not be moved toMaplewood Drive and Glen Hill, and.that a multl-way stop and Pine His Rd. Demied. Instead committee agreed to install the Glen Hill and Pine Hile stop signs and relocate the Leslie St. sign to Maplewood. Committee feit this would help slow traffic in the area. That the 10w tender of $765,401 *by Harden and Kinci Constructionj-or the wldening of Garden St. to four lanes f rom two lanes, f rom Martinet St. to Manning Rd., be approved. Work Will aiso include the installation of equipment at Garden and Manning for future traff ic signaie. Approved. That the construction of a sidewalk on Thickson Rd. N., That 682506 Ontario mc. flot b. issued 13 building permits in 1989 for a subdivision in Ashbum. The company is _ planning a 17-lot subdivision but part of council's approval was the staging of develop- ment. Council allowed three years which meant a minimum of eight permits could be issued in a year. ApprovedL Fare, increase questipnd ByMike Johnston h w edt ave staff A fare. increase to. $1 from- 70. study their proposed l'ares and cents for adults rosd'to takeý the effect on> the transit system's effect two 'M'onteis arwhitby's 1989 and 1990 budget. new bus routes are intro duced is The revised route wiIl see six too much too l'ast, according to routes and 14 buses' operating councillor Marcel Brunelle. during peak periods. Unîder this -Whitby's operations committee systeni, buses1 are expected te gaxve approval to the revised ser- have a one-waY travel tume of 20 vice 'whichJs te go into effect minutes., Aug. ý21. But 'comrnittee has Comttee also agreed to ask ase fo 1 report on an increase staff to look for a storage faciIity iný the'aduit'are -to 75 cents in l'or the* Town's buses in Whitby. October and then $1 in Febru- The buses are now stored in Arv Bowmanville. âiudentl'ares would similariIy Free rides will be offered on inicrease froin 55 cents. the buses Aug. 21~ the ýday the "The time here- is not long~ new routes are imiplenientec. enough. We shouId keepth fares down until we can seli the service," said Brunelie. "It is -nô good to have a multi- million dollar bus service and no one riding the bus," he added. He received support from coun- cillor Tom Edwards who alo thought the recommended in- crease came too quickly. "The fare increase shouid be graduai,» said Edwards, wvho along with Brunelle, was ready to make.a motion for the revised fare increase. But on a recommendation from Town administrator Bill Wallace, Accident -aà t Hlardm Co A 28-year-old Oshawa man lost two fingers in an accident at Hard-Co Excavating in Whitby Tujesday morning hast week. Durhami Regionai Police'report Raif xuse was lifing the Iid of a grate when the lid sprung open crushing his hand against. a wahi and severing two fingers. WH1TY FIRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21,,'1989, PAGE 3 A CASAVANT 1w Casavant Collection by Nadeau: a rîchly distinctive Une of fwrniture,which -recatp-, tures t/w spirit of our early artisans in a uniquely conteinporary manner to become tomorrow's heirloom., Designed to fi today's needs, the Casa-, vant Collection fits perfectly well into al decors, traditional, contemporary or> futurist, to create an ambiance appeal- ing to e-very. taste. Corne & Visit Our Showroom & See the Outstanding CASAVANT Collection, Located in Our CARRIAGE HOUSE Consuit us Rousseau for complete interior design services! means fine fuirniture & accessories! Complete Interior fine fumnituo9 * aosories [J iooroVerlngse L~ ~ - - - - - - - 12PRICE SPECIAý ON EIECTRIC AIR CLEANER WITH PURCHASE CE-NTRAL AI R CONDIT*IONII b'y,1f M£MAMCO#4omOffi PUT IT, ON Y-OUR GAS BILL A Low Monthly Pavmentse" o NG