PAGE 12, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1989 i Summer -respite servicesI ,JENNIFER MCMULLAN (photo at riglit) feeds the ygygoats at Bomnile ZOO while Tracy Mock- tord (foreground, above) gets help from Kelly Jen- nings to bake cookies. The Durham Association of Family Rîespite Services hired students for the summer to take children on field trips.FeePo ht GOLDEN GAIE CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DAILY CSat. & Sun. Brunch $6.25. (more t6an 50 items to choose from foi dinner) b)ine in anid Take-out service. (107 BROCK STI. S., WHITBY c~C»LE; 93 -222r2 C< Jo >1 # BukDis bles rWèd i n Asoe so 1 3 Brock St. S., Downtown Whitby MON.-WED. 9-7, THURS.-FRI. 9-9, SAT. 9-6 à ;