WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAZ -SEPrMBMER 13, 1989, PAGE 27 Loc-Pipe addit ion approved by Town WOMEN IN ABUSIV'E BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance, RELATIONSHIPS. For help cali 20x2o ft, $2,900; 24x24 ft., the Denise House for women and $3,100; 28x36 ft. $4,500; 32x36 ft., children. Toli f ree 1-800-263-3725 $4,900; 36x48 ft., $6,900; 40x60 or 728-7311. Confidentiality as- ft., $8,800. Cail 985-7930. sured. (Formerly Auberge). HOME MO VIES transferred ta videa tape. European video tape conversions. Low prices. 728-9565. BAA I FTAITH eould showR iNd ess FaiaceCIsho ch mor unotonhs felowmanthi who is endowed with the power of utterance. 668-8665. WOMEN . IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For -heîp cal the Denise House for women and children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentially assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counselling. Free and confidential, available Monday ta Friday, 8*30 amn. ta 4:30 p.m. Cîinic every Thursday 3:00 pin. ta 6:00 p.m. For further information, call 420-8781 or 433-8901. BAHAI FAITH. He shouîd flot hesitate ta offer up his life for hlm Beîoved, nor atlow the censure of the people to turn him away from the truth. 668-8665. NEW TECHNOLOGY ta Canada eliminates RUSTY, SMELLY, BAD TASTING WATER. Purifies your ENTIRE water supply for only "pennies a day". Eliminates the need for chemincal-iran fMlers and shock chlorination. NO-SALT required. For further information, write: The "RUST BUSTER", #5-6380 Tomken Road, Missis- sauga, Ontario L5T 1K2. Cail toll-free: 1-800-387-3423. Sales and service represented through- out Ontario. B NO! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cati the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hottine i-800-668-AIDS OVERWEIGHT? Try aur new Il Appetite Control Program - lose El up ta 29 lbs. in 30 days. No drugs. HI 100% guaranteed. Surprisingîy fi affordablel Caîl: 416-847-6434. B ue ai a. u mi u. umes o memu % SPaper Products, including *newspaper, comprise 36 per! cent ai the garbage placed at curbside for pickup each week. A Yof r)!.reÇIPI STEEL BUILDINGS factory speciais - Models back by popular demand. Quonset 19x30x9= $2,549; 40x60x14= $6,899; Model 'Se 30x40x15=$5,099. Straightwall with coîoured walls 40x6Oxl4-- $14, 199; 24x30x12=$5,978. LIMI- TED TIME OFFER. Pioneer/ Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B A-Z PRE-ENG BUILDINGS mnc. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or colleot after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B BEST BUILDING BUYS -V2 price sale - buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - imiited steel -, PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263- 8499 (24 hrs.). Bý BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 $8.900; 60x2O $17.000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Caîl now 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704. B STEEL BUILDINGS, Plowing match special. Must selI 82 buildings, various sizes. Huge sliding doors, NO reasonable offer ref used. Caîl: Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. B EMPTY SPACE! OnIy because your ad isn't being read right now. Phone 668-6111. Colleen Ackford Jennifer Dickson Jason Johnston- Jackie Mclntyre Nicole Nadeau Kim Taylor Whitby counicil bas approved a site plan application by.LcPie the concrete pi pe manufacturer located on Hopkins St., for an additional building. rpia 7- Qflfl.agw ff- aAA444jnn Tamara Wiesiolek manufacturing. Town planning department bas asked that the new building, due ta visibility from Hopkins, ke constructed of textured block - - --.- - --.- -- - - . - - - a.AA lavv i . i. uili ramer zL I4I moI n iiUctIi o nL LI A BEALIIFUL ;woulcl be user1 for PVC pipe block. FOR FIRST T/ME BUVERS 4 OR RETIRED COUPL E. Ii o Lagoon Cityioè y tja Ret; Whitby Jail will bold 'Com- of the community,» cori Buy or ROMmunity Information Day' on'- the Ministry of Correctional 427.8007Wednesda Spt' 27, il a.m. ta vices. 7 p.m., at itney Hall, Iroquois An information dey was .*PorI Caran a 1loaf ~v ou arn a offatt WHITBY 3 bedroom town house, close to schoo!s and Go. $138,000. 666-2269. Open house Sept. 17, 1 ta 5 p.m. WHITBY - FALLINGBROOK. One year oîd, 4-bedroom on court with fully-fenced, premium lot. Main floor family room with fireplace. Two walk-outs ta beautiful customn deck with 8-seater whirlpool spa. Victorian. porch, screen door and gingerbread trim. Master bedroom with ensuite. Central air. Many upg rades. $254,900. Cal 666-3917. COBOURG WEST, private. Asking $132,900. Brick semi-detached. 34' x 100' lot, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bat hs, finished family room. Close ta ail amenities & 401.' November possession. 1-372-7443. PRIVATE SALE - Solid brick bugalow, 62' x 135' lot, 20' x 40' inground pool, finished basement, close ta schools, shopping and transportation. $190.000, owner moving. 668-6041. VENDORS WANTED for the Marigold Christmas craft show, November the 12 at Heydenshore Pavillion, Whitby. Caîl Barb at 668-8907. J. aLft aaLLI.. Visitors can learn about jail operations and "the jail as part igto 1Ser- held d ance' prompted organization of the event for thisfail. Arson is investigaated D)urhiam Regional Police are treating as an arson case a fire at a wooden shed next ta the CPR tracks near Euclid St. Police report someone started a fire, which-quickly spread, on the floor of the slhed on Sunday, Se t. 10. %e fire was quickly put out by the Whitby fire department. Museum in Centennial building FROM PAGÉ 2 where do we go?,», asked Janice Griffith, general, manager of the Durham YMCA. From that location the 'Y' serves approximately 100 fam- ilies. This summer 150 children received before and after camp care, and 100 elementary scbool students receive tutoring. G-ur.7irit petialiiai1ligt in thie Centennial buifà ing provides ser- vices for 1,075 individuals per year. "The YMCA served notice it was moving ts administrative offices,» said barry Morrow, Town recreation director. "What we are attempting to do is give aIl current users ofý the facility as much lead time as possible as ta the use of the facility. "Lead time is not helpful if there is no facility ta, go ta,-" said Griffith. "There will b e no pro- grams for 1,000 Whitby people. "I would suggest ta you ta seriously alternate plans in case you have ta disban operations or relocate," said Bugelli. Ho assured bier that tbe Town would do ail tbey could ta assist the 'Y' in their search. $4 per year for rec complex FROM PAGE 1 had been reduced by at least $2-million. That would require cutting back on some of the facilities P-andfor the first phase, said "We (council) neyer did get down ta discussing that," said Brunelle. He said he was reluc- tL.nt ta say wbat be would like removed from the complex. The first phase, on which con- struction is expected ta begin this year, will include a leisure pool, fitness facilities and general facilites. Bugelli also noted that if the town does average 625 housing units each year, at an estimated 3.8 population per housebold, the Town's population will increase by 35,625.H~e said that couldpunt pressure on the Town for addil- tional recreation facilities. Ryan Bekkevold Sarah Janson Adam Kennedy Scott Moore Brent Nickelchok Kim Walters fr A à .*r~~ * a *am 1a ar4 k * C', 9 &:wà 3 j The Whitby Free Press would like to wish Happy Birthday ta ail its carriers with September birthdays! ricrere 9 %lý4lt 4vowol9oý