'i 'j j; p I t i t fi E -I p t' ai ni ec T of S. Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) September 11, 1991 Correspondence Council recelved a letter fror Steve Butland, MP for Sault Ste. Marie, asklng council to endorse a resolution requesting that the five-year plan for VIA Rail be subject tý coast-to-coast public hearings. Endorsed Letters from Ontario riding MP Rene Soietens, Durham riding MP Ross Stevenson and the office of the chief election officer acknowledg- lng a letter f rom the Town of Whltby which urges that Whitby, as a whole, be represented federally and provinclally and flot as part of other ridings. ]Receive for information An application fromf Donald Rogers to rezone property at 320 Thlckson Rd. S. to permit a donut shop, gas bar, bank machine and storage space. Referred to planning and development conuttee. Recommendations from operations commiittee That the low tender of $939,097 by Ontario Bus Industries Inc. for f ive 40-foot transit coaches be accepted. The amount is subsidized 75 per cent by the Ministry of Transportation. Approved That the Iow tender of $95.881 by Dave Boyle Excavating Ltd. for the construction of storm sewers on Byron St. N., from John St. northerîy for a distance of 65 metres, and the construction of storm sewers on Cassels Rd. E., from Lynde Creek to Durham St., a distance of 240 metres, be approved. Approved That the Town only proceed Nith road projects underthe local improvement policy wvhen the majority 0f property owners on a street petition :he Town to do the work. AIso that work on Newman Cres. underthe policy not proceed. Approved Recommnendations from planningad hat the mural now being SmpIeted on the south waIl I Whitby Audio on Brock St. >be approved. Approved. ............ ........... ................ Day Downtown' s. w here >tue act*io n i s to WAn apple pie baking contest will b e ed at Pearson Lanes on Saturday, Sept. 16, starting at 10 a.m. The contest is open to men, women and children of ail ages (one.pie per contestant). Each pie must be baked in a 9-in. (22.5cm) circular aluminum pie plate. Amateurs only may enter. For entry forms, cail or visit the Whitby Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) office, 105 Mary St. W.,. in Pearson lanes (666-4189). Entry florms can be mailed te Box 254, Whitby, LiN 5S1. Regitration can also be made on t he day cf the event,' from 9:30 te 9:45 a.m. Ail entries must be made by 9:45 a.m. HeitaeDspaPresenta- tions &Activte 10 a.m. to 4 Display of designated buildings; cloek display from Earl Pascoeý's collection; presentation of plaques for most recently designated buildings (11 - 11:30 a.m.); presentation of grand prize for Wihitby LACAC photograph contest (11:30- 11:45 a.m.); walldng Tour- lead by Town archivist Bilan Winter (9:30 - 10:30 a.m.). Events will be centered around the Canadian Imperial Banîk cf Commerce - at the four corners. Sponsored by Whitby LACAC., Faoe Painting - 10 a.m. to, p.m., Whitby Hydro Commission Building - Brock St. S. Sponsored by the Witby Jaycettes. Cost is $1/face. Musical Entertainment - 111 a.m. te 1 p. Meet the Chordiality Barbershop Quartet - members of thé Oshawa Chapter SPEBSQSA Inc. They will be touring throughout the downtawn. Ohuck Wagon - 11a.m. to,6Çp.m. In addition ta, the Blue Mari ner's regular menu, thé Optimist Club ,of Brooklin will barbecue their famous steer burgers. and dawgies. The. Chuck Wagon will be located on Byron St. S$., in front of the Blue Mariner Restaurant. Follow the aroma. Coin Rost - noon ta 4 p.m. Miracle Food Mart; Plaza - Dundas St. W. CoSt is $l/cob while quantities st (crop permitting). Ail proceeds td the Whitby General 190fa Sponsored by the Whitby Chamnber cf Commerce and the Whitby Business Improvement Area. JýitoricaI Walking Tour-1 p.m. ta 2p.m Trour wil be lead by Brian Winter, Town archivist. Tlhe tour wiil begin and end at the Cadian Imperial Bank cf Commerce. Cafigrapby Workuhcp-1 p.m. Whitby Public Library program room. Registration- for the workshop, lead by Leanne Long, will be taken prier ta the event only. Cail 666-4189. For individuals 12 years and older. Supplies donated by KP Copy Centre - 209 Dundas St. E. Quilting and Needlework_ Demeîstrtion - 1 p.m. ta 3 p.m.* Sponsored by Whitby Fabrics - 215 Dundas St. E. Ilistoeical Society Heritge Tes - 2 p.m. ta 4 p.m. The Whitby Histoncèal Society will hcld their "Heritage Tea" sponsored by Pearson's Fine Dining - 103 Mary St. W. in Pearson Lanes. Adults $3 and children $1.50. There will be a display cf historical memorabilia and entertainument by Whitby's classical guitarist - Maria Granda. VOICE DECO, an Oshawa-based aca- music tliat spans jazz, classical and pella ensemble that bas performed ail pop idioms, members are Yéoni Choi, over Canada and the United States, Richard Jhin, heather Kissack, Shelley will perform at Pearson Lanes on Heri- Mapes, Carlos Vela-Martinez, Mario tage Day, Saturday, Sept. 16, at 11 a.m., Vela-Martinez. 11:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Performing Museumn Proposai i*s made By Trudie Zavadovics Whitby council has given appreval te, use of the Centennial building solely as the site for a new museum, archives and theatre, despite high costs and structural concerns. The theatre would require 5,000 sq. ft., the museum 5,000 sq. ft., and archives 2,500 sq. ft. The only opposition came from councillor Joe Bugelli who noted that the report ta, council from staff did net look thoreughly enough at the structure cf the building. He said renovation cf the building for the three uses would cost between $2-. and $2.5-mil- lion. "That is exceptionally expen- who was confident that -once work begins the price would in- crease. «Let's be careful before we take this step,» said Bugelli, whose arguments feli on deaf ears. "There is excitèfrient- over this,» commented councillor Den- nis Fox, while councillor - Ross Batten noted that in order for the town te progress it bas to sumprt cultural activities. 'is gives us a cultural cen- ter," said Batten. At a Sept. 5 mneeting, Town eperations committee voted to approve the concept and recom- mended further studies, despite strong oppostion from comnittee chairman Joe Bugelli. He objected te, the estimated $3-million for renova tions. He said- that- berrowing. cost - would!! be double the cost cf leasing the same space. "We'd be much better cff giving grants, than ta pay interest rates,» said Bugelli. «I cannot, in goed concience, support going that route.» "ýDoes this community need a museum? Yes!» said councillor Dennis Fox. «Somewhere dewn the road we have te bite the bullet and say yes.» "The fact is, we have a faciilty built in 1852,» said counciller Um Edwards. «This is a facility we é'ant te cherish in the public domaln. We have ta do sorne- thing thiat will ensure its safety. If we ca'n't do evything we can te contain a building built a hundred years ago, we will neyer have a building 200 years old. «No matter, what we 'do with the' buildingâ, 'We é l ae maintain it said Edwards. «It would throwý grave discredit on us if we didn't try' Structural concerns include dampness, decayed wood and damaged mas'onry. An initial building analysis report states that the building is structurally_ sound, although some specixîc areas require attention. Mechanical/electrical compenents will require substari- tial. upgrading te ineet the requirements cf the proposed uses. The YMCA will have te uproot itself after 23 years in the Cen- tennial building if the propcsed changes to the building material- mze. "If the project gces ahead, ~SEPAE27' WMITBY FIREF'PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMER 13, 1989, PAGE3, Qujit Show - 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Whitby Public libre"r auditorium, sponsored by the Olde Silver Thiruble. For entry information cail 430-0297. The show will a"s be held Thursdýay and Frday (Sept. 14 & 15) during library hours. Viewer voting will determine the winners. Prizes will be awarded at 3 p.m. on Saturday.-. Apple Pie Contest - 10 amn. to il a.m. Pearson Lianes - Mary St. W. Contest. open to men, women and children of ai ages. For*contest details cali 666-4189. Prizes donated by the Ontario Apple Marketing Commission. Balloons - 10 ax'. to 1 p.m. Balloons wiIl be handed out by individuals dressed in turn of the century costumes - Courtesy of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club. Recydling Paper Demonstra- tion - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located outside :of the Bank of Nova Sectia (185 Brock St. N.). Demonstration conducted by staff of the Clarke Towvnship Museum & Archives. Pioneer Crafts and Émodking Demonstration - 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. Sponsored by Whitby Fabrics 215 Dundas St. E. Traditional Lathe and Wood- turning Demoeîstration - 10 a.m. ta, 3 p.m. Courtesy of Weller's - Demonstra- ted by Mr. Weller. Located at 114 Dundas St. E. Entrance from. Perry St. Apple pie contest to be held Héritag