PAGE 16,>WIfTBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, EPENMR'20,1989 Waste management, liaison- group, established A public liaison committee (PLO) has been formed to act as a go-between for politicians and residents as Durham. Region begins its search for a Durham- only landfill site. MacLaren Engineers Inc. is conducting the search for Dur- ham at a cost of $1-million. The site will give Durham an alternative to an y proposaI that cornes from the Greaer Toronto Area (GTA) meetings, Jack McGinnis of Eneract Corumuni-' cations told an audience of 25 at the Brooklin community centre last Thursday night., Eneract bas -been hired by Maclaren to establish the PLC The Brooklin meeting was the first of the PLC. But some in attendance were skeptical of the role PLC will take in future discussions on a waste'dump. «I don't want te be part of something after the fact,» said Bill Parrish of Aa. Parrish is also president of% Pickering Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environment* a group that bas joined the figlit against a Metro- Politan Toronto dump propo;sed in Durham adjacent te the a let of Witevale in Pickering. "If the waste management committee and Durhamn Region council don't refer te us before See us for your freezer needs! You may vneyer have to say "dClean Up your room"l agam., Space Age Shelving are the experts in maximizing your closet space. And since every hlouse and space is different. well corne right to your house and give you a rree estimate. Youll get TH1E YOUNG GIRL'S CLOSET the best solution at a competi- tve price. And speaking or solutions. weve got over 250 products to help you organize yqur lire. Just caîl the Space Age Shelving store nearest you. SPACE AGE 5HELVINQ WE MAKE FREE HOUSE CALLS. RESIDENTIAL- COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL I 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY I (416) 430-1636 jStore ffour: MonhdyY -Wrdrwday 10.1m tn 6 pm - TaIfs4ly P. Fridiy 9gm tn 9 pm -Sitti«Ia 9 wn ta R pm -AJ a& -w- l ,1 i xnaking a decision, we are wast- ingour time,» said Parrish. But McGinnis disagreed. "The Region bas said PLC will be at the table when discussions are taking place,» sà id McGinnis. He sai-d that MacLaren has started hydrogeological tests on aIl areas of Durhamn Region to determine in what areas a dump would be possible and the PLOsa participation would be essential to any site selection or alterna- tives. «We have to take the fear away, » agreed Carl Howe Jr. of Oshawa. He said the PLC would be valuable in providing communi- cation te the public about the process of the study. 1 "The basic public is afraid of this. They need communication and have to be made aware of alternatives," said Howe. Others agreed, noting that recycling would be the main alternative to a landfill site. But Ralph Blank of Whitby noted that dumping waste in a landfxÎll site is less expensive than recycling. «We elther h ave to bring-down the recycling fee or raise the tipping fee at dumps," said El ank. Mcinnis said that of the $1- million cost of the study, $600,O00 was earmarked for the technical detials while $400,O0 was noing towards the non-tech- nicai* end, - such as newsletters and public meetings and the PLO. McGinnis was then asked about specific funding for PLC. "Our (Eneract) impression is that MacLaren wiII give us the budget we need if we ask for reasonable thi ngs," replied McGinnis. The next, general meeting of the PLC wiîl be Oct. 11. A steering committee comprised of two representatives -fromi each municipaîity in- Durhanm and four general inembers will meet on -Sept. 27. Bird vïewi*ng'at m arsh Less daylight and cooler. temperatures are two indications of winter's approach in Durham Region. Another sure sign is the gathering of the birds at Cranberry Marsh. To -bid farewell to, these feathered friends, CLOCA il hold its annual 'Fal Winged. Farewells Day' on Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Lynde Shores Conservation Aiea, at no charge. Participants are invited to gather between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. on the northeast viewing platformi of Cranberry Marsh (reached by foot travel only, along the road extending south from the parking lot.) CLOCA staff will be on hand to assist nature watchers in identifying up te 20 species of waterfowl. A spotting telescope will also be available for those people interested in a closr view of individual birds. ,Binoculars and field guides wil corne in handy and photographic opportunities may be available te those with cameras. Lynde Shores Conservation Area is located on the south side of Victoria St., approimately 2.5 km. west of Hwy 12. A reduction of Up j, to24 per cent of Municipal solid waste can be achieved through recycling l" newspapers, glass, cans, and plastic à oft drink containers. See us for your freezer needs! QUItrICKKEII1-hortrII-Blad ~ e R s Kaier - h o t of * O T BoeSî i e a muted r a ons e $ .9I an a oe o *ie P r R l*t e Spcilpe.s n r oe e $3.55-eIL DUTCH GOsk'UDA II< c':JidI*Iut pci CHEe.ES Ministry Remo Mancini EMPLOYER 0f Minister H A T A Ontario Revenue E L HT X In January, 1990, Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) premiums will be replaeed by the new EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX (EHT). Ail employers with permanent establishments in Ontario will be required to pay this tax through monthly or quarterly instalments based on total calendar year gross payroll. THE ONTARIO M1NTSTRY 0F REVENUE whieh is responsible for administering this new tax, mailed an IN4FORMATION REQIJEST to Ontario employers on August 28, 1989. Information provided by employers to the Ministry will be used to determine if tax is payable. As well, the Ministry will send employers further information as it becomes available. If you are an employer in Ontario and have not yet received an INFORMATION REQUEST, please caîl the Ministry, toll-free, at the numbers listed below: " for ail area codes 1-800-263-7965 " for users of a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf 1-800-263-7776