WH1TB M P fSSn WWNESDAk'M SE1MR20, 1989, PAUE iv Town .to comm.u..ent on Region rural policy Whitby council will not wait until the completion of its officiaI plan review ta comment on a revew of Durham Region's rural Whitby's planning and deve- lapinent committee had recom- mended waiting forý the offliciaI plan review befare making com- ment. The review is expected ta take at least twa years. But council felt that time frame would not give it the apportunity ta comment.on the Region's review. If we don't give aur input we will have ta live with sorneone else's,» said regional coundillor Marcel Brunelle. Planning committee had recommended waiting two years aiter north ward councillor Ross Batten expressed concern about Whitby planning staff comments and the preliminary report froin Durham lRegion. "Mie ijural area of Whitby is not the saine as other areas. (of the regionO," said Batten. As a compromise, council agreed ta, send Whitby staff coin- ments to the Region, but labeled as staff commients only. Whitby staff* agreed with the Region report which would eli- minate farm related residential severances. The severances allow a retiring fariner to selI a pro erty or pass it on ta, a relative w'eile retairiing a ulace on the land to live. Tihe Regioxi found, however, that many fa ers have not sold their lots ani~, on ocçasion, a number of t e lots hâve been excessive in si ze, remoMing agri- culturs4 land. In other nases, the Region found that s me farmers who liad applied roo lots also liad fulI-time empl _ment outside the farm, and tha saine lots allowed for commerci 41 operations, such as a inink f~ soon became a nuisance. "It is preferable that retire- ment lot severances be elimina- ted as they are contrary ta the intent of the plan of discaurag*ing scattered residential develo'p- ment in the rural areas and they do not serve their intended p)ur- pose,» wrote Region staff. In the area of resideeltial estatps, the plan sets criteriia ta befljowed. Té keep large resideýtial estates froin competinq L th hamlets as primnaryrsxetial areas, the estates will not~ be allowed to exceed 30 'lots or a maximum area of 20 hectares (50 actes). The- estates would also be frequired to be «well separated» from urban aras, should not restrict farrning practices on nearby farms and most include at least two accesses. Aax courts to be moved Attorney General Ian Scott lias annaunced that the provincial court, criminal division in Ajax will be transferred ta exdsting court facilities in Oshawa/Whitby beginning next'year. !Che decision follows a recommendation froin the Delay Reduction Committee in Durliam Region, one of six local groups examining court backlog in the province. Made up of members of the local judiciary, ministry officials, crown attorneys, defence bar, legal aid and police, the coinmittee advised the attorney general that operating a satellite court iAjax was not an efficient way ta handle the increasing workload. It went on ta, suggest that consolidation of services in Oshawa/Whitby would result in a considerable improvement in the time required ta bring matters ta court. At the saine time the Town of Ajax lias informed the ministry that the lease for the court failt at 22 Slierwood Ave. W. which expires Dec. 31, 1989, would not be renewed. The ministry hadasked Government Services ta, start a searcli for a new location. "Relocations of the Ajax satellite court will be a sigificant step in improving efficiency and caseload management," said Scott. "The chief judge of the provincial court, red Hayes, and members of the committee are in agreement witli the consolidation." Following a report by the local Delay Reduction Committee ta the attorney general, additional resources were comnitted ta, the Durhiam Region, including two new judges, tlire>p assistant-crown attorneys, twa freelance court reporters, two clerks and four offce staff. Since the Ajax office is serviced by personnel froin the Oshawa Court, there will be no changes in staffing. Proceedings now lieart in Ajax will be reassigned beginning Jan. 1, 1990, with criminal matters moved ta the Oshawa court facility, and Provincial Offences Act cases ta Whitby. 9110 oncourse 9 11 is on course and on budget for start-up on May 1, 1991, says chairinan of the 911 coinmittze, Don Evans. Evans,. administratar for Dur- hiam Region, says meetings lield with police fire and ambulance agencies during the summer have al been productive. "There is no reason why we can't" be operating by May 1, 1991,"said Evans. While the teclinical side of the emergency system is on sche- dule, the committee is stili not sure if Newcastle will allow its fire departinent ta ha a part cf the region-wide 911 system expected ta cost $1.7-îiillion, pglus an anrnual operating cost cf $i-million. Newcastle councillor Ken Hoo- Ifer s aid recently lis inunicipa- tydoes not need the systein since the fire departinent is "not broken.» Since the police departmnent is Region-operated and the ambu- lance is provincial, Newcastle must take part in 911 for those two services. Evans said lie is unsure if Newcastle will jain 911 but added there is sturl time for the municipality to do so. WHO CARS? CARRERANI) DUJRHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NO IC EOF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the IRegional Planning Committee wiII consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, SEPT ýMBER 26, 1989 AT 11:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 C0NSUM~ERS DRIVE, WHITBY A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The proposed amendment, as submitted by the Council of the Town of Whitby, proposes land use designations and policies for the aiea indicated on the mnap beîow and known as the Lyncle Shores Seconbdary Plan area. Within this area, residential -deveîopment of various densities, various types of commercial development, Industrial deveîopment, open space and park areas, Institutional uses, sohool sites and related transportation network are proposed. Subsequently, the Regional Council recommendation of the Planning meeting to be heîd on: wiIl consider the Commftee at a -Ê- ATING & AIR COKDITIONING CARE ENOUGH TO GiVE YOU $4250 Offer Vahid Sept. 5 Oct. 31 1989 MM I feels sooo good when someone cares. And Carrier cares tô the tune of up to a $425.00 REBATE M on natural gas efficiency. Simply instail a total Carrier Horne Comfort System consisting of a High Efficiency Natural Gas.X M Furnace, Central Air Conditioning, the 31SX Electronic Air au Cleaner and a Power Humidifier. Then save again and again with natural gas... the economical alternative. HoW.vs that for caririg? CA RRCARES L MEATING & AIR CONDITIC Oshawa HEAD OFFICE Pickering / Ajax Bowmanviîîe WHITBY Peterborouc 'CM C7A: '740) âtl CLIC-111 MA qqflffl I qe.3ou. à Authorlzed Consumera' Gao Desier NG- Lindsay/ Cobourg Port Hope 1-800-263-272T WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,,1989 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEAQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reîated to the proposed amendment is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calling Mr. John Sharpe, Planning Department (Whitby) 668-7731 / (Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Committee conceming the proposed amendment must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 6A3, and shouîd be received by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before the Regional. Council concemning the proposed amendment must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitb, Ontario, LiN 6A3, and should be received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO.: 89-241D/WW Gary Herrema Regional Chairman C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Cîerk it mu un lu -a, i ý ý ý , l 1 muni Avr- ma SU'Il - OUJ-3101 gh