WIVM PMFRE PRES4I, WEDNESDAY, OCFOBER 4,1989l, PAGE 19 Delay in collection' of plastic botties, film By Mike Johnston The planned collection of plas- tic botties and film by Durham Recycling will not yet take place because, of 'squabbling among plastic producers. Durham was to start the pro- ject this fail in conjunction with the Environmental Plastics Insti- tute of Canada (EPIC). But Art Leitch, Durham's director of operations, told. the Region waste management comn- mittee last week that EPIC is having problems with the plastic com panies that contribute money to EPIC. "They want us to collect Plas- -tics that are not recyclable,» Leitch told committee. 'WVhy would'we do- that? We are prepared to write 'to EPIC and cancel the project." He s#'id companies which pro- duce plastic that is not recyclable do not want want to be seen as "environmental bad guys" Plastics that would have been collected would have included margarine and yogurt con- tainers, liquor botties,. vinegar bottles, dishwashingzliquid bot- ties and hand-lotion bottles., Another reason for canceling the project is the success of recycling in Durham Region, said Leitch. "Wèe are having difiliculty find- ing markets1Ifor the products we are recyclino now," he told'com- mittee. "We are ing smothered by our pucces P" a ee Whitby councîl, lor I arcel Brunell e, a member of tfe committee. To help âlleviate spaoe pro- blems et th4 recyclinq, center on Confins RC-, commttee gave approval to0 n immediate, small scale expans 'on of the building. There ha~ been plans for a 10,000-sq. ft~ expansion at a cost of $4760'000. But Leitch told com- mittee the uccess of recycling has forced a "second look" at the program. Instead of ithe large expansion, committee akree4 to the smaller Durham is only region to nominate contingency site An Aja councillor wants to know which regional municipali- ties have suggested contingency Iandfill sites as part of the Grea- ter Toronto Area (GTA) waste management study. Pat Clark attempted to find out at Iast week's Durham Region waste management com- mittee. Clark, not a member of the committee, attended the meeting to get an - update on the Solid Waste Interim Steering Commit- tee (SWISC), the committee comf- prised of the chairmen of the regional municipalities in the GTA. The committee is consider- ing long-term Solutions for the garbage crisis facing the Dur- ham, York, Peel, Halton and Metro Toronto regions that make up the GTA. Committee heard that SWISC will soon be asking for "expres- sions of interest" from private and public firms who can suggest solutions to t»e garbage crisis. "It will be like a fishing expe- dition," explained Region director of o erations Art Leitch. li'e said the responses, at this stage, will only be lette;rs from grpups interested in offering INATURAL( AND AIR C( Buy a Carrier I -Furnace and s, -on centralîair<c TRADE Il m Buy a high effi( - aIone, and savi M in your oWflur - 'Cail for details Auionwd -CoosummWGa Pickerirg I Ajiax - 683-5757 - Serving Duri solutions. Concrete proposaIs will then follow, said Leitch, explaining SWISC was taking this approach so there would be no orga niza- tion "'popping up» at the lest moment. As part of the SWISC organi- zation, mnember municip alities had to nominate a contingency landfill site. Durham has nominated a site in Pickering, near Whitevale. Clark asked: if other municipa- lities had nominated sites. Leitch said Halton bas contri- buted a site in Milton, Peel is still deciding if it should join GTA, Metro bas two possible sites in Scarborough and York bas not identified a site. "So nobody has laid down a site expect Durham?" asked Clark. 1"No," replied co mmittee chair- man John Aker, an Oshawa councillor. He said Metro has identified two sites. "Ras their council gave appro- val for a site to be used?" asked Clark. "They have nominated the site," said Aker. "Okay, but bas their council gave its approval?" asked Clark LU GAS FURNACES 'ONDITIONERS NIaturaI c3as ave Up to... conditioning N iciency gas furnace ve Up to $500 by trading nace. ninr1 tiitmn c Boy againbecorrýing visibly upset. Whn a direct answer -was not iven, Clarl# charged that Dur- ham is the pnly region that bas8 nominated 4 site an should flot be involved in the GTA. "As this develops it looks like we will be a genius if we can g on our own,7 commented Whitcy councillor Marcel Brunelle. Committeà also heard that SWISC will be holding public meetings throughout the five reqons, and would be holding only four in: Durham because o time restraits. Committee called for five meet- ing to be held. It was suggested that meetings be held in the municipalities within Durham UIyudon't hold one in Ajax there will be a flot," said Picker- ing counicillor Doug Dickerson. Aax mayor Jim Witty also asked for a separate meeting to be held in Ajax. The committee theni recom- mended five meetings, one to be held in Ajax, one in Pickering, one in the Whitby/Oshawa area, one in Newcastle and one for the northem municipalites. There is not yet a schedule for the meetings. Il * '.'~' "~" '* W5 ARENT COMFORTAIILE UNTIL 10( ARE. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING )shawa HEAD OFFICE Lindsay/ C vmanville WHITBY, Peterborough Port H~ Cobourg iope n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n expansion ( size bas yet Ito be determined) and the hiring of a consultant, te- look at the f'uture of recycling. "We should hire a consItant to tell us what canrecy, now and in the future," said iLeih. The consultant will ais~ look at the recycling centre, its facili- ties and equipment, and :-ecom- m+end a plan for handlinq the ikicrease in recyclable materials. ,Regional council gave Durham Recycling, the firm under con- tract to handle recycling in the reeion, 12-month notice in April ths year while the Region inves- tigates the future of recycling. Q OSHAWA WHITBY NEWCASTLE UniUbed Way Becauseyoucared... A young family with thr'e children and one on'the way, lost ai their belongings in a fire. They were temporarily staying with relatives. The emergency chairman of the Canadian Red Cross (a United Way Agency), visited the family and addressed their needs. She provided food vouchers, clothing and boots for the children through "Boots for Kids" suppiy.' Red Cross also supplied a layette and crib for the new baby. After the family had moved to a new apartment, the emergency chairman kePt in touchi and through contacts with church and com munity groups, obtalned furnishings, bed linens to the family. Without your United! Way contribution, this distraught famlily may nlot have roeived the hslp from the Canadian Red Cross (a United! Way Agency) to hoUp rebuiid thoîr shattered lves. this space provided as a publie service by the Whitby Free Press , REGIONAL MUNICUIPALITY-- OL80M F DURHAM I NFORMATItON CENT*R.E: NEW WATER SUPPLY PLANT FOR THE PICKERING/AJAX AREA V*he Regional Municipality of Durham is planning the construction of a new water supply plant to service the Pickering/Ajax area. The project is subject to class environmental assessment which includes investigation of alternative locations for the wat er supply plant. Ât present there are four genieral locations within Ajax, Pickering, and Whitby being considered for the water supply pilan t and they-include: 1. A- site west of Frenchmans Bay which is located east of West Shore Boulevard and south of Sunrise Avenue in Pickering. 2. The industrial area south of Bayly Street along the Church Street road allowance. (There are two alternative sites being considered in this area: one west of the Church Street road allowance in Pickering and one east of the Church Street road allowance in Ajax.) 3. The Ajax waterfront- area south of Lake Driveway. ( There are four alternative sites beinq considered- in this area including the existing Ajax Water Supply Plant site.) 4. The area along the lakefront at the foot of Regional Road No. 23. ( There are presently two sites being considered in this area, one in Ajax.and one in Whitby.) A second public information centre will be held to discuss the proj ect and to seek public input. Staff of the Region of Durham and Simcoe Engineering Group Limited, Consulting Engineers for the rroiect, will be in attendance to answer questions. Ail interested parties are invited to attend the public information centre which will be held: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1989 MR. GABE OLIVER, P.ENG. TELEPHONE (416) 668-7721 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY IG. Herrema Regional Chairman W-A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Comm issioner of Works 723-0868 668-8111 749-3380 1-800«263-2727 rhamn Region, Residential, Commercial and Custom Homes 1 Industrial Drive, Unit 23, Whitby Open 8 am - 8 pm Daily, 8 arn - 2 pmn Saturday lqm 9w C mier rLa ý ie - Ir CU lu