PAGE 22, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 198? 'r r .4 "4 IWhfdteIý CRAns à NUASuR Ai F% t I LARGEST SUNFLOWER HEAD Congratulations to Mr. Kenneth Smith of Hamilton, Ontario who won the Grand Prize of $500. ln White Rose Gift Certif bates for the largest sunflower seed head category. Measuring armammoth 251,din diametre, this beauty was grown with White Rose seed ... CONGRATULATIONS to ail our other winners and to ail those who participated ln the contest ! 25 1Diameter SUNFLOWER SEED. HEAD* WIN BG RIZE $6,1500 EN.,PRI ZES AWARDED! TO0 OUR PRIZE WINNING SUNFLOWER GROWERS THANKS TO ENTHUSIASTUIC CUSTOMERS LUKE THESE, 1988-89 WAS OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL AND EXCITUNG YEAR EVER .. THANKS FOR MAKING EVERYTHINO ýGRÃ"W WHITE ROSE IBEAUTIFUL 1 THIS WEEK WE ARE FULLUNO OUR STORES WITH SPECIAL THANK-YOU SPECIALS IN APPRECIATION Ã"F YOUR SUPPORT!1 s1 HYBRI Sy: TOP SIZE TOP GUALITYI White Rose Cholce Darwin Tulipe have #' teken years ta dvelop by Dutch breeders.. They are the beat. the f inesl Iaonglasting and TOP SIZE 1 Available ln Roda Yllows, Levenders. Whites and xciting bi colaura. ou THE SESTI 1 TOP* SIZE BULBS R EXTRA LARGE -Ci Our Reg. . .39ea. IMINI-MAlIN BIRD FEEDER. Solld Pline construction "N.with an attractive red- wood sdam finish. Ou Rg.15.99e SALE I~-u D IRD SEED qBirds findthis premium blond of millel, corn. sunflower seeds & wheel irresstable. Only while lhey Iast. Our Reg. LONGLASTINO BEGONIA Chooe from pnica, roda. 4 pot. Our Reg. 2.4908. FOI0iPLANTS 10 varioties of hardy. easy to grow floor plants...lncluding: Colaurful Crotons, Graceful Palms, New, 'Wintergreen' Bonjamenia Rubber Trees, Yuccas and more 1 Great for your homo & office. Our Reg. 19.99 RANGINC BASKETS Deluxe flouais Iqualily. overflowini with folage Chocai tram 25 venellies. 1(r pot. .ech TALL Our rag. 15.9Gea BRASSWARE Dont misa out on our new ino of qualily brassware tram Indie ... Ouallty candIs haldera, plantera, vases, balla and more I Accents your home or makes a great guIt. Our Reg. 1.89 to 89.99oa. 3 TUER INDOOR LIONT GARDEN Grow blooming Af rîcan Violets, Klanchoos, starI your own seeda & more.. Features ch romed t rame with 3 ightweight adj ustabte twin tube fixtures. 50L x 16' W x 60«H. (48* bulbs extra) Our Reg. 329.99ee. PRO MIX An alPurpose plantlng Mlx for tranaplantlng & pottlng houseplents & cuttînga. Large 35L. bag. Our Reg. 8.79oa. DECORATOR C.aKhh'iMP' 12» apercentes perfect ... Choose from many for lail docorating. In exclting colours of our many beautitul cotours. -PYrolece... now on et a Our Reg. 69 e. super low White Rosee prvc 1 ETREom Sà AL E ULI WILK lUM BUSH Florist quality..ý S14 bloom bus., In 10 colours,. O ur reg 13.99ea. MW acheach ~ - - m. NO WICKEF POTTED TF THE9 LIMTED TO STOCK ON M-AND WE RESERVE THE RIGI-T lOtLI HLIRRY IN FOR BEST SELECTIC SAI HOUIlS; Mon, 0 Fi. Set., Sun. à Hodeya 900a.m.-01 ite r se UPVkf 'S & NURSERY SALES LTD. RSLADRD ýR FURNITURE OR ARTIFICIAL ' REES SOLDAT KENNEDY RD. HWY- 2 Cr OUEENSWAY STORES. 0l ~ z Z IT[ GUANTITIES ~ .o 0 ION <HWV,401 ALE ENDS OCTOBER 12, 1989 I~ 1 L WHUTBY 1243 Dundas St.I 00p.m. W. o-f Th,,-kcn Rdhl »UNLQAY5 OSHAWA 300 Taunton Rd.E. A so &Tau nton 1 eorte ou cra * u. hommorofllcmwlth our carmîrme 57« hlgh pot led tram. So naturel & lite like. Reg. 99.99ma. ,SALE 2nd. WEEK 1 CRAFT CATALOGUE SjALE Hurry in ... 1l000s o f items sale Ipriced in our creft Idepartment - Juat in lime for alyour tai i & Christmas Ecrafts. ODFASHIONED WHITE WICKER ROCKER White Rose brunga you theso quatlity handcraftd rockers tram yeers gone by ... Enjay aid feshianed comfort. beautifuiiy designed with a wido back and comfortablo seat. Our Reg. 179.99oa. OPIEN su IL A Ys f%9 M k, vi ,i aiK,