Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1989, p. 23

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WITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCJOBER 4,1989, PAGE 23 Hints for indoor bulb plntin 0f ail flower bulbe thé H-yacinth, Paperwhite Narcissus and Amnaylis are probably the easiest to baing into flower: in an indoor garden. But if you wish to ergo the many colora and shapes of the total spring garden you muet try sorne of thé other gems such as Tuhips, Daffodils, Crocus, Iris Reticulata, Muscari,_ Scilla, etc. Coaxing spring flower bulbs to bloom in the winter is commonly referred to as "indoor forcing." Actually, this is a misnomer; a béttér térm would be 'gentie persuasion.' By the décpetive use of light and température you can cause the bulb to bélieve that in a period of 12-15 wééks it has experîenced a total winter-spring span of five months. The requsite cimate can be created by placing pots of bulbe in an indoor storage placewhere the témperature wil sty betweén 40 and 50 degreés F (5 and 10 degreés C). Thé containers can be buried ini qn outdoor trench properly protectéd against excessive cold'. CONTAINERS FOR FORCING: Choosé containers that reflect your decorating tastes. Metal, ceramic, plastic or clay will ail do. Use paint, pape; séashells, or any other material te, transformn cotanrs into attractive settings for your flowers. If new dlay pets are used, soak them in water 24 hours prior te, usé. Forced ,bulbe réquire well-drainéd soul, therefore, containers must have a drainage hole, and muet hé twicé as deep as the bulb for roots to e élop. SOIL FOR FORCING: Light soul is the key, éspécially for drainage. Combine équal parts of week-drée garden or potting soil, peat and sand. (Dont use soul in which b ulbs have been grown béforé.) 'And;, don't worry about fertilizer - the bulb contain ail its own food. ROOTINO: The potted bulbs now neéd a peniod of cold storagé of at léast 12 weeks te devélop roots, stem and bud. Rooting should hé at texnperatures of 40 te 50 degrees Fahrenheit. FOR INDOOR ROOTING: Place thé pots in a cool cellar, old réfrigerator, garage or outdoor shed where they will not freezé. Pots rootedindoors must hé kept in complète darkness and watéred régularly. FOR OUTDOOR ROOTlNG: Dig a bed deep énough te hold thé pots and about 3 inchés of sand. Spread an inch of sand or pebblés on thé bed botteni for drainage. Set thé pots and cover theni with two inchés of and and a mound of about six fiches of soil. Dig a small trench around thé héd for watér to, run off. Water thé béd régularly until fréezing wéathér sets in. Then, apply a mulch of hay, straw, évergréen branches, etc. te prevent freézing and heaving. FLOWERING: After a minimnum of 12 wééks thé bulbs will have adéquate root and location at night. TULIPS are stili Holland's best known Plant and loved bulb flowers. But the public taste changes, Dutch growers develop before new colors and styles. The rosy-pink hzm triumph'Peer Gynt' exemplifies the grduai shift to softer, paler colors in prost tulips, narcissus and others. Bulb flowers must be planted before the first hard frost in t he autumn in order to bloom the following spring. 157me facts abôut bulbs. Did you know that.. . Dahlias- and tuhérous hégoénias should hé allowéd te stand in thé gardén as long as possible inte thé autumn? Don't dig theni up for winter steragé until increasing cold makes it nécessary bécause it is during this period whén thé days grow shortér that thèse buibous plants are s ring strength for flowéring again next yéar. ýNQ w is thé timé for potting up hyacinths -- and other bulbs -- te Ajtoie Remingtn Chsis Pars Rp*i Cnte TM rOutdoor Living.. Indoors have héautiful flowers indoors and for Christmas.and through thé wintér. Aznong hyacinths, recomméndéd cultivars includé 'Anna Marie' (p'ink), 'Pink Pearl' (Pink), I'L'Innocence' (white), 'Ostara' Nbue), 'bismarck' (blué) or 'Jan Bos' (red). Placé thém in pots filled with ordinary potting sou se that thé nosés just stick out aboyé thé rum. Put thém in a cool pla ce for about 12 wéeks héforé brinj'ing inte thé warmth and light, thus "forcing" them te bloom indoors. THINK FA ST. BUY FA ST. FORMULA COUNTDOWN To'WINTER BONUS' Unmatched performance isn't the only' thing >-ou gel this year when \-ou hi a; new Ski-Doo Formnula*. You also get free gernine Ski-Duo clothing an(I or açeessories. But you have lu think fast. and act even f[aster Because the soonler Ski-lDoo F rnhhia m~ore free ulothingt and0oriXccessorits >Vou get. Corne in todav\ Sec ail the S newv Forinuas. think about which uone is for \-ou. and (jet al the free extras... fast. hu Ihi, ý~h. , Ii ACT FAST ON AMY DRANOD kd U iq ,NEW FOlRMUILA MODFL OUR EDGE IS PERFORMINCE. LAWN MOWER TUNE-UP mocldes: *Blade Sharpening O il Change *Points & Condenser *Spark Plug *Carb Adjustment $2.O P.S.T. Extra OCTOBER in free clothing and/or accessories! ý 1 Mr À& Fq À& SALES AND SERVICE HOURS ---TAYLOR',S' 120 Russett Ave.ý MON., WED.,, FRI. Till .6 1 fà,*Rffl Corner of Russett & Somerville TUES., THURS. Tiff 8 OSHAWAe Phone 725-8584 SAT. Till 3 NÉ

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