Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1989, p. 5

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WHfBY FPUE PIRSS, WEDNESDAY, OCM1O3ER 11, 1989, PAGE 5 The Brownsides are an average couple: two cars, two pont five kide, you know the kind. Until Sunday, thé day they led Mrs& Brownsides away. "Marbie," she ranted. 'Marble in the foyer, marbie in the laundry room, marble .. . The paper girl told me that. 'Marbie?" I asked. "That's ail she could talk about. My dad said that maybe she loet somne of bers, or sometbing." "You don'think so?" "Naw," she said. 'Last time, it was french doors." "Lasttime?" "Look," said the paper girl. I don't want to blather ail over, see? But lately it's getting to be avery weekend. Saturdays. Sundays. Holiday weekends it's ever worse." "Sounds bad." 'Her husband is just as bad. You can see him sitting at the table, figuing out mortgages, bis tongue clenched, bis eyes crossed. I tell ya, mister, it's not a pretty sight." That evening I strolled over ta the Brownsides, on the pretext of offering help. "Yeah?" said Brownsides wben he answered the door. "Wanta talk about it?" I asked. "Who asked you?" he said. "Don't be rude. But it must be rough, going tbrough this, what with the lidds and ail. Anytbing we can do?" He hesitated. Then: "Corne in.' The house was a mess: plastic fiowers in every room, upgrades everywhere, designer interiors. Not the sort tbing anyone could live in. I thought Brownside niight show feelings. Instead he flung the newspaper at me.. 'Tbats the one," he said, pointing te the real estate section. "That model. The Castelano." "Ljooks nioe." It bas fully sodded lots, interlocking brick somnewhere, ceramic kitchen .i.k." WITH OUR FEET UP, by Bill Swan The marbie Rlis eyes lecked on mine. "O0kay. Marbie," be said. 'HoW'd it start?" I asked. 'What, this weekend?" 'No. The wbele sordid thing." He stared at tbe fiee;, ran a band tbrough bis bair. Its net easy, you know, living with this. See, back before we beugbt this bouse, we lived in a semil. Small, cramped, yen ceuld always bear tbe neigbbors in the batbreern. Do yen -know wbat it's like, nigbt after night, listening to Howard Cruster peeing?" I nodded. "Se we started looking at bouses. It started witb resales. Anything detacbed. The eld medel boen ia new subdivision. 'Thae's wbat got us started. Those model homes. But once we bought tbis place, that would be it. Settling in, decorating, aIl that. Our £rort mistake was in buyng the isplay mde" 'Complete it upgrades," I offered. ~v~at's right. And for the first few days, it seemed as though we had it made. But a week later we were walIng threugh new models." "Getting decorating ideas," I added. "We actually believed. that. My wife stiil does, in some way. But it was the upgrades that finaily got ta ber. Then wben sheý walked through the Castelano on Sunday, sometbing snapped." "The marbie." '7eah. One time it wasthe launchy room off the kiitchen. A few yer aot was the kdichen overloking the faxily room. Hey, but we baven't got it that bad. There was tbis lady last week wbo took one look atthe greenhouse breakfast nook and fainted. Dead away . People were stepping over ber. And ber husband pu8 out a cereal bowl, a box of Harvest Crunch and sits down at the table and starts muching. The realtar bad ta lead both of them away. It was sad." "If's bard ta believe. "Weil tbat's fot going ta bappen to us. As soon as Jean if out cf the bospital, were going ta sbake tbis thing. Tbat's ourpriority" "Tat's great! If you need.. . "'Hey, I1got al tbe figures down cold. First, we sign a firm deai, for tbe Castelano, for completion ini September 1990. By the time we oeil this place, the price will be up ta wbat well pay for tbe Castelano. We pay off tbe old mortgage, tbe bank boan, four credit cards and talce on a mortgage of two eigbty nine. If we're lucky, 1711 get a cost of living bonus in the meantime. Once we bave that bouse, everythingIl be fine. Jean's gonna love tbe marbie. But tbat's an upgrade. Make that mortgage two ninety nine. We could likely take some of these plastic fiowers -witb us. We ceuld save two, tbree grand by putting in tbe optional deck ourselves. But it'l liky coot less te buy the decorated modal rather than go ta tbe expense of decorating ourselves. So care. .." I left bim like tbat. It was sad. Crimestoppers delegates meet iJelegates at the lOth annual Crime Stappers international conference in Abuquerque, New Mexico, bave unanimously endorsed a resolution supporting tbe effects of Iaw enforcement agencies worldwide ta battle drug nmuggling and trafficIng. Dlegates, including Durbam Regional Police and Ontario Provincial Police Crime Stoppers ceordinators, vowed te step up their part in tbe war against tbe drug problom, wbich tbey say bas now reached epidemic proportions. For the first time in tbe history of tbe pregramn, a Canadian, regional ,chairman Of Hamiilton-Wntworth Reg Whynott, bas been named president cf the Crime Stoppera International. Since 1983, Crime Stoppera pregrams in Ontario bave been responsible for 9,274 arrests and recovering property and druge worth $47,204,369, while *695,148 bas been paid eut in rewards. The OPP is directly involved in 21 of the 35 programs in Ontario. COSCAN is more than a devçloper and builder of new homes and communities. It's also people, commitment and a promise of solid value. Coscan's investment in Whitby includes the family community of Falllngbrook. and plans to build an exciting new neighbourhood on the waterfront. Coscan people believe in working with communities to ensure maximum benefit for ail residents. And they believe in working with communities to provide a better life for these residents. long-time Whitby resident, who serves on the Board of The Station Gallery to help with fund-raising. Dave is shown above with Linda Paulocik, gallery cutator, revîewing plans for further restoration of the town's art gallery. Coscan is proud of employees like Dave and their commnitment to Ontaro communilies like Whitby. Like Dave Keenan, assistant 1branch manager, central Ontario regton and FUB STEAKS%, . 2.99BU LONDON BROILS s2.69LB, CAPOCOLLO299B COLD MEATmILORSPICY 29$. CENTRE CUT1 0 BONE IN CHOPS $ *.'g77LBU BREADED PORK SCNTZL. $2* LI0 STORE MADE BRA1VJURST $ SAUSAG E MLD OR $pcy l.6LBU NEW STUFFED PORK ~VT*OeJennite-Lynne Meats- Meat .1614 Dundas St E. WHITBY **Icts go" (Across From The Brick) Open: Tues.-Wed. 9-6 Thr.-r.9 843%4u'MEAT Saturday 8-5 The Faces of Coscan LYNNE sl.69m.

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