PAGE .30, WH]ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8.1989 I rWzeVJhe I 1 i Stars Corne Up., Prices Corne Down! Reach For The Stars And Save s I SUPER *SPECIAL FROZEN, REGULAR, PULP, 97% PULP FREE, LOW ACID, Minute Maid Orange Juice 295 L- 355 mLtin WUTH 2 COUPONS BELOW jf~SUE* PEC-IAL SUPER* I AIen's Pure Apple Juice SPECIAL I PREMIUM OUALITY - HEAVY GAUGE PORCELAIN ON STEEL Cookwa re One Quart Open Saucepan 1.99 WITH TWO FILLED SAVER STAMP BOOKS WITH THIS SAVE 1.501 EUAORDE COUPON REGULAR OR DIET , Pepsi-Cola 1 Pepsi-Cola 1 or 7UP or LM7caepUcuo 750 mL BOTTLE <UNIT COST &58 PER 100 mL) OFFIR VALID 1h . Novembe 1Il~. 4 (F nu p CO a0IOUOln6 )SC.PLUS M FER BOTTLE DEPOSIT CEREAL Kellogg 's 29 Special -K X2 9 LIMIT:. 2 BOXES FER FAMILV PURCHASE 4-6 LB AVERAGE Grade "A" 2.18/kg Ducks IbM9i PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, NO. 1 Red Emperor 2.18/kg .Grapes lbU9 ISHOPPING e real issue is Fairness. And yoùliligt to Choose. WITH THIS SAVE A21 FROZN, EGUARPULR 97% PULP FREE, LOW ACID j IMinute Maid I Orange Juice M 5mL -3W mLTIN M77 LOFFER VAUDO Peu Noe.ffi 7"11h. M (Feilu<. p oce wMlhO Ic oupon 119) S -M PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 1989. We reserve the ht to limit uantities to normal famlly roquirements. Llince shownin this ad based on current metropoiltan Toronto A&P retelle. WITH THIS SAVE A21 COUPON FROZEN, REGULAR, PULR W% PULP FREE, LOW ACID Minute Maid 1 Orange Juice M mL - 3W mL TIN ueÀrý, 1 iln;»r coupon., 0 '.'ALID thru Novefnber Iltn. IM re pr« wnhout coupon I.S) s c -wl w70»ýrHICK*SGN*RDO« *Se jWHITUY L- Nurstng concerns outlined Worldng staff nurses from, the VAùtby PsycMatric Hospital were scheduled to, "meet with the press" Wednesday, Noy. 8, at 4 p.=. at the OPSEU regional office, 114 Dundas St. E., suite 101, Vihitby. .A report by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union rêleased last week, 'Mental Health Care m* Criais,' illustmtes problems with nul-&ng shortage in the psychiatric field. - - A otatement made last week in the Ontario IqýéIature by Elinor Caplan outlined Mnistry. of Health stmtegies "towards increaÉriff the remfitrnent and retaining of nurses in the Province." Worldng nurSs at the Whithy Psychiatric Hospital feel the mmustes statement will do little to, keep, Ontario hooptale staffed. Nurses say that if the minister is mime, about etaffing Ontario hospitals she should, ensure improvements in worid conditions are made inunechately-, reduce tbe amount of =- work; decrease the number of days worked in a stretch, increage weekends off-, give nurSs the right to negadate staffing levels and the right to refuse unsafe work. We call upon the ministee to. implement the recommendations made in the OPSEU report and for the first time ever giving working nurses a real my in the health care system in tbis province," say nurSs in a statement. AN EXHIBIT by Lincoln Ave. public school"In Ajax was the judges' choice in a scarecrow building competition at Oshawa Garden Service, Thickson Rd. N.9 Whitby. Judges were Whitby Chamber of Commerce president Bob Richardson ( left), coun- cillor Marcel Brunelle (second from, left) and Oshawa Generals' Mke Craig (right)e who are shown with IlstrawmailLpPl OGS assistant manager B(b Burke. Nineteen classes from seven area sc*;iools participated. Froc Press photo Record constructieon 1 48 FL OZ TIN .8B7 LIMI1M 3 TINS FER FAMILY PURCHASE fjùE CA SUPER * SPECIAL a E U A R D i stagnatingfigures. Attersley adds, "Therës a lot of permits in the process - but not yet processed - worth lots of money. "I'd say we have about $5- million worth of industrial Ver- mits thà t should be approvect by the end of thisvear." Attersley cites McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., with its plans to construct a $19-million plant in Port Whitby, as an example of the many permits still to be processed and documented. Aiý aTplication for a $2.1-mil- lion in ustrial builing permit for Stanley Crt. is also expected to, be received by Foster Printing Ltd. by the end of this vear. Other building permit applica- tions will include one from the Town of Whitby for the first fi hase of the proposed Rosslanct d. recreation complex. The final cost of the complex is expected to be approximately $25-million. A $3.5-million bulding applica- tion for a provincial government registry offlice, also proposed for Rossland Rd., is also expected to. be submitted before the years end. FROM PAGE 22 The'mayor notes the process- ing of the Sailwinds 142-unit (first phase) condo, development in Port Mitby for this month's Aemodent on 0 icy street Below zero temperatures over the weekend, coupled with efforts to clean town streets, resulted in a motor vehicle, acci- ,4eLný for a Whitby woman. According to Durham Regional Police Braebrook Dr. in 'Vaitby had ýUn cleaned by the street cleaner early Saturday morning. The cold temperatures resulted in ice on the road. Minutes later, at around 8:45 a.m., a car travelling on Brae- brook slid on the slick road and then struck a pole. Elsa Bryant of Stratton Cr. in Wýitby escaped the incident with minor injuries. Police report minor damages to the vehicle. A&P FOOD STORES