WIITB FFRp.ES, DNESDAy, NOVEMBER15, 19, PAGE 25 Town 'to purchase transit shelter <The Town will pay $10,500, thelow tender by Skyberg'Alu- minum. Product. Ltd., for the supply and installation of a transit shelter. With the cost of concrete slabs and other items added, the total cost of the projeet is* $17,500. The Ministrv of Tranisportation is expectél to award Whtiby a sub- sidy of $1 3,125 for the project., P rovision was made in, the' 1989 capital, budget for five bus shelters, eacb six feet by nine feet. Skyberg was awarded a simi- lar contract by the Town in 1988. Latter-day Saints oelebration The Church of Jesus Christ of liatter-day Saints in the Oshawa Stake il take part in a worldiade celebration of the l2Oth anniversary observance of* the Young Womens1 Organization at the Oshawa Steke Center at the corner of Rossland and Thornten Rds. This event will be held on Nov. 18 at 9 a.m. and will lest for approximately one hour. The progrein will feature talks by young women and their leaders and a re-enactment *of the 1869 bell ringing with local members acting the roles of Brighem young and Eliza Snow in period dress. There will also be a short taped address from leaders from Salt La1ke City played. Free parking policY approvehd Town council. bas approved a oicthat will allow visitors to Witby on municipal business to park free of charge. The Town's operations commit- tee last week recommended, the policy. .Visitor . parking permits are ayailable in other municipalities. An example of use in Whitby is the firecepartment heà dquar- ters property downtown, whre parking at times is limited and guests must use municipal park- ing fots that carry a user's fee.' 'Me fire department, whicht requested investigation of the1 permits, would have a, supply of permits which they would issue to visitors for parki ngin'munici- pal lots free of charge. A supply of these perinits would be available to ail munici- pal departments that would have quest requiring parking in the downtown core during municipal business. At the operations committee meeting of Nov. 6, councilior Joe Bugelli said bie thought the poiicy was a good one, but he reomended "some criteria needs to be' set" before imipie- menting t bis poliey "We have ta make sure every Tom, Dick and Harrv doesn't bave access to Strike is over FROM PAGE 1 and that there could be a settle- ment before binding arbitration." Durbam Coilege- president Gary Poionsky welcomed the news and is anxious ta welcome bath teachers and students back. The teachers are meeting today to p an ways to belp students make up the Iost time. "Fuil-time day students start Thursday morning,"> says Polonsky. «Part-time night stu- dents start Wednesday night (tonight). "The reason I love earning my living is working with bath the students and tbe teachers. It will be lovely baving them back." Students honored FROM PAGE 3 IA a se parate matter council approved Ron Robinson Ltd., the low bidder at $73,072,' as con- tractor for impravements ta Cen- trai Park. The work tendered is the first phase of wbat will ha a multi- year project. There will ha drainage im- provemnents, installation of con- crete curbing, ledgerock boul- ders, Tot Lot and seniior play- *,ground, apparatusr -a .ePergolaý- tapsoil and sod. tbeséJ" Dick Kýuwahara, director of oublie works, has indicated that the permits would only per- tain to tc.e day the visitor is in town. He added, «Very rarely would we: anticipate issuing one of these." Councillor Tom Edwards also voiced concerns about the availa- bility of the day permits and the number, of p eople who would benefiît from t he permits. "I don't want to be faced by an angry cieizen who's been paying taxes for years and just received a parking ticket.?' Dislabled gamles Nôov. 18 ,Me fifth annual, Durhamn Regýional Police' Disabled children's Gaines will ha held on Saâturday, Nov. 18 at the Pickering recreation complex, 1867 Vaiey Farm Rà ad, with openiig, ceremonies commencing at 9 a.m. Lieutenant Governor Lincon Alexander will oe the gaines. 'S$pecial guest' (disabled athlete) this year will ha Laura Churchill fro0m the Durham PRegion. There will ha 10 teains competing from acrose southern Ontario including' Durham, Metro, Waterloo, Burlington and Peterborough. Most of the teains are previous rivais and plan, te defeat the reigning champions. The competition should ha keen. The gaines are hosted by tbe Durham Regional Police force. Polýfice officers.and their familles viill ha organizing, funding and '7invironmentcdly FROM PAGE '6 .1 gislation. The Canadian people - ;Î&owill ultimately bear the brunt of its negative impacts, must be consulted firat. These organizatioeis,. as members of the Gçnetic Resources for Our World (GROW) coalition, urgeyou to: 1) produe a White Paper on Bill C-15; 2) establish cross country heanings, accessible to Canadiens; 3) oeil expert international wvnîýessefl te Pffi your mandate te, the Canidan people - infoim them of the Bil;,debate the implications - let Canadians decide! Turn the. poils around through integrity. This ie your- challenge. W. put it te you te act: Eflard Powors .ChauCa-oGROW Coaltion.- PRE.CHRISTiMAS SUPER * SPECIAL REGULAR, DECAFFEINATEDs COLOMI1AN Taster's Choice Instant Cotffee 150,g jar LUMIT: 2 JARS PER FAMILY PURCHASE jSUPER i* SPECIAL ' SUPER *,SPECIAL, FROZEN, REGULAR, PULPi FREE, MORE PULP, GRAPEFRUIT OId South, Orange Juice 355 mLTIN UMI11. 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCIIASEF- j SUPER *SPECUALI wif THIS SAVE i1 REGULAR, DIET OR CAFFEINE FREE COKE ICoca-Cola I or Sprite m-.> Su 6o30 MmL tins (Unit =colt «£ "0 mr i5. 49~ UMî1r ci,.po cupon. 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