PÀGË o }lB P~PR~s WbEDYNVME Z1 Dieveoestopay 12% more By Trudie Zavadovics DurKharn developers wvill pay an additional 12 per cent in lot levies and have accused the Regi'on* of changing the rules of the garne in micd-stream. "ast year there was a sub- stantial levy put into place and now we are advised of a further increase," said Roger Bowm an, a representative of the Urban Develorment Institute, at a R111'egion meeting.last wveek. In his attempt te have council reconsi- der a motion te, increase lot levies, Bowman- said that to change the rules of the game in mid-strearn was counterproduc- tive. "We are not here te, discuss the amount of 'the increase or the justification. We are reserving those rights for later," said Bow- man. c"Today I arn here te discuss two issues* involving fairness - the date of increase and the payment schedule." He said that the only reason that council was rushing the lot le7 increases was because of Bi1 20 (which takes effeet in Dec.). He asked that the commit- ments be locked, in ýplace- now, but, in fairness, be made effec- tive as of April 1. He aise said that the new payment schedule would force developers te pay eéverything ýup front, or 50 per cent down with a letter cf credit for the remainder p1u an additional.10 per cent te De pai when the building per- mits are issued or on the anni- versary cf' the original agree- ment) whichever cornes first. lie previous payment* sche- dule ailowed developers up te two years te, pay the second 50 per cent cf the lot levies with no additional 10 per cent penality. Council ýapproved the new lot levies which raises houses te $6,460, one-bedroom apartments to $3,944 and larger apartments te $5,202. Durham plans te increase its lot levýies, which go te pay for new water, sewer and road ser- vices, every six months te keep up with the cost of inflation.. IN-TA ebers dim12 tropies Members of the IN-TA Ids Dance Co. collected 12 trophies in the finals cf the Dance _Edu- cators cf America competition in July at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. Capturing first place in spe- cialty were Alison Henry, Kara Harness, Paulyne Akers and Shannon Marks. Second-place finishers Were' Kara Harness in ballet; Shannon Marks in specialty; Joelle Curtis, Janice Nunney and Cindy Tho- R-o-yal 133% OFF mas; Anne Zecchino, Amanda Smith, Sarah Breen and Debbie Whelan in ballet. Earning third-place,..trophies were Anne Zeechino, Sarah Breen and Debbie Whelan in 'specialty; Debbie Whelan in spe- cialty; Ahison Henry, Jenny Dean, Beth Johnston, Paulyne Akers, Kara Harness and Shan- non Marks in gzroup ballet; Kara Harness and Sh annon Marks in specialty. 1Fourth-place finishers were *For a gift to be remembereL.. Doulton® Figurines & Characters R. Paul Dynes - Graduate Gemologist 101 Mary St. W. (Pearson Lanes), Whitby 668»- 8O'i4. ' I Alisen Henry, Kara, Harness, Shannon Marks and Beth John- ston in tap; Sarah Breen in ballet; Paulyne Akers, Beth Johnston and Aison. Henry in specialty. Five new members cf the dance company had first-place finishes in their first competi- tion, the Summer Dance Festival at Niagara Falls, N.Y., in July. Taking first were Stephanie Taylor (age 8) in jazz, Maya McKay (age 10) in, specialty, Krista Thorn (age 8) in specialty, Jamie Marks (age 11) and Tracie Olenick (age 12) in jazz duo. riINISHIING in the top four of the Smith, Sarah Breen, Yvette Parker and finals for. the Dance Educators of Jennifer Dean; (back row, from left) America competition in New York City Kara Harness, Shelley Spencer, Beth were IN-TA* Kids Dance Co. members (' Johnston, Cindy Thomas, Janice Nun- seated in front, from left). Debbie Whe- ney, Alison Henry, Kristen McWilliams, ian and Anne Zeecehino; (middle row, Shannon Marks and Paulyne Akers. from left) Krista Riddell, Amanda 1 Peson Ln se rc t . w6-02 0 E UJLOUIIye -Christmas Buffet (over 15 people) -Christmas Party (private room & DJ available) NEW YEAR'S EVE GALA PARTY Sunday Band from 8. llpm, d433-1405 i '41922 Simcoe eg Street I STEAK & SEAFOOD "?ES"ýE7"roi? VE IVc W for your Christmas party: OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY lpm. - 9pm. Pi-ar-it Bear Tues, att, 8:3Opm. - 1iOOam. New Year's Eve Gala Party BOOK N0W! North, Oshawa El g ~,, 0 1 19 1 el ënrin 1%;,o# M