r ~ ~ j'flç i. *y~ rV~1t4(1I~r ~ 'r'japi .~' k<Y.I~, ~ Soetenis to discuss GST aW -conference Réne Sootons Ontario riding IMP Rene Sootens, Member of Parliainent for Ontario riding, will'be participating in *the 58th annual conference of the Canadian Importers Association on Wednesday, Nov. 29 at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Soetens, as a representative of the House of -Commons Standing Committee on Finance, will be a-'speaker on the panel discusing the governments newly proposed goode and services tax. The conference will also have a keynote address by John C. Crosbie, Minister for International Trade. Soetens recently returned from Mont Ste. Marie, where he participated in the writing of the final draft of the finance comniittee's recommendations and amendnients on the goods and services tax. He -will also be participating in the 1989 Home Builders conference and exhibition on Nov. 28 and 29 at the Constellation Hotel in Toronto. Soetens will be participating as a panelist in the session entitled 19s the Road te a Cheaper Home Uphill?" The conference is expected to attract over 400 registrants.- The conference will include addresses from industry leaders, panel discussions and a special technical program aimed at on-site personnel. IlC E WfflTB PRMZPRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBR 2 , 6,PAGE 1U CORPORATION 0F-THE TOWN CFWHITBY NOT SIDEWALK SNOW.CLEARING During the Winter months, the Municipality cleans the snow from ail sidewalks in the Towni of Whitby. Please be acMised that the Town wil l ot be responsible for any damages caused to objeots, suCh as dniveway edging, hedges, shrubs, fencing and flower beds adjacent to the sidewalk. Repairs to damaged sod wiII be undertaken by the Town, as deemed necessary. R. A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. WALTER BEATHI (right), gen eral campaign- chair- man of the Unit<ëd Way ( Oshawa-Whitby-Newcas-" tie), recently accepted a $5,000 contribution from Gus Brown (left) and Martin Weatherall (centre), on behaif -'ef Gus Brown Pontiac-Buick and' its employees. Fr-ee Prose photo Razaars TEA AND BAZAAR Thé Salvation Army Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov. 25,' 1 to 3 pmat the Salvation Army Halli,*122 Kent StI., Whitby.Christmas tea for $2,,home baking, crafts, knit- ting, white elephant table and other items. For mtore informa- tion caîl 668-7477. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Oshawa Senior Talent Bank Christmas bazaar will be held at the Michael Stan, build- ing, corner of King and Centre streets, on Thursdlay, Nov. 30, noon to 4 p M. The bazaar will include su items as sweaters, mittens and scarves, alI hand- made. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St. John's Christmas, bazaar will be held at 903 Giffard St.' on Saturday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be crafts, used books, baked goods, white ele- phiant table, tea room, cançýy and entertainmient for children. FLEA MARKET, BAKE SALE A flea market and bake sale will be held on Saturday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the common room 'of the seniors' apartment at 850 Green St., Whitby. Lunch available. CRAFT SALE A Christmas craft sale wilI be held at Col. J.E. Farewell public school, 810 McQuayB lvd., Whitby, on Sunday Nov 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2'here will be 35 tables. For more information, cal 666-1854 and ask for, Carol Galina. CKRISTMAS BAZAAR' The annual Christmas bazaar will be held at Fairview Lodge, 632 Dundas St W. from 1:30 ta 4 p.m. anêd 7to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 6. There will be a wide variety of handmade crafts, folk art, ceramics, Wood- working, pillows, knitted items, toys, déecorations,' bake table (1:30 to- 4 p.m.), refreshinents and tea rooni. Cost for tea room is $1.50. Ail welcome. HOMIETOWN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Brooklin United Church will hold the Hometown Christmas lunch and bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 25, il a.m. to 2 p .m. Home baking, preserves, craft, abrica, hand-knit and hand-sewn items and more will be featured. Lunch will be served in the tea room from 11:30 a.m. CRLAFT, BAKE SALE The Parent/School Association of West Lynde public school will hold their ninth annual Christ- mas craft and bake sale on Saturday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will also be a tea room and raffle. Forty vendors will present gift ideas, with tables still available. For more information caîl Joyce Reid at 668-4218. BAZAAR AND AUCTION A bazaar and auction will be held on Saturday, Nov. 25, at Imman uel Christian School, 849 Rossland Rd. (at Thornton), Osh- awa. Crafts, plants, whit ele- phbint room, refreshments. Doors open at 1 p.m., auction starts'at 6 i. For friendly service