PAGE 36, 'WHITBY-FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVMMER 22,1989 ome noteworthy items from Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School as we mark mid-term report -week: Austin bas started a recycling prograrn of its own. Members of the Environinental Action Group have been busily distributing blue boxes to ail homeroomse, along with lists and posters ofwhat can and cannot be put into these boxes. The hardest thing for students te get'used te, is flot crumpling up their paper before they dispose of it! But recycling is a very positive step we can ail take in fighting the huge niountain of waste a t-is gnerated and mustbedealt with. On the sports scene, the junior boys' basketball team is in the midat of tryouts for this year. About 25 boys are compoting for a place on the Wildcats.soquad. The teain will play its first gaine on Nov. 29 against Eastdale. The Austin constitution is now being created by a 20-member student committee. This important philosophical basis for student governinent 'will be set down in time for our first student council election, to be held after Christmias. Henry Street.Hý.S.- Kelly OHare Hello, hello, hello. Has everyone rested up. after those gruelling exains? Well, they are officially over. Itfs been over a week so Fim sure everyone has blocked the terrible ordeal from their minds and are ready to think about some pleasant things for now. There are only 32 more shopping days until Christmas! And we ail know what that means, only 30 more days until our Christmnas holidays begin. Can't wait! As promised, I have the resuits of the DYSSA tournamint held Nov. 10. Henry's rnidget boys'volleyball teain defeated Sacred Heart 15.8, 15-11 in pool play. The team, lbat the match against Thornhill, se placed second ini their pool. They then went on te play Dunbarton in the crossover semi-final match. Henry then played Thornhill in the finals, winning the gold medal. The gaine scores were: 15-9, 3-15 and, 15-13. Congratulations te the entire team on a great season. The senior girls'volleyball teain bad their tryouts last week. Good luck te, the team this year. Pmn sure they will be just as strong as they have been in the past. This week is United Way week at our school. Student council bas been worldng bard te coine up with some great fundraising ideas. Fin sure ail of us can spare some money in order te help the less fortunate. I also seem te recall hearing the ruinor that HSHS is second in the Great Milk Race. Not bad, since Whitby's other bigh school isn't even in the standings. The school tbat wins gets $1,000. So corne on, you niilk drinkers! Cet out there and drink more milk! This week is aise Career Week. When I was in the guidance office a couple of weeks ago the one career presentation that was fi lied almost immediately was tbe one for a lawyer. At least we can be confident that the world won't be without legal aid in the future. Speaking of the future, those of you planning on spending yours in university had better mosey on down te the guidance office to apply te the university or college of your choice. Those of you who bave already done se, don't forget that they need te be signed and tbere is aise a $12 fee te be paid. Andrson presents 'nne' By Julie Parsons Student and staff support for the Anderson CVI presentation of "Anne of Green Gables" bas been "overwbelming," says the musical directer of the produc- tion, Bey Foster. Artistic director of the musical is Jennifer Wilson and the pro- ducer is Jo-Anne Riley-Janzen. Under the direction of these three teachers, and with the bard work of more than 100 students as well as the support of other teachers and parents the musical will be presenteci Thursday, Nov. 23 to Saturday, Nov. 25, at 7:30 p.m. Cast and chorus consist of 57 members, the pit band has 10 members, and there are many behind-the-scenes workers., Kathlyn Kelly will star as Anne with Karen McGlade as Marilla, Gord Lieitch as Mathew, and Scott Currie as Gilbert. Students involved in the musi- cal range from grade 9 to 13. Anderson classes such as wood- working and art are involved with the. props, as well as clubs such as t he art and A.V. (sound and liahting) clubs. «cI probably produced and directed about 31 of these now," says .Foster, who was also musi- cal director of Anderson's'Music Man' two years ago. "It's a new experience,» says Wilson of ber first experience as artistic director, addinjk, "It hasn't really been difficult.» "There are some tbings I'd do -,differently," saysJo-Anne Riley- Janzen of ber first experience as producer, adding, ' I -on' regret sayig I'd do it." Ailtbree emphasize that this is not their production, but that of the students. "It'p' really them (students) doing it," saysFPoster. 0 A1111N G SK A 11N G S P 1 1A C1 A HB1 ~ KURT BROWNING WORLD CHAMPION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 7:OOpm Oshawa Civic Arena - Adut& $15.00, Chiyjren & Seniors $10.00 - Tctets auHabeà 0Wornaiox QitfJceLcgU:728-5162 jooteme -.-- ELVNA VanderWeer and Tracy ists in downtown Whitby, a projeet Das ilva of Anderson CVI dress the that is part of the retailing course at windows of Burtinsky & Brant Flor- the high school. Free Press photo Students decorate wi'.ndows By Julie Parsons VanderMeer and Dasilva bujît my chancei, said VanderMeer. In a project that benefîts botb a shelf on which, they put such "I always wanted to do a win- students and mnerchants, Ander-" items as wrapped presents, a ter wonderland," said Dasilva. son CVI students last week white Christmas tree, a sled, 'We're belping wbere we can," applied a festive touch to store manjj ornaments, ligbts and arti- sa ys Brant,. adding that "Basi- windows in Whitx)y as,, the ficial snow. Ilhey als: decorated cally tbeyre doing it. Christmas season begins. the sign in front of the store. 'They're having abail.-" As an advertising project, .48 "Coing shopping for the stuif Two other Anderson CVI stu- students, from two grade il was fun, it gets you in the dents, Jane Ellerington and retailing classes, decorated win- Christmas spirit," said Vander- Maryne Misasi, decorated the dows, working in groujps of two Meer. WinowiGrb'cotng store, or three, on Nov. 14 and 15. "I feel like I'm getting ready using artificial snow an d Some Two students, Elena Vander-. for Christmas Eve,» said D asilva. red tissue paper. Meer and Tracy Dasilva, decora- Stuîdents chose wbicb stores ted the window of the Burtinsky they wanted te, decorate. Vander- "AIl they spent was $5,'" says & Brant Florist shop.MeradDsl coeafwr manager Claudia Schwill, who The theme, an old-fasbioned shM eeraDsîlvah o a lwewas ni eased at tbe result.. Christmnas, was the students' shop eas e by ob ie rhen somebody new cornes iden. with aIl of the materialsfoes in, they have fresb ideas. My used in decorating paîd for by,, ,"I alfrays, wanted te work, in a:ýoiinî ttyerýely r Father Leo J. Austin By Chris Davis' 1 11H1[ I 1