Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1989, p. 37

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WiÙifr PMFnPUE« 8~WEDNEDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1989,PAGE 37 Trafagar Castie Tiffanly B radley The students had a well rested half-term break, and are ready to tackle the upcoming examinations. There are two trips, this weekend. On Friday n ght, the students will enjoy a trip to see Andre Gagnon at Tornto's Massey Hall. If youre into the spirit of winter, Saturday's tri p to the Royal WinterFPair is for youl Mxell house seniors- beat the Hors house seniors 56-12 in a victorous game of basketbail. Oh well, try agoin, EHaro house! House play practices are often two or three times a week,ý and the girls are working veiy bard. The plays are as follows: Hore house - "To the Lovely Margaret," Maxwell house - "Trifles," Corter hous- "Spy me This One," Farewell house - "Blind Date." The houses are full of spirit. There are, many exciting events that include hous competition. Points are awarded to hous for sehool positions, academie: achievement, and participation. If a student achieves 30 hous points for her hous, she will receive a hous tie, with the Trafalgar crest in the color of her bouse: Har hous - yellow, Carter hous - red, Maxwell hous - blue, Farewell hous - green. Career Night '89 on Nov. 20 is an evening in which -students of Grades 10 & il will have the chance to listen te ber choice of tbree speakers from a variety of careers., There are 18 speakers in ail. On Friday, Nov. 17, the company 'Mime Unlimited' performed for the whole school. It was quite e4ioyable. And the most inquiring question is ... Who is Doly? On Tuesday, Oct. 31 Harwood Socondary School ha its si xth annual fundraiser callod Run Harwood. L I the past Harwood has raised hotwoen $4,000. and $7,000 each'year. Iu previous years such stars as BenJohxison, Moily Kiflingbeck and the'Sunsbine, Argo cheerleaders attended the event. This year's Run Harwood was a tremendous success as the staff and studeuts of Harwood combined their efforts te raise approximately $6,500. The money raised will go towards the purchase of a 15-seali van for team and class excursions. The ruwas 5 kilometers around the neighborhood adjacent te the school. With *every $10 collected, *the students get their flames placed in a draw for prizes. The prizes include a color television, compact dise player, portable stereo, two walkmans, 12 cassette tapes and many more przes. This year's maIe and female winners of the race were Jamie McAllister, grade il and Irene Ahearn, grade 9. Anderson CXVI. Mary Waterman For the first time Anderson bas a hous'sstem. The Anderson studenit coiuncilexocutive decided te introduce this system toi promote more school spirit and* bring the students clouer together. J1he new system consists of four hous teams madeý up of ail the students Of ACVI. Students* are split'into teams, by Touping homeroçms.The bouse teams are red, blue, green and ye 0w. When the Istudents participate in- spirit days, intramurals,, fundraisers and other interschool activities, they receive points for their hous. The hous with the moot points at the end of the year wiîl win the bouse trophy. So far the new systemn is doing a great job te add more- spirit te, Anderson. The standings te, date are as foilows: blue is in, the lead with 620 points, green is in second place with 509 points, yellow is in third with 378 points and red is in last with- 337 points. As for my own hous team, the red teani, it is not too lato te, make a comejik and win the trophy at the end of the year. On Nov. 21 we were te hold our second spirit day of the year. Everyone was requested te, dress up in their bouse teamn colors. Hous points were awarded te, everyne wbo dressed Up. For the last number of weeks the students of Anderson have heen taking part in the Great Milk Race. The race is a contest against a number of high scbools in Durham te, see who can consume -the most milk. The prize for the winning school is $2,000, and thore are five second primes of $250. Every time a student buys milk they wiil receive a scratch-and-win coupon for the grand prize draw of a portable stereo, or instant free nulks or T-shirts. Starting Nov. 20 and runningte Nov. 24, ACVI will bold its animal 'Milk Week.' During the week a number of milk. related activities will ho going on, througholut the school. This ýear Anderson was lucky enougb te hoe chouan host of OFSAA senior boysd voileyball. The teurnament wil ho held at Henry Street High School, O'Neill CVI and Durham College Nov. 23-25. If you have the chance come out and support the teams. Nov. 28 is the skip-a-tbon. This annual évent, called 'Jump Roe For Heait talces placeý in the largo gym afler ochool for two hours. ra thes two bours the skipping teamo must have at least one person skipfping- at ail times. AUl of the money raised wiil go the the Heart andStroke Foundation. It is almout curtain time at Anderson. On Nov. 23, 24, 25 the calented students of ACVI will ho putting on the famous play' Anne of Green Gables.' Tickets are available at the door for aIl of you wbo bave not bought your ticket. This play looks like it will ho the host one yet. I know I will ho there. MARTYN GODFREY , author of books for young people, talked to Glen Dhu public school students Nov. 15 about his firat book written when he was a public school teacîxer in Mississauga, and dis- cussedl his writing in general. The same day, Godfrey also attended Bellwood public school's 'Young Reader's Day,' where Mary Wylie, com- munications officer for the Durham Board of Educ'ation, was a "celebrity guest." Her favýorite childhood book _MaIgie Muggins.' . . , , , . o r -F 1 -i Ç îJ " iÇ J , j lé 4x i ~ ~. r Anersoex CVI gryaduatior, Oct. 27, 1989 GRAM ETWELVH &Wàti» DiM&B" hInixgAua (enodraftinge Noewn Wade Compiler Awd <drafine- Sarah Stuchhury> IGA Famzdy Sudie Awd (adanced). Fraw Fbrqiam Phu. Epmllng Aw.rd .-Shwn Musl Gi ow u uila. Idé LU. .Cbmlm ' Typlng Awad-Cheql Houghton Wiliam a .Libt i Mmketing mad MotIvth. LtnuIted Amwd (marketing- Thom MacDonald Odýmsdw AdvamoSd.Law Awd - Cheryl Carnegie Maklta 1Po Toi. Awuzd (gaenu math) - le Jkohne Co.uuanoi'Gm» Anard Encliah Kathiewm Wd Mmia Awmd C advmnced math) - Astrid Sanor Francs.Elého. Vmoil IAwmd (Enelmh) -Brion Benwellý Horion Copeu Au.d (data prooesslng> - Michael Brooks GilleIple Gemai Law Awad' Lynn Royal OmmaIa Leu, amm 12 Awmwd (IMatem7 - Martin Kuchirha Arniho. Umvw Awd (senior art).- Badhegw*M Nl iailmted Awd (music) - Jennifer Boy. Kathleen Mmcia Animdl (lai. Aurd (senor aclmnces) - (advanoed) Karen Austin, (geneal Michael Brook. Marie Mare. Awaail (mnior modemn languagea) - iu.ol Willame Achlamb Award Carniorauite mechanca) - Kutl Voyde Arâlami. Awawd (senior cminet-maklng) - Robert Faser Pooem Lumber làd. Awmmd (sonior woodworkng) -Chriatopher Brouu Andoeam CVI Envframl MSolo... Awsad - Kathleen Graingor, Dean Smth Dmraim nSm" ubdsAwmai(pbyica and health educatlon) - Gene Ralney Wlfalqf-JaadU. AwmroI(senior machine @hop) - Jamon Hart Anderaus mla ftudim Awuad (senior uecretarlal at"«)e.>- Chexyl Hogtonu HmddT. 1Mb.,Iffmil Awoed (électrodecs or computer> - Crdg Archer AIMBl Amatim Hmais.Awmmd (senior economlcs - Heathor Armitaje GRADR TIURI'EKNAWARDS CAW Loal 222 Brna - Lyndon Greene, Catherine Sander. Musiay Mléb.in Fandly ShaHs. Awrd' (famlly studios) - Rachel Eynon - Whfltby Art. Awaxd <art> - Darlene Cole Nationl Thanto,. Awamd (geagraphy> - Teona Wttaibole WhMtby ClhaisMunie Award - Laura Codlin. Janotte Pluister Cmnmdia Stuies Award - Natash Pramad Rima Award (world Issues and geography) - Darlene Cole Rioma.Award -Woed ans.(world issues) - Michael Stein Ow.mco Vduwfl Awmni Gemai). Giuseppina Cxpelli ' TIi. AndSmon Fsoety Awmrd - Gregory Dunn, Julie Kohls, Donna Petr, Nancy Watennun, Toona Wittenbola Sandoa-Anoelab Awrd (chemistry) - Buyco Caoper, Davldna. Chartered Aoourtant Award (accounting) - Astrid Sauer Royal Canadian Leglan, Ladies' AuxMLlay, &anda 112 Bum.xy - Bormnie White - Royal Canadian Idegloeu, Efaju 112 Awurd (hidtory) - Bradley Nichols 11ev. David Marshiall 5dhdauuhlp (Engliah) - Nancy Martin Andorson CVI Blalagy Award (biolagy)- Sciona Tuai WhibYIvMnMMam ub Award (math) - Andrea Barre Whtby Klwn sClub lkexuazy - Joanne Wabl.l* Celfesmia PamÉGumot Grille mad Bmteri Awmrd (phydicl and heelth education and#or recroation) - Toona Wlttenbola WhitlaY Lia.. CIub Award (ovral achievement).- Laura Bird, Andres Borre, Paxane Kwan ObptindatCie sofr nekilaAwarul Karen Ormaie,,, David Hunier MybM«omdal i cltlzemahlp Stophanie aur lime Amas.AblmaiAnar.tobel Li l -LM ý ýl ," l 'ývA I xe..' Je -X "

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