WIUTY FRME PRpe8, wSDNESDAY, NOVENMME29,-1989. PAGE 9 Royal Bank president is guiest speaker John Cleghorn, president of the Royal Bank of Canada, will be gestspaker at a m'eeting of the Dsurham Region Manufac- turers' Association on Thursday, Nov. 30, 5:30 p.m., at theHohi- day Inn, Oshawa. He will discuss 'Quality of Ser- vice. Before the meeting, Cleghorn on behaif of the Royal Bank, will present a cheque to Wihitby General Hospital's First Class Fund camp aign. The presen- tation mw-lbe rnade in the after- noon in the hospital boardroom. Seminar on e.%mployee health tax Whitby Chamber of Commerce V members will attend a seminar about the Employer Health Tax at a breakfast on Thursday, Dec. 14, 7:30 to 10 a.m., at the Whitby Mai1l Restaurant. Ail employers are subect to >1 the new Employer Health ýax on gross payroll and beneflits, effec- tive Jan. 1, 1990. The new tax replaces OHIP. TPhe seminar will review the new legisiation and include infor- mation on instaîlment require- ments, reporting requirements, penalties, ti ansitional rules and planning. Cost is $12 for Chamber mem- Jbers, $15 for non-nmembers (in- J cludes breakfast). To attend, cal 668-4506 by Dec. 8. FOPRSEOE DISQISSEAIIISFE INÂR * IITDPATEI ANSETRS A OU NTSOTAX &EUSE OUI CPTA GIN9XEPTO TW SEMINAR TEIAMS FRVURCNENEC D.W. .KIRNER & .ASSO.CIAT..ES INANspCIAL AD VSO etrRS/RTREETTALANG Rel 17 KIaM PLLNG TD.ESIE1N>..O 3 an OSHdAWAON. 1H7L Tanning and Swimwear OPENS NOV. 305 1989 Bringing to Whitby the finest Florida Swimwear by VENUS AND SWIMSUIT INTERNATIONAL