Whitby Free Press, 13 Dec 1989, p. 38

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a PAGE 38. WffMy PREE PRESS.WEDNESDAY DECEb5IBER L 1989 LADIES IN . ORIENT seek correpondece w/ie gentls- men TH FRENDHIPOFFICE, Box 5248 Stn. A, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2H MX. 25000 GOLD CREDîT CARD plus Visa, Mastorcard g uaranteed. W. wiii toit you how. Cati 435-0114. HOME MOVIES transfsrrsd ta vido tap. Europsan video tapes convsrtsd. Low, iow prices. 728-956. RESPONSIBLE, caring linanciall socuro gentlemen, ail ages. Seskç carresponclencs with serious ladies. Age, race, status no factor. Cali (604) 547-2020 anytime, 7 days. FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Moot someone nice by phone or carrespandence. Write Barb, Box 2246-A, Sudbury, P3A 431. Please state age. Wrte today. Our Faurteenth Successful Year. B BIRTH CONTROL and famiiy Planning caunseiling. Free and canfidentiai, available Monday ta Friday, 830 amn. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinlo every Thursday 3:00 pan. ta 6:~00 p.m. For furthsr inlarmatloné' cati 420-8781 ar 433-8901. ARE YOU READY TO --FEE BETTER? We'll heip vou help yourseif. Distress Centre. Phono 433-1121 or 433-1861. STOP. Don't 4lfirow it ouI. Somnebody might wiant it. Try the' classfi lds. Phone 668-6111. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For heip cai the Den"se Fouse for womsn and chiidrsn. Toit free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiaiiy assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cail the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800-668-AIDS SOIfl'N EAST ASIA tour wî lascînate yau. Thailand, Singapore Malasia, Hong Konp. Escreg throughout with special emphasfi on agricuitural visits and evonti March, '90. Cati (416) 451-4944 Tali-Irse 1-800- 268- 3090. ClanE Burt Tours. E r IRTES 1 Piease check your advertisement for errors on the first day of Publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be liabie for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in Publication beyond the cost ai the space occupied by the error Up ta a maximum cost ai the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ci assify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 20 words; 12e each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $750 for 20 wards; 15e each additionaî word AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 73OPer agatelune (14 agaIte uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAy ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics) Regular dispiay rates apply - 78# per agate lins minimum size. i column Inch ' $10.92 (14 agate lines per inch). DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 NIFTY FIFTy H-APPY BIRTHDAy c;! ÀtA N " E> "4 A LOVE LINDSAY & BRADLEY CHURCHYARD - Ed & Leslie are pleased ta announce the birth ai their third child. Daughter Chesea Joan, 7 ibs. 14 oz., was born at 7£8 am. on Friday Dec. 1, 1989 at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Ontario. Proud grandiparents are RoÃ"ss & Dorsen McCartney, Brooklin, and Basil & jean ""hurchyard. Oshawa. Shans and Hannah welcamed their new baby sister home on Tuesday. it ýs L* NOTICE TO CREDITORS e AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estateofo LEONA AUCE MaODONALD late af the Town ai Whitb in the Regionai Municipalit~ ai Durham, Retired Sales Clerk, deceased, wha diec on or about the l6th day ai January, 1989, must b. fiiec with the undersigned persona] ropresentetves on or before December 27th, 1989; thersater the undersigned wiIl distributo the asssts ai the said estate having regard aniy ta the claims thon fied. Dated aI Whitby, Ontario this 241h day ai November, 1989. ENID BAIRD and INA PRICE, Administratrices, by thoir Soiictors, COATH, LIVINGSTONE, WRIGHT & TETLEY, P.O. Box 327, 128 Byron St. Narth, BLANKE To Reach a Wider Market Advertise th roughout the regionai membersh IOntario and Canadian Commitnity i d if CORNEIL AUCTION B3ARN FR1., DEC. 15 AT 6 P.M. Fiat two-wajî cupboard,- two door wardrobe, modemn iovsseat, pins harvsst table, antique dressers and cheste af drawers, accardion, modern dressers and chests of drawers, aval top trunks, pins blanket box, box stove, ocd prsssback chairs, cotise and end tables, handmade quifts, wicker chairs, four hoopback chiid's chairs, parlour tables, wash stand, 1975 GMC van, quantity of china, glass and coliecible items. This wili b. the iast sale ai the season. W. would like ta thank evsryons for their patronage throughout ths year and sxtend to evslyone our wishes for a happy holiday ssason. Hope ta sS you aliat aur lirst sale of the Nsw Year. Friday, January 12, 1990. DON CORNEIL, AUCTIONEER RRL #1, LITTLE BRITA IN "SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION"$ 'DEC. 16 PETHICK AUCTION BARN, l-AYDON, 10 MI. NE 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SATURDAy NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week we have a nice estate sale ta include 9 pc. dining roomn suite, armoir, pins dressers, oak side board, pine lawn swing, lots ai tools, cracks, tables, limited edition prints, appliances, 1983 Pontiac Parisiane Brougham car to be sold csrtified, 1977 Ford Club cab V2 ton with cap. Rupp snowmobile, Bambadrir snow- mobile, slectric start, snowmabile tractor, plus lots ai glass and china. Viewing tram 4 p.m. Terms are cash or choque wth ID. To list your farmn, estate or consignment sale, cati Garry ta dîscuss your prelerence for your place or ours. CALL 263-4252 OR 985-0749 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER WATCH FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY HAVE YOU CHECKED out the auctions today? That vintage car yu've been looking for just may' bthero. OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. DEC. 16 AT 2 P.M. Building lot for sale by auction* an Instructions from Allan Lawson Fisher Inc. Trusteeln bankruptcy. W. wîli ssii 1 acre dry building lot. Subjsct ta reserve bld. Directons: 2 miles West aiofBabcaygson towards Fension Falls, take Cauntry Road #7 north id Kawanee Motel for 4 milss to lot. Tsrms. $5000. at sale, balance 30 days. To view cai: *324-2783 ORVAL & BARY MCLEAN, AUCTIONEERS OR VAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. DEC. 16 AT il A.M. Real estate auctian at praperty of ELLA LATIMER, 325 Simcoe St., BEAVERTON. Large lot With charming 4 bedroom brick home ln excellent location an Main St. across fmom Bank ai Commerce, zoned commercial. Wauld make excellent business location or an executive home. Mature trees, shrubs, garage. Don't miss this apportunity. Selin subject ta reserve bld. Terms $5000. at sale, balance 30 -days. PROPERTy MUST BE SOLD. To visw, cai ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS WZNNING Be a sure winner everytim i Use the Claissjfïed8 COS. iIL1 Example: Centrai Ontario Ail Ontario For f urther information please cal: 49 newspapers 185 flewspapers .Iip af the Jewspaper $135 for 25 words $275 for 25 words 668-6111 - prîce must be stated ln ad - multiple Item ads mnust total les rc ns lot *Prepaid *Cash or VISA oniy 668M.111 MOF 683-1968 OPFICE Items must sell less than $50 1

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