WIITBYFREEPRESS, WEDI4ESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1989, PAGE 25 TE NGELS STORY 0F CHRISTMAS! inm an angel. inm on top of' the Christmnas tree. I can* see the moins, dads and children opening their Christmnas presents. I can see the Christmas lights on the tree. The children were tearing their Christmnas paper off their presents! The moms, dads and children looked so happy, and I didn't have one single present. Over the night I saw Santa, he had a white poi pain on bis bat, a white beard and a white moustache, a red coat, pants and bat., And a pair of black boots. And a heavy sack of toys. And bis sleigh full of toys and belis around the side of the sleigrh! The reindeer leading the sileigh there where Dasher, Prancer, Dancer, Blitson, Comet, Cupid, Vixon and Rudolpb was in front leading of the sleigh. There are nine reindeer. When it was lunch the family celebrated with Christmnas cake. After lunch somne carol singers carne to the, door then more and more carol- singers came. But it stopped at supper, tbey had the last of the Christmas cake'at supper. Then after super moin bathed the children and put them to bed. Then inom and dad went down to the farnily room and sat down on the sofa and looked. at the Chistinas tree and a few minutes later the mom and dad went upstairs te go to seep. The next day the family had breckfast and then they took the Christinas decorations off the tree. I was taken off last because I was on the top of the tree. I was put in a box with. the Manger, Mary, Joseph, the Stable and baby Jesus. I would be taken and put on the tree next year. By Hannah Taylor Dr. Robert Thornton .UL.UUIURau mu mmm * mmm mu mmm mum . ..... .. ib Dear Santa, .How is Rudolpb? I love you and your reindeer. rm good at Scbool. May I please have 2 Nintendo games,. Thank you. Love Daniel Jonies Gr. 2, Colonel Farewell SCROOGE TAKES OVER CMHUSMAS One day when Santa, bis elves,- bis reindeer, 'and Frosty were getting ready for Christinas, their things were rnissing. Santa had no toy bag and frosty was niissing bis bat- which kept hum warm. The elves weenissing their, tools. Rudolph started te cougb. "Are you 0K? said santa. Rudolpb just sat there. Santa -was having a bad day. Santa can't deliver bis teys without Rudolph. Santa needs another reindeer. But tbere are only eigbt reindeer in the world. "I'need a reindeer, two elves and frosty's bat"' said Santa. "I know wbere I can get a bat, two elves, but I do not have another reindeer" said Santa. "Oh well." said Santa. "I will go and to get a bat and two elves" said Santa,. Bing-Dong!! "Hello Krista" and Andy. 'Would you two like to be an elves" said Santa. "Yes" said Krista and Andy.. We went up te Santa7s bouse. When we got up to Santa7s bouse Rudolph was well. Santa explained what had bappened, then we'went out to try te catch Scrooge. We looked everywhere, but it was the nigbt before Christmnas. Santa was so scared he cried. "Do not cry! we said. The next day Santa did not find bis bag but the children stili believed in him. P.S. They caugbt Scrooge and put hum in jail for stealing every body's things, so0 everyone. got their stuif back. AnMdy Mueller Gr. 3, E. A. Fairman THE WORKSHOP The elves were asbusy as ever because they bad te make 4,000,000,000 toys- for ail the children al around the world and they had seventeen day s left. Some of the elves, like Shoityp liked to play around with toys. He mostly played with cars and al different things. That is why the elves were slowing down and bard te find more elves. They wrote a note and put it in the newspaper. This is what it said: HEP WANTED We Need Soineone Who enjoys making toys. You get paid $100. 00 a week. Cal123-HO-HO-HO for more information." The next day someone came for the job. They got it and ail the teys were finished. They lived happily ever after. By Melissa Casson Gr. 5, RL A. Hutchison Dear Santa, How are you? yesterday I went to a place were they showed us things about Pioneers. For Christmas I would like a Nentendo gaine with a TV. On Christmnas Eve I will leave you a pepsi and an apple for rodof and some cookies for the other raindeer. Your friend Jessica CoU~ins West Lynde P.S. Stade nt s don at e gifts PRINGLE Creek publice chool stu- the sehool Christmas tree are (from dents have donated gifts to the left) Michael Zwicker, Lynn Spiers, Whitby Kinettes for distribution to Caitlin Morrison, Justin Yan and needy families. Shown in front of Patrick Merry. FtS STAR APPLIANCES -X W. buy, sel, and service. SWe specialize in recon- Sditioned appliances. Frîdges, «« Stovos, washers, Dryers, Sand Air Condîtloners. 1202 WECKER DRIVE OSHAWA, ONTARIO 432-7257 -X Senlors Dscounts.4 AL'S DRYWALL e Ornamental design ceilings e Plaster work a Painting & decorating eGnrlcontractiflg 88 666-1657 CALL A PRO!O FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS YOU A SHOCK OR TWO!I ~ÙJust check the CALL A PRO section ouandilet the pros do the job! Yucan compare and choose froin the ser ces you'ii ind there! t. FITZGERALD e CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. i General Carpentry Addit ions i bime Iniprovements Ceramic Tiling j Roc Rooms Dywall and Paint ing E16 VEARS IN DURHAM REGION ýî iCalil:-55 FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMIS ES AT THE FOLL0WING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING OF BI-LAW, TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 2739-89 to designate the following property as being of histonoi and architectural value or interesi under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.337. The Donald Wilson House 519 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST. WHITBY HISTORIC The, Donald Wilson House was buit in 1928 by Donald A. Wilson, a wealthy gentleman who took an active part in community life in Whitby. He was a member of the Whitby Boarri of Education for more than 25 years and Mr. Wilson was a charter member of the Whitby Rotary Club when Rt was formed. He.was also a foundine member 0f the Chamber of Commerce in 1928. Mr Wilson was named as the first recipient of the Peter Perry Award as Whtby's outstanding citizen in 1955. ARCHITECTURAL The Donald Wilson House combines aspects of romantic and picturesque English revival styles with the utilitariar, Amnerican Craftsman style. The tudor Revival contributed to the picturesque arrangement of massing and many of the details: the leaded glazing, the numerous gables, anc bay Windows," the interior nooks, the intenior ceiling beams and in part the panelling. The craftsman interior featured lavish use of natural wood in wainscotting, beamed ceilings, window seats and buit-in furnishings. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 6th day :î December, 1989. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whftby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LIN 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPISI 134 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX 683-6074 PAl RICK'S GENERAL SERVICES Quality RenovaUons/Improvements REC ROOMS. BATHROOMS ROOFS, DECKS & FENCES INTERLOCKING STONE WAIJ<WAYS & PATIOS ___ 430-1422, 430-1167I 1 atudq me« 4mn 4 *"îà tluiD - --