PAGE 1.6, WIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1990 Newe epasis on public servioes Ontanio Soicitor General legisiative recognition of tbe and O~..... ~ ~n f.4' i44.t& L.4,,a i a m nAatr n.u eli a bull to crate a new Police Services Act that will become tbe 'legislative framnework" for police service tbrougbout tbe province. JJu1titioiA iJ m A. Al# 11 EtAi uilA b Constable to serve as police officers ihi native commuhies; - c& Iculabuly PLUUUL f aU the disposa of firefirnis which corne into police possession. "The Police represents a policing," said General. Services Act crossroads in tbe Solicitor Doncd0 KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS, represen- Doaton ted by Martin Turpin (left) and Doug Macean (right) presented a $2,000 by donation to the Destiny Manor Treat- ment Centre recently. Accepting the Knights donation is executive director Cynthia Myers. Obituary DARLÎNEMAGVAS Darline Magas died on Fnl- day, Deoembr29 1989, tOh awa General Hospin iher Sheewas the beloved wife of George, niother of Michael and David, daughter of June Wilkins of Orono, and daughter-in-law of Phyllis and George Magvas of Whitby. Memorial service followed by cremation, was held on Tuesday, January2, 1990 The proposed Act's declaration of principles recognizes the need for close working relations between police and the community, safety and security of ail persons, sensitivity to the multicultural reality of Ontarl*o, respect and sensitivity for victinis of crime, and provision of policing services consistent witb tbe spirit of the Charter. of Rigbts and Freedoms and tbe Ontario Human igbts Code. When the bill introduced recently becomes legislation, it will replace tbe 40-year old Police Act. The following- provisions are included: 0 the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services will replace tbe Ontario Police Commidssion and will be responsible for enforcing policing standards across the province; 0 municipal police services boards will, be tbe link between tbe police -and the community, and will be establisbed in every municipalty; 0 a provlnce-wide public complaints systemn will be establisbed, based on the Metro Toronto model; *n higber mandatory education adenhanced training for new officers; By Sg=.Sady Ryrie DurhnM Re 1oaPolice Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are agamn asldng for the public's belp in solving an abduction which occured on Westney Road just south of Greenwood in the town of Pickering on Aug. 30, 1989. Just after 8 a.m. a woman was driving southbound, just soutb of town, when she saw a mian standing oh the west shoulder of the roadway and a car parked on the other side. Thinkdng it was a motorist needing help, she pulled over and stopped beside hlm. She! unlocked the passenger door and he got in. She asked hlm if lit was bis car and he said it wasn't, and that he was only going down the road. As she started to drive he pulled a knife on her, She, started screaxning and stopped the car but he grabbed ber arm and ordered ber to continue driving. He- told ber to turn towards the conservation area where he ordered ber to stop. A struggle ensued but she managed to drive away. He ran into tbe' bush and disappeared. The, wanted man is described as a wbite maie, early 30's, 5'8" stocky build, short sandy colored hair cornbed towards tbe front. He bad a pock-rnarked face. He was wearing brown pants, a' beige striped shirt and black boots. He was carrying a knife witb a brown handie. He also bad bad body odor. If you bave any idea wbo this person n-igbt be you can cal Crime Stoppers. You'1l neyer bave to give your name or. appear in court. Anyone witb information is asked to cali. The Crime Stoppers pbone number is 436-8477 (tbat's 436-TIFS). Long distance cail collect. Durbam Regional Crime Stoppers is one of the over 800 Crime Stoppers programs in North America 'and is administered by a civilian board from across the region. 1 FL SRIECOSCNTE- 430- I 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust - Family Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Cemetery Lettering Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3552 Aftcr Hours 668-4460 or 666- 1513 Hlome appointments gladly arrangcd th? lies ,uits a for