w M EfyFR PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAÀRY 24,1990, PAGE 9 Manmagi ng people during growth "I'm golng to have te delegate some responslbility. 1 don't like the Idea; ln tact, I hate the Idea. However, you're it - remember how 1 feeli" FR OM PAGE 8 smail business branch of the Ontario, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology., Adds, management consultant Elyse*' Graf of Laventhol & Horwath: "Small employers are quite capable of providing human resources developinent. If- they offered it early enough, they wou]d save themselves a lot of grief and extra work down the lime." Graf says it's vital to keep employees aware of Company developments during rapid growth. In a small business, it should mot be too difficult to keep the channels of communication open; after aIl, the company is not encumbered by layers of management 'or bureaucracy. "Staff meetings are very important, especially if you're soliciting employee input on how ta , mprove 1company performance,". says Graif. Little things can pay off. Bulletin boards cost next to nothimg, yet tlhey're an excellent means of letting people know what is happening. But few smnall business owners make the simple effort of conveying companynews in print . so everyone can keep easily informed. Mega growth can quickly lead ta administration chaos. It's in this type of situation that written trainimg procedures can, prove invaluable. It takes a great deal more time and effort taocrient a new worker, regardless of the job, when training prograns are not clearly defined. "lts really quite easy ta, set procedural training on paper, a step-by-step procesE4,cf what. an employee has'-taý experience to be brought up to speed," explains Graf. But it's the rare .srnall business owmer, who has training procedures spelled out clearly in advanoe. Skills training and company expansion obviously go hand in hand. Many entrepreneurs have faltered because they did not prepare for their own good A&RT'S COUNTRY KITCHEN Quality Custom Kitchens and Vanities OAKI PINE, CHERRY, MAPLE & WHITE LACQUER Des igned and installed ta your specificat ions. SHOW UNOOM ENDAILY For FREE estimates eaUl: ARTPS WOODWORK LTD. 7 Progress Dr., Courtice BloorSi NHOURS: I B1I dLSI-Li 4fl.>o MON. toMF1: 8am -7pm - sa ARTS WOOOWOR K ITO TIU RSDAY: 8am - 8pm Pighay 41 7PROGESSDR. Bowmanvile MTURDAY: lOam - 2pm SALE PRICE $254.00 Reg- Price (tbasic unit only, 4 shelves, 4 posts - accessories extra) SPAE A3EHLNC 'NE MAKE FREE HOUSE CALLS. RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY (416) 430-1636 Siotte ours: Mtindiy -- Wrdnrlday llÉin 6 pmur 4yP.rufyan n p an y m