PAGE 10, WITBY FR2EE PRESS, WEDNES»AY, JANUARY 24,,1990 THE HORSELESS CARRIAGEMENl Barbershopprs Harmonizing to help hearing- impcsired formance at Fairview Lodge in Whitby last year. Peter TombllnFre. Pre photo ____ ____ ____ ___430-3017T eDr p La Petite Bistro in etes you to Evening Dinner ! Ç170r oisiop enjoyvour new Luncheon Fare. Specials q fjn Dtim $9099 &FnDi Appetizers * Roast Prime Rib of Beef 1 Coule*t aqe Veal Parmesan Now Offers]I Cefo oqulst aqus *Shsh Ke Bob Friday & S. SaeasoCntalj*Orange Roughy Paenaison Breast of Chicken Supreme qq«» Chicken With Sauce Pasîofute Da Special Va] Veronique CaesSaa Poisson Florentine I sa ald$19*95 Va aslaGarlic bread Includes a complem Vec ars n ellaRelish Tray SucmpeLovie Daily Satn u QuChefsLorain Choioe of PotatoSttngS Ches Ceaion.. The fuil selection of steak and We Wll Be (Our Daily Spei) seafood for which La Petite is.Fo 1famjous is also a vailabie Fo AISO ~IReservations Reconimended omme Light Snacks, Soups J Lunch Tues.-Fri. 11:30-2:30 cai 6- Salads and Deset Dinner Tues.-Sun. 5:-OO-Cloing For I6-0 939 Dundas St. W., -4oe A t y By Julie Parsons The Barbershoppers: they have fun and fellowship as they join in song, and the music they make gives double the pleasure. For while they make meýrry enter- tainment, they also help hearng- impaired youth. Canadas largest ail-maie sing- ing association is the Society for te Preservation a2nd Encourage- ment of Barber Shop Quartet Sm gin g in America ( SPEBSQSA) the joint name for the Barbershoppers in Canada and the United States. Barbershopping, singing four- part.harmony in a wide range of music, originated in the early 1900s when men would gather together in barbershops and smg. Itas pro essed through the year to aho by of extremely wide interest and support throughout the world. SPEBSQSA is divided into dlis- tricts throughout Canada and the U.S. (With the exception of the Ontario district, ail of the Canadian districts include parts of the U.S.). Except for Ontario, ail money raised in districts is donated to the Institute of Lpgopedics in Wichita, Kansas. Thé Barber- shoppers' slogan is "We Sing ... That They Can Speak,» also the naine ofa song written by laenc Brgesa member Since 1974, the. Ontario dis- trict has donated money to Har- monize for Speech in Ontario, from where cheques are sent to each of the individual chapters in Canada which donate the mone-y to their local institution for speec andhearing impaire, SE PAGE il ,rtainnment Auditions for Evenings Cullen 0sDmnner anniversary rson show c3 f champagne. %MUM Cullen Gardens will hold audi- tions on Thursday, Jan. 25 for tiary 4th singeDrs and danoers for the lOth Brunch anniversary show to be presen- .m. ted later this year. ___Auditions will be held 5cm n 3 to 7 p.m. in the Whitby room. è6-5092 Those auditicning wil( bring )n character song or da2nce pieces, Mresumes, pictures, sheet music and cassette tapes. The 1990 season, the loth for Gullen Gardens, will begin May 19. The special show will be presented at the Valley Theatre. For more iformation, rl-to MEMBERSl of the Oshawa Barber- shoppers group, the Horseless Car- riagemen, are shown during a per- ,nes, Brocý