PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANLJARy 24, 1990 P0eO7 -cOi Coleman Gas Furnaces '.entrai AiJ And Ir Conditions WIth Naturai Gas 0#7 ?4 & AIR CONTROLI l C ~ Ca cf yu il or ,dt0,1» *ldl ytm ta nalural gas& Save UP t 060% on yaur heaIng bls~. 0FUATURES: Hlgh .11 icncy heavy ccriuffwjý C,,% oefrmr mauntis ~ - Fiter dutor standard PUT VOUR PURCHASEai Cali Air Control for detailsI TA KE A DVA NTA GE 0F THIS LIMITED TIME SPECIALI1 0" VALU ýM ABULE COUPON ---- ILAST CHANCE AT '89 IPRIC ES(Buy bfomthe lncrae> $ 5 00 O F Nat ta be used ln con]junctian F withan>'othe offr. the purchase of your Centrai Air Conditioner * or Natural Gas Fumace. Expires Feb. 15, 1990ý E AI'*4 AIR AIR CONTROL CONT ROL CONTROIL HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING LTD. 600 EUCLID ST., UNIT #10 WHIIBY 430-3633 on 686-3511 erving Durham Rogion, Residential. Commercial & Custom Homes. ýýýmflmmm m mim mmm mml-ümïma Agreement will save house 1PROM PAGE 1 Pro ert but found that Baratz and bispartners had too much invested to be able to grant any reduction in the size of the build- ing. The original design bad already been reduced to tbree from four stories. "However, I did persuade him to ask bis architect to. cut the roofline back a littie on the third floor in order to slightly reduce shadowing on the neighboring properties,» said Anderson, pub- lisher of th e Whitby Free Press. "In addition, hie agreed to con- vert the two parking spaoes adja- cent to Eudlid St. to a Iandscaped buffer. "I could have pursued my objection to the 0MB but I would have lost the gains I bad achei- ved and might have Iost overaîl. "There is no doubt this agree- ment is far better for Whitby than it is for Eucid St. The agreement requires the approval of Wbitby council before Anderson will witbdraw bis objection to the 0MB. But Baratz is optimistic that it will be accepted. The bouse to be saved is a fine example of a Regency cottage, built in 1855, and bas beautifui arcbitectural dêtailing on its front facade, including stained glass around the front door. Anderson believes that once it is up on wbeels, wbicb. is the most costly part o f moving any. building, there will be littie pro- blem in selling it. The new owner wiIl be respon- sible for providing the new site new foundations and the actuai FREE * move. In moving the bouse as opposed te demolition, Baratz suys, "Hopefully, we will be con- sidered good corporate citizens of Whitby.- The cboice of donating tbe sale proceeds te, the Whitby inuseum came easily for Anderson, who, as a former president of the Wbitby Historical Society, was active in the museum while it was located at Lynde House before Lynde House was moved te Cullen Gardens in 1986. "The museum bas been occu- pying borrowed spaoe in the Ken- dalwood Plaza, ever since then » says Anderson. "Maybe this wili get.tbings moving a little faster» IFrîendly, Personal Service 24 Hours - 7 Days a weekI CARPBELLS SOUP CHICKEN NOODIE OR VEGETABLE 10oz CAN WHITE BREAD ASSORTW MEAT LOAF 1 OOg ROMAINE LETTUCE, OR ROAST 404 DUNDAS ST. W. 1 1 lacOMM V;ý PICES. r; rf b Sý 00-,ON-ý JAN. 24 TO 30 LOTTERYAN 'OBACCOPRODUCTSNOTINCLUDIED'l" ONLY AVAILABLE AT: WE S. T: LYNDE. PLAZA..,,',-, H igh-way,, 42,. elfery S