Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1990, p. 9

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'*YP~~R~ DNÉA1Y~,7~t1~ 4 Z1«OAGE 9 Despite conoerns, subdiviinapoe A WHRITBY womanr received a broken arm and cuts and abrasions to her face when the car she was driving was in collision with a truck on Hopkins St. on Thursday afternoon asat week. Wbitby firemen used the jaws of life to free the woman firom her car. Fr..Pr. photo Jaws'of Ife used to free trapped woman 'Byse tt Laurie Tiiý . htby,'fire dpromnt was foroed to, use ýthe 'Jaws of life' te free a Whitby woman trapped ini her car after a collision with a tracter-trailor last week. According to police the driver of the truck, Daniel Walsh of Brampton was southbound on Hoýpkins§t. when the accident ocreon Thursday afiornoon. Walsh" was attompting te bralce when ho lost contÏr and crossed the contre line, colliding with Kristina Fallis of Roýynolds St., who was driving northbound. Fallis' 1989 Ford was tetally demolished and the resulting damage left her pinned in the car. She was freed-by the Whitby fire department and sent te Osh- awa General Hospital with a broken arm and multiple cuts and abrasions te the face. There was only minor damage te the truck andJ the driver was unhurt. Charges have not been laid as police continue te investigate. i* REC YCLING ONE i TON 0F * NEWSPAPE S * SA VES 19 ThEESi .* a ui ART'S COUNir,-TRY KITCHENS Quality custom Kitchn and Vanities OAKJ, PINE, CHERRY, MAPLE & WHITE LACQUER Desfged and installed to your specifiat ions. SHOW ImOOM DAIY For FREE estimates cail: ART'S WOODWORK LTD. 7 Progress Dr., Courtice H gh.dY?2 Co,,1. c ____ - ne 4342600 - Ohal 5 ARTS WOOOWORIC LTO. lHe.y4Ol< 7 PROGRISSDR. m. kMON. to FR1.: 8a.m -6pm SATUIRDAY:. By Rob Gerlsbech Whitby counicil has .1iven the go-aheadt to a new subdivision on the east side of Thickson Rd. N., north of the future Dryden Blvd. (botween Rossland and Taunton roads). The subdivision will include 47 single family homes, 51 street townhouses, 54 block townhouse units and 180 high densit'- ToN deies nuered use application By Robert Gverlsbeck A last minute effort by a deve- loper tçQ delay a decision on a residential1 zoning bylaw change failed toe sway Town council members who voted Iast week to reject the application. Swaran Singh had applied for an amendment to the residential zoning of his propery, at 500- 502 Dundas St . W., just west of Eueid St., to allow ground floor commercial uses. Ho planned to open a Canadiana restaurant and craft store on the ground floor. Planning committee rejected the proposai, agreeing with a p lanning staff report stating it didn't meet the objectives of the downtown secondaiy plan. Singh asked counicil last week for a 30-'day delay in making its final decision so ho could get plans and architectural drawings te, show counicil what ho planned te, do with the property. "I want to do something unique that would set a pro- cedent,» said Singh. Deciding against the dola and the proposa, counicillor Marcel Brunelle said ho did not want te, set. a preoedent of putting businosses outside of the com- merical zoning limnita. Singh, who now ronts out the proporty, said after the meeting that ho might try his proposai again in a few years. Asimilar applicaion for com- mercial useof a rosidontial pro- pert at 504 Dundas St. W., next te Singh's pro brt, was also turned down by counicil last week. apartment to wnhouse units. Before approving the subdivi- sion last week, several council- lors voiced concerna over the high density posed by tho deve- lopment. Councillor Tfom Edwards said that the density of the dlevelop- ment was a major problem. Councillor Joe Drumn, said ho regretted the hi gh density of the plIan, lbut added, "This council's boon accused of building nothing but massive houses, so I have no problein with building these townhouses. » Councillor Dennis Fox said, "Fim not pleased with the densityý and I wouldn't like te see it oen, but I think there is a need fo1ti type of housing.» But councillor Ross Batten didn't understand what ail the discussion was about. "'Here we are with a devolop- nient in the middle of a field, far away from anythinq els,»z- said Batten. «We're withing tho offi- ciai Town plan and the developer is giving us exactly what wo asked for." Council voted 7ý1 te, accept tho subdivision plan, Ed wards voting against. Developed and Presented by DIETER W. KIRNER with special guesi lecturers Real Estate Expert PAUL LINDEN and noted Lawyems THOMAS CURRAN& WAYNE CUSACK Corne hear Durhamn Region's best known tax sa vings expert, Diter irn er. Mr. Kirner is widely recognized as the pre-erninent local lecturer for both govemment & private industty. TO PICS 10 BE DISCUSSED AT THIS FREE SEMINAR! " RRSP - WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? WHY? " RETIREMENT PLANNING IN GENERAL - RRSP's/RRIF's, ANNUITIES " INVEST IN MORTGAGES & GENERATE VERY HIGH INTEREST " LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TAX SHELTERS TWO SEMINAR TIMES FOR YOUR CONVEMIENCE Aftemoon Semînar 1:30 p.m. Evenlng Semnar 7:00 p.m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1990. Oshawa Public L ibrary A uditorium Admission Free - Please oeil Tammie Upcoming Seminars March 22, & April 19, 1990 571-0771 D.W.KRIRER & ASSOCIATES F/NA NO/AL AD V/SORS IN RE77REMENT & TAXPLANNING 717 KING ST. W., SUITE 19 P.O.BOX 133 OSHAWA, ONT. LlH 7Ll Ali Real Estate Salespeople RE/MAX CANAAN LAND REALTY INC. 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