WHITY FEE RES, WDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1990, PAGE 13 Town-*hears prsentatiLon on regional transit By Scott*Laurje A presentation was made to the Twn operations committee 1UMonday by the task foroestudy- î ing the feasibilityý of a regionai transit system in Durham. ! hI May 1984, the Region of Durham retained! a consulting firm to examine.pulictraspor- tation needs in the regon. Te consultants concluded that the long-termn objective of the Region shouid be to deveiop a fuily integrated regional transit sys t0m. The purpose of the presen- tation was to bringthe municipa- lities involved up to date on the progress of the study and teo End strike, say parents FROM PAGE 1 ting worried because it's too "comnfortable" being at home. "In the bçginning it was airght,» says lan. "Tere was lots te do. Nw rm just feeling more and more comfrtable ta be at home.» Ryan points out that this is the second big adjustment that he has had te make this year. The transition ta the temporar industrial plaza site for Fr.Le J. Austin students was aiso diffi- cuit. "Most of the grade 10s were just starting to adjust tothe new school and bringing marks Up, and now this,» says Ryan. li e,-says he thinks the strike wiii be settied by a third party «when we are in danger of iosing aur year.» Ryan wîil be happy te return scihool but -says it wiil take some gettin used te. He's also afraad that tlir schooi year wil b e extended. -Monday morning many stu- dents attended their schools in full uniform as a further demonstration that they wanted an end te the strike. The 'Parents? committee wil 'continue their stand of impartia- lity. They are miaking a presen- tation te the sjtrikin teahr tonight (Wednesday). Te have collected a petition of 3,000 names of people objecting te the strike and many have calied their local trustees.,1 SOlicit input fram tne committee. Rabeït Durrelý of the task force Pointe« out tha' the local transit system: serves 1c al needà but the route à tructur4 fails te cross municipal boundaries. "We need a fair policy to travel from one urban' area toi another wîthout additional fares,» sà id Du 'eh. eI main artery camman te al the. iunicipalities is Hwy2. Dur- reli tates that since the, incep- tion'qf the GO train in Whitb, tranit service has been grea4Iy reduWedaiong Hwy 2. Once th-- Cookie orders Saturday Girl guides wilI take orders on Saturday, Feb. 10 for girl guide cookies, Funds raised help variaus levels of guding for camping travel, cract, service project anc1 outings. Th re are about 850 membei of thèý! girl guide organization: Whitýr and Braokiin. Ta order cookies , cali 668-264 in Whitby or 655-4469 in Brook lin. line is extended to Oshawa, ser- vice may stap altgther. Durreil statd tat they wilI be mal.ing pre ntations toalal of laiýshore iunicipalities of the region. Once the. presentations are compIetéd, an evaluation wiii he made. in 4~5 k- Recamniendations will then be made ta the task farce, who wil then report to Whitby council. 1Newcastle mayar Marie Hub- bard, chairman of the task force, stated that no. decisions had yet been made, adding, "We've got a CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0-F P.UBLIC MEETING Monday, February 19, 1990 @*730.p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building Whftby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning anc Development Committee of Council of the Corporatior of the Town of Whitby to consider a subdivision(rezoning application and an application to amend the Whitby Official Plan to permit a commercial development within the plan of subdivision. The application has been submitted by Mr. R. Liebregts in trust. The subdivision application proposes 19 single family units and a 1.02 acre special purpose commercial block. The subject property is Iocated on the west side of Brock Street forth ýof Rossland Road. The property is part of Lot 27, Concession 3, andi is shown on the sketch below. i f *1 i ROSBILAND WEST i .r-T TTFT (TTrT7T7r--11.JT1111111 rrrrrr.,. The purpose of the Officiai Plan Amendment application s to redesignate lands currently designated Low Density Residential to Special Purpose Commercial. This would permît ýdevelopmenI: of the commercial block within the plan for special purpose commercial uses. rhe purpose of this meeting is to provide adequate iformation to the public and to permit irïterested 'ersons -the opportunity to make representation in ýespect: of the Officiai Plan Amendment and Subdivision 3pplication. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your 'presentation can be filed in writing by mail or personal Jelivery to reach the Planning Department, not later than 'gular workinig hours on February 16, 1990. ïterested persons; may inspect additional information elating to the above application in the Planning )epartment, -Level 7 , 575 Rossland Road East during egular working hours, Monday to Friday or may contact he Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERTIB. SHORT Dîrector of PlannIng ý.oxt101LMTMLADi 1850'S BOUSE FOR SALE for removal to new site. Excellent example of '7?egency Cottage" design. Current owner to cover most of the costs of m oving. Purchaser to suppiy new site & foundation. Prooeeds fmm sale to go to the Whitby Museum. Enquiries to Doug Anderson, Whitby Free Press, 668-6111. Pieuse act quickly.