Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1990, p. 1

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End strike, sa arent By Trudie Zvd ice More than 500 Parents rallied in front of Durhamn Region Cath- olic sehool board offices Monday nigt, defending their bilîdrens9 ¶farents feel that right - has been denied secondary schooi students for -the past thre weeks, wbiie "striking secondary school teaher ad the bard remain at an impasse ini contract negotia- tions. «Parents want eidren back i the ciassroom where they beiong,» says Sue Stephenson, a concerned parent. les. a rigbt t bat bas been denied.» To tbat end, a group of parents tbrougbout tbe region bave for- -med a group cailed Durhamn Separate Secondary Scbool Con- cerned Parents Committee. They gatbered ýtogetber Mon day night to publicly let the- bard know tbat tbey were angry. But Ajax, trustee Saliy Long tben. nnounced that tbe board is meeting with teachers Tbursda, F.b. ;;8,, and parents. left 10 minutes later. "They (board) dismissed us like littie eidren once, but it won't bappen -again,» says Renate Scranz, aWhitby parent. The parent group will continue iits efforts te get tbefr children back in school. «We're gretting concerned and extremely- angry that students are still, out,» says Stephenson. She stresses that the empbasis is te get the cbildren bsck te school and-tbat the comniittee is not about te take sides in the dis- pute., "As parents we are taxpayers and we want our chiidreni back in scbooj.» One parent, Norman Sufrin, in a teacher with another school board and bas himseif been Ihirougb two strikes. -His son Ran oes te FM. Leo J. Austin in Wbitb (teniporaryý location inII sothWhitbp.Before the raiiy ' he tlkedôÏhs feelings abouit the strike. "I feel very indignant of botb groupa tbat we bave not corne te some finaiity. Both sides are clobbering the kids. We're not takin% aides, ýwe just want te ,et thmack where tbey belong. Sufrmn feit even,,more indig- nant after tbe meeting with tbe board. "I tbink tbe wboie groug was made te look kind of siliy, said Sufrin. He says that be thinka tbe board knew before Monday nigbt, but timed the announce- nient knowing tbat the parent group would be there.W Hé doesn't expect the talks te accomplish mucb. "When youre in the position of holding tbe wbip for goodness sakeyuýre (bad) ging te use it. "We started witb a mandate te taice no sides. How can we chanqe now? We're 'no further ahead. Many of tbe parents left saving, you can't beat city bi. IRyan Sufrin was one of the many students wbo joined i>'9Y<1r an end to e' parents at the- raiiy. He is Ret- teah ' stèkke 50 thefr chilfIRen ca SEE PAGE 13 returu to the'clasaroom. TOwn.seeks remr .mobi*le si.gnsý FLawn bowl I i W«U"Jll M le relocated SSepage 2 No- fault Wiil cost the Town- Sme page 21 ILM MAGEE got a face fui! of pie from çtudents at Pringle Creek public school am staff. members made good on a promise once the achool ecee its fundraising goal p By Rohert Gerlsbeck Because of wbat some council- lors perceive an increasing eye- sore of portable-signa outside of businessea, in Whitby -the* muni- cipality has sent out letters ask- ing that sucb signa be removed. The signa ar e contrary te Whitby bylaws. Thbe issue of por- table signs was brougbt up, at the meeting of planning and development comyittee on Mon- day wIhen the committee appro- ved a rezoning application on tbe condition that a portable sign on the propert be removd. Roibeîtrt McCleery owner of a vacuum 'cleaner store at 804 Brock St. N., had asked for a rezoning application so he couid also Sel1polsupplies. Noting- that McCleery has a portable sign on bis property, committee recommenided tbat the property be rezoned under tbe. condition that the sign be taken away. «We are asking that signa start te. coniply with our 9)n yaws," said councillor Rs iten, planni'ng committee chairinan. McCieery said be would coi-' ply with the sig;n byIawý and remove bis potbe sign But the COMMIttemade it -Clerthat there were ot4r buéinesses wbich st'Ilihad te remove them. '«They make the commnunity, look bad,» said cÇýuncilIor Dennis FOX. Councillor Jase Drumm, who has-in past yearu ropeatedly asked for-.removal of portable we'd gt a great bigtruék and takesalthose signa away.» Hie once described Dundas St. E. as looking i ke 'Disneyland" becauSe ofth e proliferation of such signs. Watbe at trailer park BMy Robert Gerlsbeck WhitbsPlanning. and deve- iopment committee ha an un- expected item tagged on te tbe aenda Mýonday night wen resi- dents of a 1trailer park came te voice concerna ab-out tbe. con- ditions theyi were living in. Paul and Judy Van Aistyne, residents of the Subway Courtý trailer Park on Dundas St.E. toid committee that tbey, a nc others wbo live there, were often without running water. The Van Alatynes said tbey didn't bave any running water that nigbt. IlThey added that hydro, service was sometimes cut off'so, that water pipes froze. 'Meplaceila unsafe,» Judy Van Alstyne teid committee. «Hf 1; ~ 4. 1' I .,~,,. 'i '-s 1 Chde Bovié photo glvdlumlm vu-ugiàwv

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