Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1990, p. 24

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PAGE 24, wHirBY FREE PRESS, WEDNES DAY, FEBRUMïY 7,019 Minor novices fait to Wexford in final of tournament Whitby Kim Crouch Collars minor novice A rep hotcke team was runner-up in South London's 19th annual tournanient losing 4-1 in the final te Wexford. g Whitby showed they meant business in their first gaine, defeating Flamborough 3-0. Nicholas Owen scored once, ass- isted b y Michael Konieczy, and Brad McNaughten slammed two past the opposition assisted by Bavd Kubrynski, konieczny and Robert Lalonde. David Cant recorded the shuteut and was nanied the game's most valuable platyer. Ile second gaine saw Whitby defeat the host teain froi South London, 3-1. McNaughten once agaidisplayed bis soit hands by addigtwo more goals te bhis total. They were assisted by Danny Sinaîl and Joshua Brun- ble. Whitbyv's third goal was englneered 4y the crafty Owen. Whitby thon had one gaine te determine if they would advance te the chaznpionships. They were te play the teai frein North Toronte, who were only one point behind thein. In the first period, Lalonde took a pass frein K le Crouch and stuffed it past theToronto goalie, and Whitby went on te defeat North Toronto 6-0. The other goalscorers for Whitby -were McNaughten frein Sinal ànd Konieczny, Ricky Mace frein Crouch and Brmble, Owen ass- isted by Ky;le Wailes, Sinaîl froin Kubryniski and McNaughten and Crouch unassisted. Both goalies Chant and Jef- fery Jackson, skared in the shu- tout.1 I the championship final, Whitby had tepay a teugb AA teani frein Wexford. Whit yý got on the sooreboard first with, a top corner shot by Crouch which was assisted by. Jay Harrison and Lalonde. Whitby beld Wexford sulent until halfway through the seconwa period when Wexford scored. Whitby's defence of Mark Unwin, Sean Macrury, Danny Cohen and Jainie Giles were solid on the blueline and cooled off the Wex- ford offence on many occasions. 'But in the third period, Whitby was outinuscled and banded a 4-1 loss. Twot Home court was an advantage te Henry's midget and junior boys basketball teanis as both were successful in winnig the finals of a recent teurnament on Jan 26 and 27. Henry won the first gaine against Eastdale 68-25. In their next game against Mowatt High School in Scarborough, Henry, once again, found little difficulty in winning 68-56. The two wins qualified Henry for a semi-final match against Pearson High School of Scar- borough. This was a gruelling gfame that saw tbe score change bands countless tixues before being decided in Henry's favor 54-52. Paul Prier led the attack with 14 points. I the final gaine against Tim- mins High School, Henry, led by Prior's-24 point performance, won 56-44. «We played exceptionally well especially in the semis and finals', said coach Jan. Bates. "We stayed te our game plan and fulI court pressure. The jno teain met the Mowatt teainin their flrst o ' Henry winning G 6141 t :1 pont froin Scott Williamspn.i Teir second gaine saw théi knock off Adi Scott I 'kh School of Peterborough 4P14. ANDERSON went up against Brock in junior girls volleyball Iast week. Brock won two of three games. ChreikMBvi.photo Volleyball teams do well Both Whitby senior girls' high school volleyball teams did well, in a province -wide tournament held at York University over the weekend. Anderson Raiders made it to, the consolation championship, game before bowin toDrCennan Hig Scoolof 'i'do,15-7, 15-6. Henry Street Hawks advanced to, the quarter-finals before lo- ing te Gordon Graydon of Missis- sauga, 15-9, 15-5. Graydon was the eventual, runner-up in the 24-team tournament Inconsistency proved te be Henry Street's undoing, said teani manager John Soehner. «eaecomj>etitive, we know WAL Wu n O aiiIII i.i + jJ7UVla » said Soehner, "but we have te be a little more consistent.» Anderson coach Gord William- son was «very pbeased» with bis H O St team's performance.onto r W tbythree players and at 7 at night when we played our last.gaine the were very tired. Not to t a k e s te be a little more balan- Joanne Hood of Anderson was namred te the aIl-star teain, tournUiey based on her performance. Soehner aid a university- organized teurnament tends te Whitby Nash Aluminum won produce better play than a regu- -the '4the annual Jin Johnston far high scbool teurney. Memorial novice hockey teurna- 'The teainsknow they're being ment on Saturday, Feb. 3. in watched, the ùniversities want te Whitb~.rgtta eraet see their future players.' In L rigt-tem turnaent Henry Street bas two games Whitby oepned with a 6-3 win left in its schedule and Anderson over Scarborough, followed with three. Both scbools will be in tbe -a 5-1 win over Ajax and then Lake Ontario Secondai-y Scbool slipped past Welland 3-1 in the A Association pl!ayoffs on Feb. 22. chaxnpionsbip final. Williamson " expects the chain- Pot; éta wp vioshpto have.a dcideËy local "It should be ourselves and Henrýy Street by the end.» Local pony club member selected to team Keith Reid of Blackstock bas been selected te represent the Canadien Pony Club as a mem- ber of the International Prince Phillip Gaines <PPG) tearn for 1990 in England this sumnmer. Reid represents the Central Rion Pony Club and is one of five pflayers to, make the Cana- dian team. Lest August he tried out for the international teain, and was up against many other Pony Club riders from Southern Ontario. A team of judges selec- ted him on bis ability to ride a difficult course, not only on bis own pony but on another pony he had neyer ridden before. He was also interviewed by a panel that was te select a coin- petent ambassador for the sport and Canada. Reid will arrive in Glasgow, Scotland July 9. After remaining there for about five days, ho wiI then continue south through Shropshire and C heshire before reaching Wales. The international games comn- petition will be held at the Royal Welsh Show July 26. Following the competition the teams will continue on te London for some -Ûtgltsoei gah« âhopping. ;ities Top= srig honors went te Màtt and bad little trouble beating Peterborough Colleg*ate 5636 Jamie Watters and Paul aiv tepped the scoring with eight pointýs each. Whitby club. takes second The Ontario AA teain swim championship held at Brock University Jan. 26-28 was atten- ded by 15 teains from acros Ontario, tetalling 549 swimmers, It was a weekend te remember for the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club which swam te second over- all in the AA teain standings, their lest competition'in the AA division. Ail teani members turned in fine perormances in the pre- liminar rounds te move inte the finals. Te results moved Whitby inte the. premier A division of coinpetitive swi*mmng The Whitby club's leading senior swiinmer Kathryn McBur- ney won six gold medals3. Heather Armitage and Michael Kerekes both won three gold, medals and Tiin.a Kallio two. Whitby, Iroquois Swim Club GIRLS 10 &UTIf Liau Delma.tm Llnim.y Crowdoe ADlim Dunlop Route &.«"e Anie Marice .@WAnn Mclnne. Ne M)eukenan Vicby Mard 2nd - 100 back ffrd- 200 back 7th - 50 fr. 2nd - 50 Iýy;4th - 100 back Sth - 200 b.k, 100 0y. Sh - 200 L 3d-560 fr..; M -5W Dy, 100 fr..; M - 100 biuei 4th - 50fr.., 100 ben. 7th - 200 L.;Lbi - 200 brout 4th -200 back; "- 100bock ?th - 100 houait, 200 w«84ut 100 Dy 7tk - 100 bock, 200 bock aih - 100 Dly 3SU FRED REAT Jdqrwm.liaDlo~memiatSa 2M0 M izY uM.AY duiAie ooUigyCm«Bu DM S10 AU&E MirhmdXerKaes san4yHmden Brendan Maete.n Ian Burneti lot - 50 Or. 200 bock nd - 200 fr.. 100 0ýy;&W - 400 fue 2.1 - 50 &un ;4th - 100fr..; 51k - 200 LU.,50 O 81M - 2W0 bWui e -100 bwhk 4th - 200 bock 41k - 100 boc Bih - 5mDkm 3Sm FRED REAT ha Rit, SmHedmm.. rmn M&Bitoe..Mhad K«"ke Sm0 EEDLEYRAY fr.iàMat su*. x~HRiWM ran" bu B Jnurnett GIISl &Il Tlina Kafli Andre. B Lesle Dowu Moly Mrri.. A.hligh Crowder IM - 100 fly. 200 Iýy 7th - 50fr... 100 flue 2nd - 200 5ýy; 7t - 100 D~y ârd - 100 fr... 400 LM.; &3M - 200 fr. 3d- 100 bock 4th - 200 bock, 200 LM., 400 LU Ifh -60 hue 7th - 200 bock 200 FEUE RELAY Andrea Bell, lesle Dowman, M* yM«ce Tlin Kaflio 200 MEDI.ZY RELAX Mclly Matrice.JenetPhiflipo. AndieEWl, Tilm KaDjo BOYS il & il Blair Dobbyn à&d - 100 bock 4th - 200 bock 51k - 100fr..; 61k - 50 free Aar oo &h - IW brasul;7t1- IWfly 200 FIRREAT Antan 1», Blair DéI>yr, Smndy Houder=anMichael Km-ekes 200 MKDLEY REAT Blair Ddbbyt. Antan Lo.Michael Kareko., Su*4Hendarsa GIRLS 18 A 14 Kathryn McBumey Jenraifer Crowder Renee Ayotte Daniele Johnman lut - 50 ftue. 100 fre. 100 bresit, 200 breauk 2 - 200 LM. 2nd - 100 biei, 200 br.it 61kh - 100 Dly, 200 LX. 4th - 100brmal200 broea 4th - 100b.k, 200 back 200 FR" EI EAX Kathryn I[cBurm*r. Jounifer Crowdoe, Jesoca Neibitt, Tilna Kuli 200 MDLEKY RELAX IadeeJalmameRmaeAyotte. Jenniffa crowde, Katbxyn McBun BOYS Il & 14 Neil Balan &h - 200 brit CH" S15 A VK Heather Armitage lut - 100 fly. 100 bâck 2.1- 50 fre.; &rd - 200 back; 7th - 100 fr-e. Peoe Heff*,l 2.1- 200 fly- &h - 50 frt%200 Dy 300 FIR RELAT Henther Armituge Jennifer Crowdoe, l'bW Hefford, lathryn McBurney 2W IIEYREAY HMAituroeC r rowd'~e eW éIK aUff McBuey BOYS Io & OVER Jam Ayalte ,7tk- 100 bre"i J A

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