PAGE 28, WIIITY PMEEPRES, WEDNESDAy, FURUARy 7, 1990 i -A do pprig'ram outlined ;qà u:: By Scott Laurie dited towardti beth OSSD and will make apprenticesbip 'more A breakfast ceremeny held last appeiitioeship. accessible te students. The S___ Thursday at Harwood Secondar The apprentioeship training, future cf developing human ___ School in Ajax marked the offi- leads ta a certificate cf qualifica.. resourcsboe efl with u." cial. announcement cf the scheol tien and journeyman status in. Brewn sdIid that the euainp werkplace apprentioeship pro- the follewing trade areas: tooli cf students was as much the gram. sd die maker; truck and coach rsosblt fteomnt -The prograrn is part cf the Aeni, v -ýý_ --1 1.. . Durhaidn flard -cf Ed7ucation's techriological outreach strategy which includes a series of action pians' ta promote technoilogy occupations. It will aise Provide vocational assessment, counselling services and transition ta empîcyment proras fer students. This pilot prcgram was made possible throu h the partnership cf Durham Colege,ethe Ministry cf Skills Develepmient, employer r:,Tup the Canada Emplynent Unrthe Durbam R ri AcinCommittee fer Training (DRACT) and the Durham Board cf Education. Students in trie program are able ta start their apprentice- ships in their third year cf high school while centinuing their Ontario secondary school diploma (OSSD) requirements. TIhir wcrksite training is cen- sidered as a cooperative educa- tien mode cf delivery, and accre- **j'.AAcAAluic; motr venîcle mechanic; general machinist; mould maker; and precisien sheet metal fabrication. There are a total cf 15 employers and students frcm Durham Region participating in the pregram which began this semester. Both the students and representatîves frem each cf the companies involved were present at the breakfast. Speaking at the ceremeny were Mike Peleschak education officer for the board; Wally Bea- ver, in, pro fer the Minister cf Education; I an Brown, chairman cf the Durham Board cf Educa- tien; Pauline Laing, director cf education for the board; Gaiy Pclonsky, rexident cf Durhami- Ccllege;Rcbert Lothian, Oshawa area manager fer Empîcyment and Immigration; James Turk, director cf education for the Federation cf Labour; and Steve Reilly, DRAOT-chairman. Beaver feit that "This prograni as it is thie board cf educatien.' 0f the uniqueness cf the pro- ram, Brown stated, «Durham h as shown that it is at the ferefront in many arenas, and this is just anether example.»- Sehool addition plans approved By Robert Gerlsbeck The Town planning and deve- lepment committee bas approved the site plan apfflication fer the expnsin f AderonCMI. e epnsion will include a 700-sq. m. gym extension and a 400-sq. m. library addition. To compensate for the lest parking space caused by the gym ,extension, the Anderson parking lot will b. expanded on the west side. A site plan application was aise, approved for th e addition cf a gerreral purpese room at Dr. RobertTlhornton public schocl. AVICULTURAL SOCIETY The Durham 1 Avicultural Society is holding a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. '13 at 7:30 p.m. Robert Wenting cf the MinJstry cf Natural Resources wilI speak and show a film about importing and exporting birds' The meeting wil be held at the Pickering High Scbool cafeteria (Church St. north cf Hwy 2). For furtber information contact Jacquie at 282-5997 (Toronto) or Vince at 723-1978 (Oshawa). EVERY WOMAN CAN 'Every Wcman Can,' an eight- week course for women te learn easr and practical self defence wil bgiWednesday, Feb. 7 Yi ta 9 p.m., at Anderson (*1. Women wîll learn ta identiSr emotional, physical and/or sexual gesion and confidence to in ty ta protect oneself. Cost ia $45. For more information cal Nancy O'Connor at Outreach Abuse Preventioni at 432-7821. PARKINSON Parkinson Chapter-Durham Region exercise group will meet onT7hursday, Feb19:30 te il1 a.m. at the churcb' bouse, St. Mar;ks United Churcb, corner cf Byron and Colberne streets, Whitby For more information caîl 6686580. New members are welcome. HELP FOR VETERANS A Veterans Affairs Canada will b. at tbe Whitby Legion on Feb. 15 ta, answer questions from veterans sud their familles. Veterans or members cf their faniilies can get information about pensions, allowances- or medicai assistance, at the Wbitby Legion ohi Thursday, Feb. 15, between 9:30 sud 11:30 a.m. Caîl Denis (Miles) Delaney at 668-2730 ta, make su appoint- ment. -AIZEI FOR THE WIDOWED A self-help group fer widowed men and wemen will meet on Sunday, Feb. 11, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew's Pesbyt*ran Church Cochrane St., Wbitby. Al widcwed men and wemen are welcome. For more information caîl 668-2648.? DOWN SYNDROME m'e Durham Down. Syndreme Association will bold a meeting on Tuésday, Feb. 13, 7:-30 pl.m., at Wbitby Baptist Chiurch. Gzuest Speakèr will -be Tammy Tuttie- Letts,. publi education co-crdina- tair fer the Special Olympics. Fer more informÛatien contact 831- 8300. MODEL AIRCRAFT The Whitby Aero Modellers will b. bosting thieir second annual model aircraft show and sale. The show will consist cf displays by local hobby shops, national manufacturers. sud wholesalers, and private vendors selling used equipment. There will aIso b. static displays cf model airplanes, videos, refreshments and over $200 in gift certificates ta be given away. The show will be a great place ta learri about model aircraft, make soe contacts in the hobby or pick up a deal on a starter kit. For those already into the hobby, the show will be an opportunity ta see the latest in model aircraft paraphernalia, te talk ta industry representatives and ta meet other aircraft enthusiasts. Avid modellers or those interested can attend Heydenshore Pavilion on Sunday, Feb. 11, between 10 a.m. sud 5 p.m. PC USERS Meetings cf the Durhanm PC Users Club are held on the second T'hursday cf eacb mentb, 7pm. in the Durham Cellege stafflounge. A "bug" session is a regular feature, demonstrations are given wben software is cf interest, sud the 'Disk cf the Month' is available toalal mern- GiIETSHOF REOPENING mle Volunteer Association cf Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will host a grand reepening of the volunteer gift sbop on Wednes- day Fb1*rom 10:30 a.m. ta 335p.rn., in the hospital's administration building. Door prizes sud, refresbments pro- vided during the Valentine's event. Proceids from the gift shep go ta enricbment cf patient progranis. NEWCOMERSALUAM Newcomers Alumni will beld a wine and cheese party on Mon- day, Feb. 12 8 p.m. All past members cf tle Newcomers are invited ta attend. Admission is $2. For more information contact Patty at 571-3050. COMMfUNITY LiVG The Ajax-Pickering-Whitby Association for Cemmunity IÀv- ing will hold a meeting on Mon- day, Feb. 12, 8 p.m., at the Emperor St. Centre at 36 Emperor St., Ajax. Deug Cartan, executive directar cf the Brock- ville and District Association for Community Involvement, will discuss support ta individuals and families. For more informa- tion caîl Sandy at 427-3300. KNTECRAFT SALE The Kinette Club cf Wbitby will beld a craft sale on Sunday, Feb. 25,. 10 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m., at Heyd6nsbere Pavilion. Money raised is service revenue, wbicb the club donates te varicus chari- ties includingthe Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Durbham Rape Crisis Centre, Dense House Shelter, YMCA, Convenant Heuse, Coun- cil on Mind Abuse, Whitby General Hospital Literary Coun- cil sud Durham leuse. MEDITATION Classes for meditation will begin Thursday, Feb. 15, 8 ta 10 p.m. Cost is $8 per person. For more information caîl 430-1642. EPILPSY The Alzheimer Society of bers For more information call Epiepsy usnawa andA Lrea Durhm Rgio"s nnul geera 65-4.56.Chapter will hold its montbly merbanig i en'hauld eneaDANCE meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 13, meeingwil b.hel Wenesay, The annual Brooklin/Whitby 7:30p.,atheKsmnc- Feb 14at deaid HoseMiner Hockey Auxiliary 'SOs and munity centre, 109 Coîborne St. YWCA, 199 Centre St. S&Y «60s dance dance will b. held on W., Oshawa., There will b. guest Oshawa, neon ta, 1:30 p.m. Topic Feb. 17; 8 p.m. ta 1 at speakers from the Ministry cf is 1'Eldercare in Durhami in the Heydensbore Pavillon. Tickets Community sud Social Services 19909' witb special guest speaker are $25 per couple. Cash bar, sud Durham*Region Case Coor- Diane Hamre, chairman cf the disc jockey, buffet, prizes for beat dination. All welcome. Admission Région bealth and social services costume. Tfickets are available ie $1 for members, $1.50 for committee. Luncheon is available from auxiliary members sud non-members. For more informa- at $5 witb a reservation. CalI from Peacock Sports. tien caîl 4364~152. 576-2567. DOUG TAYLOR's- Crazy fie is clipped by' student Kathy Janushewski during, the yearbook sales campaign at Col. J.E. Fareweli public sehool. Peter Tomblin Photo TrafaIgar C astie Tiffany Bradley Our school dance was extremely succesaf-,the concert hall was filled.. My congratulations go out to Susan Lettner, our social convener, Clare Jarvis, her assistant, and the rest of the hard-workiing and dedicated soci comrnittee. They prvdeduswt wonderful decorations% far-out special ý effecta, excellnt music and food, and, moet imprtnt. gus While r7m on the topic-f danes, Mdjust like to thank Trinity College sechool for inviting us ta their seni-final dance on Saturday, Feb. 3. rin sure the girls will have a nice time, and enjoy dressing up a littie for the evening. Even though we've been "dancing the'night away,' we have also been working diligently, and we'll deserve the upconilng long weekend. It will also give us a chance ta do some extra homnework or studying (sure!). As far as fundraising gees, we have collected many clothes for those less fortunate than ourselves in St. Lucia. he coin drive for multiple sclerosis is going so well, that we've had ta empty the bottle, for it has become toc heavy for Kim Dunn to carry! Je Kmpa and Becci Burke are selling Valentines ta maise money, for the grad. They cost only $1.50, and with tliis purchase, you will be able ta send a bag cf candy ta the love of your life! Please support the Grad. Ites nce ta se. that Mrm. Metslaar is back on her feet and with us again. Unfortunately, Mrs. Sigsworth still remains ill, and our hearta go out ta, her. Miss Roberts, the dean of the schoël, presented a veiy interesting chapel on what Our school is all about. 5h. summed it up in one word -"community." Anderson C.V.I. Mary Waterman Ail the students of ACVI are breathing a sigh of relief now that final exanurpations are over. On the first day back at school, haif the day was spent in second semnester classes and haif ini first semester classes ta find out what great marks everyone got on their exams. While the rest, of Anderson was busy writing exains from Jan. 22-29, Loiri Strong, a student at ACVI was busy winning medals at the Commonwealth dames in Australia. Lori won a gold niedal in the ail-round final, two more gold medals for her beam and floor exercises and two silver medals for the uneven bars and vault. On behalf of Anderson, I would like ta say congratulations ta Lori, everycne was rooting for ycu every stepcof th e way. I feel it'is necessary, since school bas reached the halfway mark, that i' mention the standings cf à oUr bouse system. TI first place is blue with 853, second is green with 634, then red with 525, and finally Yellow witb: 435. 1 said this once and I will say it again, it is net tao late for any team (especially red) ta move inta firet place. 1 encourage everyone ta, do anything you can ta gain points for your bouse because at-tbe end cf the year the first house trophy will be awarded. Wouldn't you like ta b. the first team to get the trophy? Coming events