Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1990, p. 5

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WHITrBY MHE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1990, PAGE 5 Note to readers: this column is usually on a four-year-old DOS clone computer witb two diskdri.ves, a 20 megabyte bard drive and 640,000 bytes of resident inemor. Today's coluxnn bas been hand written. In pencil. For tbis reason the typesetter may forgiven the odd typographical error (ail typos are odd.) Do flot be surprised if profane interjections are added. But bey! Let's try te keep it dlean. Note to typesetter: Yeah, let's keep this clean. None of your *!I?!* commenta. Note to Doug Anderson: Okay, okay. 1 realize you take great pride in turning The Free Press into a higb tecb show place. And 1 realize it has been over a year aince I just promnised I would start sending this column te, tbe FP by modem ... Note to readera: a modem is a higb tech word for a gizmo tbat books a computer into a telephone. I can't get mine te work. And because -rm wriing this in pencil - for the second straigbt week - it won't work again this week.) Baék to the note to Doug: by modem, but you may gatber I bave encountered techmical problems. Again. Ailow me tbe next 550 words te exvlain. (Note to typesetter:, Yup. Five bundred and ýfrty-two words left now. At a net typing speed of fifty-four words per minute, tbat's about ten more minutes. Time files wben youre baving fun, eb?). To regders: Okay. Now tbe column. Wbat you are reading 18 now tbe, fiftb draft. As usual, 1 started this column on my computer. Now, normally my machine co-perates, I mean it is loyal; a true native of Whitby. Ob, sure, weIl forget tbe part about tbe firm tbat made it going bankrupt. Nothing is monolithic anymore, if you get my drift. What bappens: my computer crasbes. Bang! Initbe miiddle of words, sentences, tbougbts, actions. For tbose wbo don't use tbese beasts everyday, let me explain. Wben a computer crasbes, it is like somebody just pulled tbe plug on your microwave in WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Electronie enema tbe middle of your popping popcorn. Well, one computer crasb is much like anotber. You've seen one youve seen tbem ail. And if this were a once-an-bour problem, we could bear and grin it, so te speak. But this occurs at intervals of fromsixty seconds te five minutes. (Note to typesetter:- three bundred or so words te go. You just passed halfway several lines back. Ites not so bad, 18 it?). (Typesetter'a note: *!.?* bandwriting) (Editor's note: careful, you two - this 18 a family paper.) So wbat bappens tenight is, this old Monolith goes bankrupt seven, eight, nine times in a row. Crasb. Eacb time I add one or two paragah. Tben we bave te re-boot - tbat takes five minutes,.'i spare you more details. Enougb te say: finally the pencils came out. Last week was worse. I had finisbed 1,150 words, saved tbe stuif te disk, edited the wbole jeebeezer down te 750, bang on. Then tbe computer crashes, and afterward refuses te allow me te enter that file again. Nobody will ever know what tbe world missed.' (Note to Maurice: tbat's rigbt, dear editer - I edited my own stuf. Do it ail tbe time. 750 words, bang on, like I said. Too bad you didn't get te read tbat gem.) So tbere I amn at midnigbt witb a wbole eveningls work giving indigestion te a computer. Next morning I get up at 5:30 and rewrite tbe wbole thing. At 7:30, we crash again. Out cornes tbe pencil. Did I ever teil you about the definition of stupid? Tbat's someoe who keeps maldng tbe same stimakes, stimakes, stimakes, stmaes ... (Note to typesetter:- one hundred and twentji words to go ... ) (Typeaetter's note: wbo cares?) (Editorls note: I said knock it off). Thiei is not tbe first bout rve bad witb recalcitrant computers. Last fail we had some of tbe same problems. After $125 worth of new chips, tbe diagnoses was: who knows? Experts no~ tell me, tbougb, tbat my computer problems al me from my wood burning stove. That's right - a wE burning steve and baseboard beaters, combined witb carpets, spell deatb te a computer. Combined -they give me static. The same thing that snaps your garters on thedoor knob wiil send little shivers of juice tbrougb te the Cpu of any computer. Zap! Cailit ind of an electrônic enema. Computer enema number one. (Note to Dot4g Anderson: If you stiil want te be higb tecb I guess I could fax this te you. Would tbat belp?) (Note to typçsetter: tbats a wrap.) (Typsetter'8! note: So? Boy, the things I go tbrougb. You really sbould see this guy's handwriting. Meai; you sbould.) Rezomng necessary for Lasco's temporary duma Ap Lake Ontario Steel Co. Ltd. (Lsc) last week got tbe reen i lgt from Wbitby councl te *uId a tempoadunp site, but found out h-ours later that rezon- mng will be necessary wben rresesentatives appeared bef>ore tbe regional planning jcommittee. Committee told representa- tives last Tuesday that they would bave te appy for an aznendment te tbe okfciaI plan before tbe site can be approved. The proposed temporary waste storage facility 18 adjcnt te tbe existing test berm and will mea- sure about 80 feet bigb, 40 feet wide and hold a capacity of 125,000 tonnes of sbredder waste at the end of its 18-montb life span. The temporary facility is expected te be used until mid- 1991 wben LASCO hopes te get approval for tbe permanent faci- A representative from the Ministry of tbe Envirornment appeared before committee and said tbat the plan was environ- mentally sound and, because it was only a temporary transfer site, that hearings were discre- tionary. The committee deleted a state- ment whicb reads that tbe Region cannot find any compel- ig- reasons wby a' bearing for te temporary sterage proposal sbould not be held, from the original recommeaion and beld firm tbat Lasco go thirough the process of applying for an amendment te the official plan whicb includes public bearings. On hand te lodge opposition te, the temporary dump were Patrick D)ooley of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association and Warren Brallsford of tbe Tbhick- son's Point Residents Associa- tion. «We are opposed te tbe tem- porary storage area because of air pollution,» said Dooley. "It affects Thickson's Point area and south Osbawa. Brailsford said ha was very disturbed by the proposed tem- porary berm. "Present and future bealth is in jeopardy. In the past Lasco has broken rules of PBCs, fia- grantly misled us,: and raneged on promises re leachate.- Our community stands firm. We want the full protection of tbe environ- mental assessment bearings. Ail of Whitby desarves protection," said Brailsford. Bon Deatb, berm rojeet mana- ger for Lascom, ti the commit- tee tbat time is of tbe essence and that Lasco isi quickly mun- ning out of approyed spaca te dump its waste. "Were out of spaca r ibt now. We don't want to breakth e law,» SEE PAGE 12 CoUtsCleax Corne in and choose one today! I.R N E R GI]IjiA LL:IIeJ~ I:' Ci5l'es & ffoi For a gi jeweers oloto be remembei For Valentine's Day rift red. .. or Any Special Occasio*n Fef lier you (ove fier witf ld~k Mon.-Wed.,, Fni. 9:30-6. Thurs. 9:30-9, Sat. 9:30)-5 101 Mary st. W. oeearsn Lanes), Whitby 436S-84042 'I g7interorsm f Great Savings On Selected Furniture & Prints Decorating With a Personal Touch 25 Thickson Rd. N., Whitby 436-8846 ......... 1 e 1 1 1 1

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