W1IYlM( FREE PR~ESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1990, PAGE 9 New, a-pproach fo- enors By Trudie Zavadovicag A modern, compassionate and independent approach towards care of the eiderly 1 being adop- ted in the ninties and councillor Diane Hamre was at the Alzhei- mer Society of Durham Region annual meeting te, share'Isome of the* goals and changes- takizig place. "A number of years ago a task force waa set up made up of staff involved in ail leveis of seniors' care," said Hamre. The task force stood back and looked at the broad and total picture and came up with soine very terrifie plans for seniors.» Ini terms of housing Hamre said that the focus is on deinsti- tutionalizing seniors', homes both visualiy andeémotionaily. «We see our homes as the residents' homes, not just insti- tutions. We want them te stay as long as they choose.» She said the trend wiii be tewards more modemn looking residences withupbeat color echemes plants and an overal soft, modem ilook. In housing accommodations there wiil be choices'for seniors and their families that have not always been availabie -in the past. Seniors wiii have the option of living part-time with their fam- illes and part-time on their own in a seniors' residence. Another option is fuil-time residency in a seniors' home and the third option la a new pilot program the region is hoping for where seniors couid live in their family home and receive ail the necess- amy: care and medical! attention from there. "In order te adapt te the social needs of today, our plan is a community approach.'» Some examples of services that can -be updated are Meals on Wheeis, day, and respite care. Hamre 'said an example of updating Meals on Wheels would be te provide seniors with microwave ovens aud bring nutmitious meais ready-made and frozen se seniors would have the meals on-hand. A feasibility study on Hiilsdale Manor and Fairview Lodge is focusing on such issues as equip- ment and beds. "We want the beds buiît for extended came,» says Hamre. "That way they won 't reqre major expenses te convert them later. Another option te be con- sidered is smalier homes. We are looking at today and tomormow's needs. We are looking at heavier levels of care for chronic-care patients because we want it te stay their home. We are taking ite consideration modemn tech- nology for more freedom and a more flexible environmient. Staff training and patient/staff ratio is aiso bemg examined. We are aiso iooking at independent non-pro- fit housing with ail the resources of Fairview." * She aiso stressed that resi- dents have' input into the changes that are needed. "AlIhomnes have a residents' GENESIS I CONG REGATIONAL FELLOWSHIP Il FAMILY SERVICE :30a. PRAISE & PRAYER: 7Z00 RIEV.T.VANDERSCHAlAF BA. .M.DIV. 849 P4OSSLAND RD. W., OSHAWA (In frmanuel Christan School Bdg> The Coneggoknd Chibian Chwch 0f Caudf commttée and all issues an d cmplaints are deait with.; There ae also faiiy commiittees.» Social services stich as counsel- ling for' seniors is also being recognized. It was evident that care of the elderly la becoming a priority on al leveis. For the first tirre the Ministrieý of Health and Weifare and Community and SociQ1 Ser- vices areý working co-ofertively in the direction ofjointfunding. Hamre expiained that even with fundig they are curentiy running nU problems finding quaiified staff in order te impie- ment new. progranis or enhance existing onâes. She stressed* that everybody' was working te make things bet- ter for seniors. «When we run into a problem, we don't gi ve up. AUlof, us are working tegether te provide a dignified, peaceful, safe environ- ment where seniors' have choices.» "I'min great shape since I Iost 98 Ibs. w Ith Nutri/System. "I neyver thought fyei as being terribly active until I went to Nur/ytem. Now, for the first time in my life, 1 swim, jog, -1 even go kayakihg. Nutri/System showed me how important it i3 to be active. They told me 1 could burn more calories and lose weight faster. They were right. Now my body's' in great shape. My Nle is, too." Nutri/System's Weight Loss Program Includes: CI Quick, safe, easy and permanent weight Ioss " Prof essio nal supervisionOuclet "J No calorie counting Margaret Tarben " No gimmicks OVER 1500 CENTRES WORLDWIDE weight Ioss centers 723-5211I 666-0770 420-6300 34e IOEST .OHW 1101 BROOK ST. S. WHITBY 1450 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING ALL THREE LOCATIONS OPEN ON SATURDAYS Specai offer does flot include cxst of exclusive NUTRVSVSTEM food. Offer vaid at particiating centres. New clients jnly. Offer expires Feb. 23/W0. Cannot be coïrriined îWith any other speciai offer.