WH1MY FREE PRESS, IWEDNES DAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1M9, PAGE 15 I - CAMPEAU CANADA, represented by Allan Arsenault, general manager of the Oshawa Centre, recently presented $10,000 to the Whitby General Hospital- First Class Fund campaig4, representedl by Robin Postili. The donation qoncludes the 'Where Wishes Corne True' campigh aunched by the Oshawa Centre during the Christmas season. Fr.. Pr. photo AT ITIaZDM EmPioyees nix flex hours By Mike Kowalsld move to put Durham Region employees on shift work may be dead in its tracks." .Jýhm Cherry, staff representa- tive of the Canadian Union of Pu1ýlic Employees <CUPE) says. there has beeîn no recent discus- sMon thave Ms members work <fleý' hours and shifts. N or does CUPE, which repre- sezýts Durham Region inside and ouýîe workers, welcome sucha Cherry- was responding te last week's decision by Whitby couni- cil te ask Durham Region council te, examine the feasibility of hav- ing its employees work f lexcible hou-rs and sbifts. WVhîtby councillors feit that betý r use could be mnade of regional facilities by Éiaving employeee work shifts. Cherry aid his'mem'be s have historicallyopposed shift vork. "But oi y contract expir8a next Jul1,le t tlk aboutit thei. H2owever, he added tat "I don't think ay of our technical and celerical people want to. get into the area of working'after- noons and evenings.» Cherry said there is a distinct difference in , the approach> to shift work as practiced 'by pri- vate industry versus municipali- ties. "f General Motors decides to put on a' second shift it would have to double its staff. "When a municipality does it, they're just spreading the work around, no extra jobs, are crea- ted.» Whitby councillor Joe Bugelli, who drafted the motion endorsed by 'oc 01tl heFe Peshe with eitherCtti r its members. He would not predict how it may be received, but said:"In management-labor negotiations, there are some thinga which are managementro~ts. «Part of -it mvolves efficient use of resources. "What's wrong with the public purse'doing the same thi-ng as business and industry? «We should fully utilize our resources te, get the most beniefit for our taxpayers. You can't tell me that work_ cannot be, done after 5 pm.» THE AL MNW323 THE FAMILY'SIZE 626 THE HOT SELLING MPV UTS PRKED RIGHT- 1250 DUNDAS St-E., WHITBY SEVC ALE&LASN 1638CHALES T..WHITBY 20I nda -. GoSainDODGE1 ; s t 430-100 Whity) C RYSL Ff, 66-300( tb' 428-8110(Ajax) 86-1642A S ty aT