TRACY COMLPTON brought the per. 100 Day oelebration last week. fect item to school for Glen Dhu's Fr.. Pr... photo Chri. Boy!. WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1990, PAGE 17 Soetens chairman of finanoe subcommitte The Finance Committee of the Canadian House of Coinmons has established a Subcommittee on Expenditure Priorities. Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens will be its chairman. The Finance Committee had the opportunity- to meet -with citizen groups, organiza ions, and individuals from acros~ Canada who ere concerned ;Lut the iaiofthe GST on C nadia. During- these meetiigs, the Comxmttee became -increasingly aware of the great'concern over government spending. As a direct consequence of this attitude toward government spending, Rene Soetens MP called for the establishment of the Subcommittee. have very direct access to examples of where the government can better controi its spending, it is- important to receive their input." -The Subcommittee is now inviting interested parties té submit their recommendations on' how and where the government should review its spending priorities. Submissions should be' as speciflc as possible, listing the ministry, the prograni, the funds allocated and as much detail as possible. Submissions shouid be forwarded to: Cierk of the 'Supbconimittee on SExpenditùre Prioritie's Room 629, Wellington Building House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario *KiA 0A6 Fax 613-996-16212 Once the. submissions are examined, the subcommittee will decide if hearings are appropriate to seek further clarification of the comments that were made. It is requested that submissions be received by March 19, 1990. LETTER To the editor Open letter to Ontaio Conservative MP, 'Rêe *1 Soetens It has been a year since the Reagan-Mulroney free trade i arement was signed by the J Arnerican and Canadian governments. And from observing the Mulroney Conservative free trade policy, I give the Tories a big 'F' mark for failing to live up to their November 1988 promises. When Canadian jobs. are disappearing and heading south. - an estimated 72.,000 jobs - to either U.S. or Meico, where is Brian Mulroney? I can recali a time when the Jfederal Conservatives and the Prime Minister were assuring Canadians that 'His Free Deal' proposaI would give Canadians "hundreds of thousands of jobs," iower consumer prices, higher incomnes and a shieid from America n trade harrassment. Mulroney even promised (yes promised) Canadians a "massive" adjustment assistance for vuinerabie workers who wouid lose their jobs to free trade - "ajustment progranis that would be the flnest anywhere in the world... innovative and generous." So what has the Mulroney government been up to th? last 12 months? Well there is no, adjustment program. Those laid- off workers from free trade got hurt by the FTA and by the cutbacks in unemployment insurance. As for the promise of new job opportunities, year one of FTA has been a dismal failure. It bas been a year of layoffs and more iayoffs and where are the Tories? 0f course, F'IA cannot be biamed for ail job losses. Some resulted from the governments' .decision to keep the Canadian dollar so high, which, undoubtediy, bas hurt Canadian exports t6 the U.S. and has hurt Canada's chances of benefiting from the trade deal. There are aiso trade-related coincidences - cutbacks in grain transport subsidies, regional subsidies and governmnent contributions to UIC - ail the progranis the Americans have comolained aboit in the past. Remember Mulroney selling Canada to the U.S. by scrapping FERA?- When you add it ail up, every promise Mulroney made in '84 and '88 ýeither remains unfulfluled or broken. Mr. Mulroney, scrap free trade before it is too late! If you don't, we wil scrap your government in .1992. Ed Sawdon Toronto Look' around your office. 0f A the"people there, who would you say are the top three pro- ducers? Now that you've finished- that. Was your name on that list? O.K. Keep on reading. Gbviousfy, you're one of those people who, expect the best from them- selves. And that makes you the kind of Sales Representative we're looking for. Because at Coldweli Banker, we expect a lot from our Sales Representatives. But ini retumn, we give support that's unparalieled in the real estate industry. It starts with top-notch manage- ment. Management that's as interested in your success as y ou are. Who's there when you need help or advice. 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Or for a confidential discussion, contact Jack Grant, Broker & President at 668-4000, Trafalgar ]Realty Inc. Coldwell Banker. We'll make sure your headed in the right direction. @1989 Cddwdl Da" ReddamW Ra EKat Proem by An tdodmvOwned m amomd AfMi2- o Ca" l* COI.DWELL BANKER is a rqinuaid radmawk of Coldweg Bankn &W Move yorcareer to a, morepoetigousaddress., 1 1 Il 1