PAGE 18, WIILBY FU<E PRESS-, WEDNESDANY, F£BPUAIWY 21, l9qO T'toe dump, fire cQuld not happen in Durham, Region FROM PAGE 1 But since January .1, Metro will no longer accept tires and Langille has had touse a recy- rcc er bas been taking tbem. off our hands 'but they're stacking up again," said Là ngille. "Recyclers can't make money on tires 50 tbey're 'not always willing -to take tbem. There's definitely going to be a probleni at some point." Langile expressed some sym- pathy for the Hagersville dump owner's plight. 'This guy was a victim of i:7wD DURHAM circumstances, the, governrnint knew how rrnany' tires were thère but they didn't wagnt to work with birn to g et rid of them." Langie also had 'harsh words for the $5, per tire tax I 'he Ontario governmenit bas been adding to the sale 'of new tires' sic ast June. "Someone should be asking what they're planninig to do with the $5 tbey're collecting I always thought it was for recycÃing.,' A spoesnian for the sales tax branch of the Ont4rio revenue ministry said the tax is3 intended to, finance prorais aimed at solving the probIem' of stockpil- THE REGIONAL MUNIOIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Régional Planning consider at a meeting to bu held on: Commttee will TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1990 AT 10:000 kM. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amnendment, as subrnitted by the applicant, proposes an expansion of an existing commercial plaza in the form of the two-storey, 9,800 sq. ft. building that wili contain limnited personal service uses on the ground floor and business and professionai offices on the second floor within the site iridicated on the map below. TOWN OF WH IT BEACH ST. Ii ?AAPL! ST. s.. (4 MARLE ,ST. *RAOLEY WEN CT. * 4CHESTNUT ST. 1WALNUT ST. >1 oc Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to bu held on: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1990 AT 10.00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the amendment application is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whtby, or by calling Ms. Sheila Devata, Planning Department <Whitby) 668-7731 / (Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Commttee conceming the amendment application must bu forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P.1 Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 6A3, and should bu received by Fiiday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before the Regional Council concemning the amendment application must bu foiwarded to the- Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whftby, Ontario, LIN 6A3, and should bu received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO. 88-103/WW Gary Herrema Régional Chairman C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Cîerk in gtires. It'ls expeced the tax will generate $40 million in 1990. Spokesmen for other auto wreckers surveyed by the Free Press are not having difficulty disposing of used tires. Mickey Vetere, president of Domi's Auto Parts in Courtice, said bis tires are routinely collec- ted by ai tire recycler basýd in the Ni ar Pennisula. "Terges no majlor pro tens for us now , they pick up thel tires on regula basis,» said à etre. Joe 0 enik manager ofCedar- dale Scrap Jon and Metals in Oshawa, also said that his tires are not allowed to pile up. "We only have abut 100 tires on hand at any one time, they're picked up on a regLlar basis.» A spokesman for P-S& Auto Wreckers of Whitby said her compa ny also sells used tires to a recycler. We hardly ever have a back- log, ther would be in the way if we did . Dun-p reavenues dÀiscussed By Trudie Zavadovica There' lots of- money te be generated ffrom tePi dumpsite near Whitevale despite an over- view to tbe Waste Management and Finance Comrittees last week showfingvery little profit. Treasurer Jack Gartley told the members that hie estimated the capital costs oF the site te, be $90 million onsite. and $130 mil- i7DD DURHAM paid. 1 e1 .- . Herrema said tbey had looked at that option but. added that it could jeopardize environmental assessment appreval because it would not encourage reylmn Herrema said later hatwih eut the Pl site, taxpayers could look at paying an extra 20 per cent in taxes annually over the next five years. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM1 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Cornmittee wilI consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1990, AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY( AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment, as submitted by thel applicant, proposes a 3,000 square metre, 45-unit hotel within the Site indicated on the map below. Subsequently, the Regionai Council recommendation of the Planning meeting to bu held on: wiIl consider the Committee ai a WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1990 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the amendme nt application is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calling Ms. Kay Dryden, Planning Departrnent (Whitby) 668-7731/ (Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation bufore the Planning Commiteeconcerning the amendment application must bu forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 6A3, and should bu received by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation-bufore the Regional Council concerning the amendment application must bu forwarded to the Régional Clerk, Regionai Heduarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East,. WhftlWyOntario, LiN 6A3, and should bu received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO. 89-1I6WW Gary Herrema Régional Chairman C. W. Lundy, A.M.CT. Régional Clerk lion offsite. The total of $225 million in costs is ýjuet a shade umder the $251 in revenues expected te be generated by the site. Regional Chairman Gary Rer- rema also told a surprised com- .mittee that the province, in order te ensure that t he Pl site only be used for the five years 1992 te 1996, refused te seli the land te the region. The region will be in the position of paying tbe pro- vinoe royalties fromi tipping fees. Although the overvieW cant revenues to the Region. He said that a lot of the coste he talked, about were not connec- ted te the Pi site and that an expenditure of "$56 million dol- lars was actually committed. "We will do the rest if we have sufficient mornes,» said Gartley. Included in that is providing regional water service te Cher- rywood and Whitevale. Gartley said later that the calculations are based on 1989 tipping fes and that those fees have à lead increased by 15 per oent and wiil sSe more increases before the site is open therefore generatmng a higber thatý anti- cipeedrevenue. PATonce agam n challenged th Rgins agreement with Metro saying it disagreed with the statement, of pppciles that said ta uhn'flprovide Metro with rebateon rïresidential waste while charging full costs for commercial and industrial waste. They said that Metro could use the dump exclusively for'residential waste and avoid dumping costs. Herrema said that' Metro will get rebates on 48.6 percent of the garbage it duxnps 'rn Pl and said they would",be charged, full fées on thie rest of the-waste. He added that if Metro weren't te use" its full capacity that the reinwould offer-use of the site rteoher surrounding municipali- ties. Oshawa counéillor frv -Harîell said that Metro should be trea- ted lihke anY other business and guarantee payment on tbe 4.6 million tonnes capacity it is sup- posed te use. -Police seek attacker after late . ight a'ýssau1t An attempt te break-up a Saturday nigt brawl landed a Whibyresident in hospital with a two inch gasb in lus oscalp.* w About 4 a.m. Feb. 17to heurs after Michael Anthony Belich broke up a fight between two males, he was assaulted by one of the maIes outside the Golden Gate Restaurant. The assailant was accompanied by four other maIes. The attacker is described as between 24 and 26 cyears with dirty-blond hair and a mous- tache. He was wearing ahea lined jean jacket and b»eJeans. Belicb was given six stiches te, close bis wound and released from Whitby General Hospital. The assault 18 under investiga- tion by 18 division. Nomp 1 1 -- - ý ý - ýl ýl -1 -- -- Mffl Md