PAGE 4, WHITBY FREE PIRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1009~ Real estate s1owdoNýn'due tQ hiegh ý intçrëst irates aend taxes Althughthpmarket for new hohs remainM eluggish due ta' bigh interest -ates ani4 mounting taxation, th£ average price of a SOILED DIRTY.ÇARPET % RESTORING THEI R'ORIGINA BEAUTY Nothing 'I4ractfrom the beutf yor home more than soiled ts caused fr-om gon in drt, amal stains or foodspilà % ifitstito clean your carpets you are faced with 3options. You can hire a professional, pick up a machzine at the local sprrt, rcm oSib h aptcemgeprs and rent t hesmeequipmentthe professionais use. Carpet cleain s'easy and econoiicam l- you -can probaby élean your whole house for lees than $50.00. We'i give you ail the advice and expertise you need.- Freel' Well even :show you how to Scotchguard your carpets thus making Yo19r rugs 'virtuaily impervious to future staining. A word of caution - if a weekend' rentai is desirable, reserve ahead. The units are extremely popular. Spectacular resuits are guaranteed. If you don't get the resuits that you!re expectmng, we'll give you your money back! pm MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 6612 Explore The Cave Under Tho Tropical Waterfall In Ajax ,magi"e in the cold of winter ta be walkintrog a cave under a roarinq sound of a 10 fotwaterfall. Peer into a lily pool and wac tegoldfish swimming lazily between the waterlilies. Smell the fauna and imagine you're on a tropical island. AIl of this can be enjoyed at John Brouwer Garden Centre in Ajax thanks ta 26 landscape contractors and landscape technicians involved in a 3 week course sponsored by Landscape Ontario. The course co-ordinator Mr. Jase Melo, is famous for waterfall construction throughout North America. The grand opening of a waterfall will lake place on Februry2 e. a 3em Mr. Gary Herrema, the Durham Regionai Chairman and Jim Witty, the mà ýor of Ajax will be present for the ribbon cutting oeremony. A special thank you toi Alstone Quarry Products, McCord & Co. and Paradise Pools for their generous donatiorýs of time and material. We're open seven days a week and there's plenty of free parking. There's lots to do at Brouwers... e Skate 111f9 pm daîly - well lit pond, hot chocolate, snack bar. e Corne feed our 94 Deer - Bring your own bread or apples (or we supply) @ See our Ducks, Geese anc' Swans - 2 indoor ponds, lots of exotic breeds ... and babies! 'Pet'Geranî1ums Perfect for kids, assorted colours. Special price effective during WaterfallI rand Opening 20% off Hangîng Baskets Selection galore, popular baskets with plants. Special prices effective during, Waterf ail Grand Opening $3 9 Gel a Jump on Sprînig & Save il. Buy your Premium Quality Golfgreen Lawn Fertilizer 20-3-4 now and save -6.00 18 Kg. bag Reg. $25-99 NDW ONLY $ 99 N ŽÂJOHN BROUWER GARDEN I'HN AND LAN I SCAPING CENTRE 401fl I yi 650 Lakeridge R aid South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1 545 or 686-1680 L BaySirmuIEast vcts I OPEN: Monday toFrday9am to 6pm arto5p [Ii- Saturay* -am t 6 p, Sunay:L am t 5 p Lm.ftta..W,, new home continues to rise, said the, president of the Toronto Home Builders' Association. ahisMullin, inbis montblY repprt n sales activity ini the Tontoregion, said 622 new homes were- sold during January, <Up marginally from thie .545 sold ini Deècember . but- down dramatically from the 2,409 new homes sold in January 1989. The average* asking price bas- reached $M9,429 (in isubdivmSioo of 15 homes or more), up 17% from Januaryý 1989 when the average ýasking ,prioe -was *249,274.* .Duing the pat decade, the average bas increased by 93%. 'The fact that property values ini the Greater Toronto area bave ixicreased steadily telse me consumers are committed to, homeownersbip. The problem is, they are being- squeezed by taxation and a confusing interest rate policy, two factors that choke homeownersbip," said Mullin. "This' confusing policy, bas caused a shock effect in the miarket. On one hand, you have Brian Mulroney saying interest rates will corne down. on th#. other hand, (Bank of Canadaà Governor) John Crow is giving the opposite signai.-Because of this the public is adopting a wait-and-see attitude. This begs the question: Who's runnin«g the show in Ottawa _' Mulroney, Crow 'or 'Finance .Minister Michael Wlson," said Mullin. "Le3st .Year more than $43 billion was spent on new construction and renovation in thie country, creating one million person years of employnient. These areas are already feeling the effects of ahigh interest rate policy and the G&T wilonly exacerbate the problem,'ý he said. Missisauga set the pace in the region with 78 sales, followed by; Brampton with 61. ýWhitby led the East region ýwith 51 sales, followed by Oshawa with 38. The -Toronto Home Bui1derse Association was- established in 1921 and bas more than 890 member companies representing builder/renovator/developersfi- nancial, proftsèsion, supply/ser- vices and sub-contractors and is the largest affiliate of the Ontario and Canadien Home Bufilders' Rezonn applications, on nMth Brock By ]Robert Gerlsbeck The future- development of Brock St. between Rossland Rd. and Taunton Rd. *was the subject of two public meetings of, plan- ningand development committee on Monday. Two a lications for develop- ment o rock St. N. were brought forward at the meetings. One application, made byGaIy Property- management, cails for of a 2'534 sq ft. commercial plaza north of CRea; The other application right next ta the proposed plaza also calîs for the construction ofa commercial block. As well the developer wants to build a 19 lot subdivision behind the commercial area.ý Conimittee was concerned that by changing the. zoning of : the properties to special commerial, thus allowing, development, it would only. invite a flood of other aplications. A neighbour of the- two proper- ties bemng discussed, said that commercial development of 'the lots would force, him ta ÎaPplY, for commercial designation as well. B4th applications have been teferred toa the planning depart- Sm ent f-q, jýP9t. 4:t.e-~ M 1 2 Great Bargains, Too! rio 9. -