Whitby Free Press, 28 Feb 1990, p. 36

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PAGE 36,.WHITMYFEPES WEDNPPDAYl, FEBRUARY 28.19W0 OVERWEIGHT? Try our new Appetite Control Prag ramr - lose up ta 29 lbs. in 30 days. No drugs. 100%/oguaranteed. Surprisingly affordablel Caîl (416) 338-5550. B UGHT ON THE BIBLEI Discover the message of the bible with a free year's subsoription to this bi-monthly magazine. Box 931, Sutton West, Ontario, 10E IRO. B DIVORCE BY MAIL $420., everything included. Uncanptested Ontario-wide. No court visits. Experienced since 1979. Free information any day: Court-Aid, Kitchener, (519) 578-5959. B LADIES IN THE ORIENT seek correspondence Wl single gentlemen. THE FRIENDSHIlP OFFICE, Box 5248, Stn. A, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 1X6. HOME MOVIES transferred to vldso tape. European videa tapes converted. Low, low prices. 728-956. BAHA'IS BELIEVE; Take heed that your words be purged from idie f ancies and worldly« desires and your deeds be cieansed from craftiness and suspicion. 668-8665 PRAYER THROUGH application to the Holy Spirit. H-oly.spirit, you who salve ail problems, light ail roads, so thatI1 can attaln my goal. You who give me the divine gift ta fargive and forget ail evil against one. and t hat in aIl instances of my Ide you are with me. I want in this, short prayer ta thank yau for aIl things as you confirmn once again that I neyer want ta be separated from you even in spite of ail material illusion. 1 wish ,ta be with you in eternal glory. Thank yau for your mercy toward me and mine. The persan must say this for 3 consecutive days,,after 3 days, the favor requested wiII be granted, even if it may appear diffi!cuit. This prayer must be published immedi- ately aiter the favor is granted without mentioning the favor. Only y aur initiais shall appear at the bottom. MGH ST. JUDE. O Hohj Spirit, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue, rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful interceptor of ail Who invaice your special patron- age in timre af need, ta yau I have recourse tram the depth of my heart and humbly beg ta whomn God has given such great ,power ta come ta my assistance. Help me on my present urgent peétition, in return 1 promise ta make aur name known and- cause you ta be evoked. Say- 3 Hail Marys and Gloria's. Publication must' be promised. St. Jude pray for us aIl who invoke your aid. Amen. This revelation must be said for 9 consecutive days. MY LOSE WEIGHT FAST. 15-29 lb. in 30 days. Sale, natural - nutniius. Earn $$$ as you lose. CalI: Mary, 430-8096. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. MARCH 3 AT il A.M. Brand new furniture aution at Orval Mlean Auction Cnt*er - Lndfl Namne brand chesterfields, sectionals with hideabod and recliner, 2 pc. and 3 pc. chostertield sots, loveseats, reciiners, swival and glider rockers, bed chesterfields, wall unit, bedroom suite, 9 pc. quality dining room suite, maple and oak table and chairs, new name-brand mattress & box springs (factory seconds).,on't miss t his chance ta buy quaity furniture, no reserve, preview Fr,. 3 ta 6, and tram 9 a.m. Sat. BARRY McLEAN, AUCTIONEER 324-2783 r ORVAL MeLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. MARCH 3 AT 10:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE AUCTION at 61 Anderson Dr., South Viow Estates, 2 miles east ai CAMERON. 4 bodroom brick. bungalow on Ige. lot 155x165, Ige. modern kitchen, wood firoplace, gas furnace with heat pump, full basoment. Weil decoratodready ta maya in, Iga. attached garage, community water, Sturgeon Lake access. Excellent -location close ta lake & ail canveniences easy to commute ta Oshawa - Toronto areas. Selling su bj ect to reasonable reserve. Terms $5000. at sale, balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD. View early so you can arrange financin.Caîl: ORVA.L cLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY ORVAL OR BARRY MOLEAN, AUCTIONEERS BLANKET Ta Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership af the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontauio AIl Ontario 49 newspapers '55 newspapers $142 for 25 words $289 for 25 words For f urther information pleas-e cal 1: 4 ~ 668*6 11 ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT. MARCH 3 AT 11 A.M. Selîing the antique contents for a longtime private coloctor at wKahn Country Auctions" on Brack Rd. Pickerinq, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). Sale ta feature approx. 250 items including 2 pine cupboards, jamn cupboard, harvest table, chests of drawers, blanket boxes, Wilno -pie cupboard, washstand, collection af lantemrs & ail lamps, cranberry glass, flow blue china, biscuit barrelîs, coin collection, jewellery, glass, china, many primitives, etc. A good dlean sale. Terms:.cash, cheque (with ID), or Visa. »No reserves. Owner maving. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 1(416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primi- tives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signmrrent & estate seiling our specialty". Caîl us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI. MARCH 2 AT 6 P.M. The property of MR. AND MRS. VICTOR KELLY of Lindsay. Victoria,, settee, 8 plece walnut dining room suite, 15 cubic foot freezer, 2 door frost-free refridgerator (with ico cuber), pine table and 4 chairs, 3 piece maple bedroom suite, parlor tables, 2 piece chestertield suites, coftee & end tables, antique dressers & chosts of drawors, wash stands, Westinghouse air conditioner, 399 Olympie Ski-doo, depression glass, tools, and coîlectible items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS AR # 1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 "SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION§$ MARCH3 PETHICK AUCTION BARN, Hayon. 10 miles NE of Oshawa, every Saturday night at 620 p.m. This week we h ave an exceptional sale from estate in Toronto ta include- 9 pc. Chippendale dining room suite, 9 pc. walnut dining suit9, 7 pc. Chippendale bedroom suite, mahogany vanity, French Provincial 3 pc. whit e settee, 1948 Sea-bug j uke box in original condition, large oak server, 2 pc. mahogany settee, mint record gramophone, toa-wagon, 10 Pc. wash basin set, wicker dol carniage, pine dough-box on legs, very aId ail lamps, large carausel horse, milk glass, lustre ware, plus lots of glass and collectibles. This sale is one oi aur botter quality sales for this spring. Terms are cash, Visa or cheque with ID. For more information call: 1-263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER You've thought about it and thought about if. Now do itRI Bocome a BIG BROTHER today. Phone 579-2551. î e e o 4GB< CANAL CRUSISES on scenic, Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canai aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR; private staterooms; ail meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H47. "THIS SUMMER IN LINDSAY", Rivermili Village. A cottage country classic featuring the beautifully restored Rivermill Club on the Trent-Severn Waterway. One and two bedroom suites. underground direct access parking, boat slips,. Priced on the $180.'s Caîl Ray Vint antl-800-461-6521. Upper Canada Lades Inc. CLARE BURT TOURS presents 19 days in Sauth Anrica *7 day Galapagos Cruise *4 day Amazon Cruise *Most Meals *July 3 ta 22. cail (416) 451-4944. Tollfree, 1-800- 268-3090. B ARTS, CRAOTS & COUNTRAY Collectibles Show,' showcasing quality artisan tram Ontario and Quebec, March .8-10 Metra, East Trade Centre, Pickering, Free Ontario- brochure and listings, Contact -Craftworld/Cryderman Productions lnc. (519)351-8344. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERVICE? If so, advertise in our fCALL. A PROFESSIONAL" section of The Whitby Free Press. No lob too big or too smail. Cal 668-6111 and watch the business roll mnl NEL GOR CASTLE. .during the period you may have an entltlement to a retroactive wage settlement To détermine this, please cali or write:- Director, Human Resources Services Rellacare Inc. Attention: R. Gal 845 2nd Avenue East Owen Sound, Ontarlo NK 2H2 Telephone (519) 371-1737 Plaecheck your advertisement for errors on the firsi day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadiine) $5 for 20 words; 12o eacb additional Word Blanket Ads - ta blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 77e~ Per agatelUne (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepald, $7.50 bIled DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSîFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics> Regular dispiay rates appiy - 82# per agate UIne miimum size i column inch $11.48 (14 agate linesper i nch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. ~668-11j 4%. *2~ tV~* t'tl 4 t i't 1~$~ .............. 1986,

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