Rgistration over Registratiba for the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club will be held on Friday, March 23, 7 to 9 p.m., and Sunday, March 25,, noon to, 3:30 p.M., at the Peel Park club- house. .The league is open to boys and' girls born from 1972' ,to 1985 (and for te rookie teani, born 1985 or 1986). Cost la $55 per child, or $120- per family (three or more). For more information eall 668-2009. Wednesklay, meht' dart lgue Permacoa. Intemntiona 141 M 141 Clarmont ColIacto cmrali- 99 101 Eayan Fnonfl< 96 104 96 Baeurniture Flnilbln 91 109 91 Whiby rap] Hua 90 110 90 Dod & ouerfrodlo.n 79 121 79 MXILEAGUE Guy Cq>plna Sete 90 40 8 0, Broobln CcýV len. 71 49 71 Tkoeemman -' M5'65 5M D.iyl NortoSaralema 46 75 45 BLUM sPLAYOIS Mmrh 14 Wltby Trop1y 6 - Bakr urniture Biamuancia 6 - Dodd & Sate 4 PwrxaFo.m Interntiona- A Bye Clareont Colecto Ca - A Bye Mafth 21 PennaFom Internati"a meeta Whitby, Cliremoutotr Car. meeta Bajoan pieandel - IIEN's1TOPaISODIM GP p lmuGaudet 200635m Dave Pidr 200 677 Davey Johncon 200 487 Noria Brbobing- 200 474 Geog"Eilad 200 <470 BihBuker __190 379 No'vicesIý edged ,ýby Oshawa- in'fna :WitbY KPm Crouch 'Collar minor novice -A hockey tearn were ed ged 2-1 b O0hawa Cana- diens -mi the cihainpionship A fQnal of,*the .Oshawa. ]!H Ltour,. WhItby had won -two gamies, and ied wo to reacrh'ithe final. Nicholas Owen scored the lone goal for Whitb. Sean' MacRu scored twice and- Jeif Jackson 'and David Chanti shared the shutout as Whitby blanked IJorne Park 5-o i. the -opening game.. Brad -M'RrÉNaughton,. Owen and- Danny Small aloscored. Jay Harrison, McNaughton, Owen, Kyle Crouch and Robert Lalonde scored in. a,5-2 winover Oshawa Red Wingà Owen, Crouch and Harrison scored i a 3-3 tie with Oshawa Blackhawks. Harrisonscored in a 1-1 tie with Scarboro Malvern i the semi-final. I L~ WHITB yFE ¶S WEDNESDAY, MARCE 21, 1M9, PAGE 27 Minor atom ,,winexhbition. contest The Passport Whitby 1mýnor Satom A team, sjhut out Aurora'ý2-O i exhbiton play Saturda. Behind the stellar goaltending of Brent, Johnon,4' Whitby contiuously carried the la to Auroea. Grant Souter nochdthe fret golwen hechpped iia pa *rmMike Cartwrigt, and. Steven Race matie it 2-O whèn'ho converted assistea from Ryan ,Macleod and Michael Robertson. Both John Lang- and iJosh. Williams were iiEd defensively i Oldti mers tournamen tIi. winning ýcau se. Paq]spo' eaom'isawindig down- now followvnýig-their elininationi from the al-Ontario "'Cii v p quaterfinlsby'Owen Sound. Their, play concludes 'next weekend when they jaârtcipate in the Cobourg tournament. LAKE STEEL HIOPKINS COMPANY ST. S., WHITBY CHEVROLE'T,, QLDSMOBiLE e*GAD.ILLAC 66>304Du ndas andF-Tikýo" __6_ 8_____________W-htby WHI TBY ýIROQUQIS SOCCER. CLUB ) LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR SOCCER! Fr!., March 23, 1990 7pm- 9pm' Sun., March 25, 1990 l2noon- 320pm REGISTRA TION after meos. dates, Wl!! only be accepted If openlngs extat. Age Categories: Boys.& Girls born 1972-1984 (Girls: please bring photo & birth certificate) Boys & Girls Rookie Team bom 1985-1986' Place: Peel Park Clubhouse Cost:, $55 per child $120 per family (3 or more) For information cati: 6820 668-2009