WMM BYFREE PRESS, WEDNJIAY,-MARGE 21,1990, P TRUCKING 'CAREERS. Driver * job traininig with placement help is available. Comptilote dotails can be mnailed,'to you. Phone, Rodgers. School at 1-800-668-0031, include postal code. B YOUR FUTURE STARTS WiTH Tri-County Truck Driver*Training. Established in -1978,*job ,search assistance. -ava!labledaytimhe,' ovenin9 and weeokod courses. Financiai assistance. on approved credht. 1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. B HOME, STUDY DIPLOMA Programsi. Propare for a botter career ai homne, in your sparo timel1 Low- tuition feepl Payment plan. Job search assistance. Many courses> avaîlabe. FREE BROCHURE CCTS, 1-800-668- 1213.B GUITAR LESSONS. Beinr and Advanced. Aduits, children, -,,.teons a nd -shift .workers.,wolcomo. Suentms: ave own guitar (accoustic o* r electric). For appointment, cal bu,,666-1979. Whitby. 1 PR u M-a- -:-P01FESSIONKALi I TUTORMNG, * *Experlenoed 'ftacher, ! sndivdual ptograma I ed.roupý or PrIvate Lessonis j Fe onsultation z DIJcA'iioNAL MARKEL 1-800-965~71173. Class AZ-DZ Profe ssiona«l Transport -Driver Training'. Careers? Financ- ing? Tax Deductiblol, We've got tho» answers. Mariel Insttuts "of Professional Transport Training. Guelph,' 1-800-265-,7173. FREE: '1990 GUIDE to study-at-homo correspondence Diploma courses fo pesti 1ou careers: AccountingAircondition- ing, Bo okkeeping, Business, Cos-, metoîoy, Electronics, boLgal/', MdclSocretary,, PsychoioWy TraVel. Granton (SA) 263 Adojaido' West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. B* LEARN- AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestorn Ontario-Schooî of Auctioneering,. Hext class: June 9+16/90. For, information, contact: Southwostera- Ontario. 'School of Auctioneerlng, R.R. #5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4Sý 7V9.,(519) 537-2115. B .0il A CAREER 1IN DANCING! We aie looking for energetic, enthusiastic people to- teach, dancing - will t rain. Cail 430-0014.. A BETTER TAX RETURNI The boat, way to ý get it lis with TaxGuard. When we prepare your, tax returni, you'II recoivo ýevery break coming to you. You'IlI pay the Ieast tax possible. Home ampointment- available nowl *Cali f Free: 1-80-265-1002. Farm Business Consultants -- your faim tax experts for 37 yearsl 1 B HOME. DAYCARE -, Are you looking for botter. cars for your .child? l'm an experionced day cars workor with excellent reforences. Will take 3 children in my ho me. 2 years or older. For more information, , please cail Donna,- 666-3243. FALUNGBROOK, -WHITIBY. Mther.of 2 will providie*quality home day cars for your infant or pre-schooler. -Lots lof activities, foncedyWd. Linda, 668,-0108.. ,MOTHER 0F TWO willing to*e babysit your child in Mny home. Lunches, crafts -and walks. Near R.A. Hutchison school. 668-1135.. GOOD FOR mothors-in-l;aw or grandmothers with extra time. Will pay 1 travelling fees and $4.00 per *hour. Whitb" residence. 2cilrn 430-0228beforeil a.m. REGISTrER'ED NURSE &.nmotheBr will-' babysit in, h er homte. R.A. Htchiso n 'School -aiea.Cal <430-6335 for information., ,FULL DAY PRE-SCHO OI p rograin in my, homE Rssland/Garden aiea. For 3-5 yoarý olds..' Snacks and lunch, 430-7423. ,FOR SALE: Cook books. Harc covor and microwave oven recipes. Please cal after 8 ppm., 668-0825. NEW BA BY IN THE FAMILY? <iethe most porsonalized, unique gift-baby will over"receiv*e. treasured for -a lifetfro. -Sond nane, birthday and* $5 to Baby Backgonder. Glencairn,'Ontario, LM iKO.B SAVE 'MONEY AND your onvironment. Rotate your corn. boss insecticide moans more birds. THRASHERS, VEEfYS THANK VOUI "Farmor's fine Feathered Friendsu Box- 2752-B, bondon, M6A 4V3.B BUSINESS BOOKS, Self- Improvement Tapesl ý(Dealor inquiries welcomo). Hundeods of Tils available. :Free :details. Canimex Enterpisesa, 934' Childs Drive, Mton, Ont"rLo,1T 4J6. -B MANUFACTURERS' SECONDS at great bargain prices. Pleaso cail for directions, 434-8870. CHESTERFIELD SUTS loveseats, sectionals, Iess than haif price. Large selection. MoKeen' Furniture, 524, Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181., *MATTRESSES and box'aprinigs at* haîf 'price. McKeen Furniture* 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. ,Sewing Machine Repairs ,<.Ait Mes, Comnplôte Tune-Up $39.95 Reèconditioned Sewing Machines' from $59.0 571-1385NGC ETR . 5 CENTRE] 400 King St. W. Oshaw HOCKEY CARDS., Osha% Gonerals* 23 card set,, producod1 ~7t lrnin Setch, ,features f t N.H.L. Superstar "Eric Lindroi Llmit 5 sets per order, cost $7.1 + $1.00 P & H. Send choque' money order to: Grand Sla Enterprises, 4 Lowder Plac Whitby-, Ont. LiN SCi. DOUBLE BEDI, like now.ý. FisIh Price high chair, tub' set, Jo1 J moSnuggle, baby carrie Phonoaftor 4 p.m. 430-3272. UPRid~HT rGA EEN PIAN<1 CaiI 666-3749.' ma ire. s.RAVIOLI >FORI oo Homomhado, fresh,- frozen. or chosse filled. Sold by tho ar Call Teýrri,*Ç66-3732. ier -wnir * OFFICE/WAREHOUSE.to less. 825 q.f.Rar overh ea door, finishedoffici6-In new petg .$o.industrial maal. ,Thickson Road and 401. Cail 436-9295. SALE. Ricotta dozen. SECTIONAL- CHESTE RFIELD. Burgandy, excellent* condition. L WEATHERDEK IS Canadlas D. leadinq supplier of" shoot, vin y l 5 used un wat9rproofinp, sundecks,-I 4s . roofdocks, balcon:, POOl surrounds, ôe. We Il w hv e a -dealership avallable ln your aiea. In TPDLA ADfrodgl return for a $12,000 invostment, andOansr aId ms welc'one we suppy inve to*,tols and ail addaod.Tae Mwloe traniguyoIwa to ;,start-your Estate 'ewollry sold'on ýconsugn- firat business or add-a:product to mont. Siras of, Whitby,, 436-9070. an xîslngon. gîe u a ollctWhtby. Mail,' 1615 Dundas -SLtE. cail at (604) 860-1200. Attention: LN24 IMr. D. Chaisson. B COLLECTOR PLATES. Save $$$ on aIl plates, including. Bradford Exchange plates, by joining the Eastern 0owship's -Collector Plate Club' (ETCPC). Send naine, açldres, ad telephone number, alongRih this. ad to receive your FREE 1990 membership, to ETCPC., 3300 Mitchell R,'oad, Lennoxv.ille, Ouebec, J1M 2A3. B WIG CLUB. Join thousands of satisfied customers. Buy-wigs at Wholesale prices. From -$39.95.« -ýShop - by catalogue- and save. FREE catalogue. Cal TObL- FREE: 1-800-268-2242. B RETAILERS ONLY. Video movie and Nintendo leasing.: We -are well-stocked, fast, - efficient.- Bi-weokly rotation. You select: your' invontory. Canada wide: -1-800- 665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. B OFFICE FOR,< RENT; 'Downtdwn Whitby, at 4 corn ers. Second floor. Suitable for. lawyer, doct à r'offi!ce, accountant, -etc. Cail, 623-5524. 3,.BEDROON bungalow.-WaJk7ot dock, close 10 Go and 401. $875. per monthý plus 1/2 utilitiois. Phono aftor 7p.m. 416-649-3149. ONE BEDROOM apartment available, April 1. $532. monthly. Includes appliances, parking and utilities. Apply 10Vitoria S.W. WHITBY',QUIET DUPLEX. 1 bedroo >m aà patmenit. $595 'plus V2 tiltios. -Ask-forlarry,57-200or 668- 2112. CLEA N QUIET ý ROOm-féor'gnn ,an excluswivan friondly home.,Al utîlitios Aipcluded; Close, to ýtransportaoi.tn*'ësmoker. Pleaso cail 436-9553. tSPACIOUS .2% BEDROOM' anarmont'from i$760. prmnth. NaGo Station . 1-416&699-5287Z WHITBY, 1 bed.room basemo'nt apartmoni Near, ,Go & 401. Avaebo 'aylst.- $500. per month, alé-nclusve. First last. Referencesý.,430-1746. EAST TORONTO, 'amai-2 bodroom upper. Sit' single, non-smokep. $625. monthly. Phono 694-4324, Weokdays. ABOVE TOP DOLLAÂI PAID.-for, old gold and diamonds. Trado ins wlcomne. Estate jewellry sold on consignment.-Parky's, 111B Dundas S.W.. Whitby,. 430-8387. FARM FOR, SALE. Excellent 200 acre faim 10 miles -east of Port Perry. ýJoo Kirley, Real Estate, (705) 324-0206 anytime., NICE 'LEVEI4WATERFRONT, 50 miles 0f creing, 100 ft. pines. Good swiP!mmi Hydro and road. 2 hours north. $3 ,900. 683-4019. STO P. ' o0 t throw' it out. :cmobd ~ ~h ant it. Try the classifioda. Pf ne. 668-6111,. 'VENDOR WANTS UT SOLD' Bun King- BaIlery franchise In downtbwn Bowmanville'. Aill, equip- ment& the deliver y van -included. Please cail Brenda ':Vander Elst-, 576-4111 ois 579-8634.ý' ýMarch'is B-ed Çcross Mointh LAST WEEK FOR-NEW, MATTRESS TRUCKLOAD SALIE AT McLEAN AUCTIONS 870 TAUNTON RD. E.,,. WHITBY FR.MARCH 23, 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. SAT. MARCH 24, 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. *ALSO SUN; MARCH 25, 12 -S5P.M., Namne -brand ýmattrossos, box springs king sio, q usen size, dobes, x- long singles, hoad- boards, bed framos, seconds. From $50., New- tables,& chairs,. sofas, lovoseats.- Great savings o n-quality mercha'ndise. Many more items. 576-7550 686-3291 - I s, 'f